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It was meant to be a Harmony Day Game


Knightmare said:
It's funny hearing people blamiing that certain "demographic of society". I'm not going to try and paint them as innocent like some stupid liberal, but all the people from "that demographic of soceity" I have met have been quite polite, and I haven't felt threatened by them. From my experience, they're the sort of people who, if they're having a meal, will literally tell you to join them, even if you've already eaten. Jedda has a good argument though, however I'm wondering if stripping points would be better- that way, the club would have more incentive to weed out the people that are hindering (literally) the teams' success.
Mate come on, how many of that demographic have you come across? I've lived in the canterbury bankstown area for 20 years and have quite a few mates from that demographic, as you have met, and they'll be the first to admit there is a problem element within that demographic. If myou don't know what they look like just follow the trail for bad haircuts, adidas tracky dacks, thick silver chains and lonsdale/everlast singlets,.


I think Dodge isnt accepting of real issues that put his beliefs and team down. Just called standing up for yourself.

Of course he is a complete dickhead and 100% wrong, we all know that much. While watching on TV though I think I saw a Tigers fan, about 10 years old, single handedly beat 15 women bulldogs supporters.

Anyone notice in his sig he singles out the Sharks, out of all the crap teams that can't win it. I think he is just a hateful person... and a dickhead.


hybrid_tiger said:
Alcohol has NOTHING to do with Bulldogs violence.

And there is not blame to shift. The blame rests squarly with the Canterbury club. It was their home game and it's their problem to sort out.

No doubt it will be repeated in the future though.

No it doesnt, it has a problem with wests supporters, like I said, my boss at work won't go to campeltown because of red neck hicks causing strife, thats a fact.


paulquinn49 said:
I think Dodge isnt accepting of real issues that put his beliefs and team down. Just called standing up for yourself.

Of course he is a complete dickhead and 100% wrong, we all know that much. While watching on TV though I think I saw a Tigers fan, about 10 years old, single handedly beat 15 women bulldogs supporters.

Anyone notice in his sig he singles out the Sharks, out of all the crap teams that can't win it. I think he is just a hateful person... and a dickhead.

Mate, that was the worst f**king post I have ever read, do us a favour and play hopscotch on the m4.


paulquinn49 said:
I think Dodge isnt accepting of real issues that put his beliefs and team down. Just called standing up for yourself.

Of course he is a complete dickhead and 100% wrong, we all know that much. While watching on TV though I think I saw a Tigers fan, about 10 years old, single handedly beat 15 women bulldogs supporters.

Anyone notice in his sig he singles out the Sharks, out of all the crap teams that can't win it. I think he is just a hateful person... and a dickhead.

And judging by that cronulla pride bullsh*t as your sig, you were at the "nulla" with 5000 of your mates bashing people who weren't white yeah?


N.Hindmarsh_Fan said:
No it doesnt, it has a problem with wests supporters, like I said, my boss at work won't go to campeltown because of red neck hicks causing strife, thats a fact.
What's also a fact is no other club has had problems with fans like the bulldogs. I'm not saying the club is the blame but you can't deny that they have a problem element at their games.


dodge said:
ink, come up with facts and figures all you like. You know for a fact I was at the game AND in the area the fights happened - you gave me the f**king tickets! I saw with my own two eyes, three Tigers fans being taken away by the coppers. One was a long hair bogan in a BWS shirt who kept saying "wasn't me" all the time. I'm not the only one with anecdotal evidence either. Save your "official reports" for someone who gives a sh*t. I know what I saw and I will not sit back and let my club be singled out when your club has a filthy scum element who is violent as well.


So you dont believe your own CEO?


aqua_duck said:
What's also a fact is no other club has had problems with fans like the bulldogs. I'm not saying the club is the blame but you can't deny that they have a problem element at their games.

I know they have, I won't go to telstra either and I am middle eastern!!! But due to my own experiences of being verbally abused by drunken idiots, it leads me to believe that atleast some of these attacks are not unprovoked.


INK they tried to blame Roosters fans for the fights in rd 3 2004. :lol:

Yeh that was Roosters fans ripping up seats and throwing sh*t on the field etc etc etc. :lol:


As someone who was at the Roosters vs Bulldogs match in 2004, I think it's high time the NRL acted on these idiots.

I quite like the Bulldogs as a team, and none of what happens is their fault, but this cannot go on. 4 points MUST be deducted immediately. If not, what in the hell was the use of a suspended sentence?

That said, I think action should be taken against other teams where these sorts of incidents also occur, albeit on a smaller scale. I have been physically attacked at Tigers, Roosters and Dragons games, seen it happen to others, yet nobody mentions it. I'm sure there's a small idiot element at Raiders home games as well. There seems to be a problem in general in a lot of crowds, and it's high time the NRL addressed it.


First Grade
aqua_duck said:
What's also a fact is no other club has had problems with fans like the bulldogs. I'm not saying the club is the blame but you can't deny that they have a problem element at their games.

It's all a media backed conspiracy against Canterbury :lol:


First Grade
Didn't hear too much about trouble at Bulldogs home games last year when they weren't winning at the back end of the season. Apart from the bunger going off against the broncos. Maybe only thier "true" fans attended the last 2 or 3 home games for them.

Empty stadium punishments for home games, I feel would work. They do this in Serie A soccer in Italy for teams who get punished for bad crowd behaviour.

It just makes the club a bit more weary to take even more steps to control their supporters whilst in the ground, and also punishes them with a lack of income for that particular event.


Choppies said:
INK they tried to blame Roosters fans for the fights in rd 3 2004. :lol:

Yeh that was Roosters fans ripping up seats and throwing sh*t on the field etc etc etc. :lol:

Yeah I know, denial is a pre requisite for soem Dogs fans.

Dodgey......why didnt the arabic women you saw that were attacked by Wests fans report it?

Why didnt you do something?
Women getting attacked and you just stand by an watch?

Why havent we heard of this?

Please tell us more.


First Grade
I would like to say I went to the Bulldogs vs Penrith game with my 2 of my young children, my brother and my young neice. I can honestly say I did not see any trouble whatsoever. We had bulldog supporters congratulating us on our teams performance. We had very obvious happy drunken Penrith fans singing every where we looked, one of which just about gave Sonny Bill Williams a face massage chanting Penrith as he walked by him and to Sonny's credit he kept walking.

Bulldog fans every where in my sight were just smiling and walking to their cars. I walked from one side of the stadium to the other. Hung around out the front of the carpark for about 15 to 20 minutes whilst we all did the loo thing. Walked to our car in the parking station. Joined the queue of cars - many of which were blaring their horns .... which I believe were Bulldog supporters and they were flying their flags. Not one scuffle did I see. But I could have just been lucky and missed any minor ones that broke out, out of my sight.

It just amazes me that the very next week it's a completely different story.
Every game you go to, there are minor scuffles, fans being ejected from the grounds. But that's just it, they are minor and they are handled. I've been to plenty of grounds and seen the same carry-on's that happen at Penrith. But none of it end up as media coverage.

Could it be that the West Tiger fans are emerging to give Rooster fans a competition in being the most arragant of fans?

I remember watching a brawl on TV with Rooster fans baiting Bulldog fans and the Rooster fans giving just as much back in fists as the Bulldog fans were yet it was mainly categorised as the Bulldogs fans doing even though there were plenty of plain clothed fans who were doing the fist throwing.

Now I've seen footage pretty much resembling the same footage I saw that other Friday night game. It showed Bulldog supporters in Bulldog jerseys trying to pull apart fighters but getting a knuckle sandwich for their efforts and who would blame them to retaliate? It shows some West Tiger supporters in jerseys and plenty of others without jerseys? Didn't I see a fairly heavy set women in a Tiger Jersey jumping seats to get involved in some way as to whether help pull them away or throw her 2 cents (or ringed knuckles) in? We can only speculate as to what she would have been doing...

It seems now every time I read some of West Tigers supporters posts they are blatent discrimatory posts which are starting to gain similarities along the lines of roosters fans are they are certainly making me cringe.

One thing I will mention about the footage I saw - again it was of Willie Mason pointing, commenting and smiling.

The other footage was of Braith and Willie and wasnt that to do with the other Friday night brawl...?

These brawling fans will see this, whether it was the media cleverly slotting in images to fit with the occasion or not, and think they are entertaining our football players and the mentality will be ... "they loved it"!!

Willie Mason needs to check his emotions.


innsaneink said:
Yeah I know, denial is a pre requisite for soem Dogs fans.

Dodgey......why didnt the arabic women you saw that were attacked by Wests fans report it?

Why didnt you do something?
Women getting attacked and you just stand by an watch?

Why havent we heard of this?

Please tell us more.
maybe it was a figment of his imagination?? Who knows?

Most dogs fans will acknowledge there are a few so called dogs fans who are trouble makers, Dodge won't even accept that. Apparently its always the other teams fans that provoke them?


Big Poppa Pump said:
Fox Sports showed footage of brawling in the stands - The newsreader made a point of saying it distracted the players especially Willie Mason & then it showed Mason standing there pointing up into the fighting in the crowd & laughing.

It was obvious thats what Willie was laughing at, Willie looked pointed and laughed at the exact direction the fight broke out, what elese would it have been.
Good role model for these young Doggies fans hey?


aqua_duck said:
This group are generally youths of middle eastern appearance, its so bloody obvious. Police need to focus their resources on this type of 'supporter', between the age of 15 and 30, middle eastern appearance and in a group of atleast 10. There are also other give aways like the mullet and carrot top hair cuts.

This I don't feel is so much a football issue as it is a social issue. I live in Greenacre, and I've lived in the canterbury bankstown area my whole life and I see these kind of dickheads cause trouble all the time. In my opinion the parents are to blame, I've seen way too many lebanese/arab parents not take responsibility for the actions of their kids. Too often when a lebanese youth is arrested the parents will lay blame at the police claiming racism instead of disciplining their kids. The fact that they are cowards doesn't help as they feel the need to puff out their chests and act like heros when they have 50 mates around with them, this behaviour occurs because these wankers know they are nothing but cowards but need to feel good about themselves.
I might be digging a whole but I think its more of a racial issue than a football issue. Lebanese in this area tend to have a real us vs them mentality, and it flows out at bulldogs games. I'm not sure what the bulldogs can do because its hard to pin point this troublesome element and its not made easier when most youths of middle eastern appearance sit together at games, trouble makers and genuine fans.

Agree, the experiences that I have had with these ppl are that the parents
to me actually like the fact that there kids cause problems against us.

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