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It was meant to be a Harmony Day Game


Cammo said:
I can understand other clubs supporters not going to Dogs games anymore. After my incident I thought about it as well. While I will never support another team, I have seriously lost the will to turn out week after week and put up with the crap that I see from these idiots masquerading as Dogs fans.

That is exactly the case with my Bulldogs supporting mates. a few of them are of Lebanese origin and they cannot stomach Bulldogs 'fans' anymore so they just sit at home and watch the games. Sad really but I don't blame then in the slightest.


I'd hate to be a real Dogs fan, feel sorry for the genuine ones.

We couldnt go last nite, prior commitments, but have had trouble before at a Dogs game and as a parent of a young child who comes with me to games....well I wouldnt take him up the cross at 3am on a Saturday morning, the footy used to be relatively safe.

Dunno what the Dogs Mgmnt can do but more needs to be done, NO more night games....what a hollow threat that was.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
I'm not sure about the goings on outside the ground - it wouldn't surprise me, but I will not have a bar of 'Dogs fans being the instigators of what happened behind the posts while Gibbs was being taken off the field.

I watched the Tigers fans for the minutes before bait & bait & bait until the boys finally snapped. Someone ended up knocked down and plenty of police needed to get involved. Half the stadium was looking at what was going on, yet the Wests fans at the other end seem to think they knew it was all Bulldogs fans.

I'll probly agree post-match it was dickhead faux-Dogs supporters doing what they did, but the sh*t inside the ground was well and truly the making of bogan Tigers fans wanting to have a go at anyone they could. I actually saw a Tigers wife hug her husband congratulating him for riling up the Doggies fans and getting into a brawl.

F**king ridiculous how it's always 'Dogs fans blamed.


Dodge, you still have to admit that it is a problem that occurs time and time again at our games. I have been victim to it even though I was wearing my Dogs jersey. It is driving people away from our games and away from our club, and that must be stopped.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Parki said:
theres 2 things you do

1. The next bulldogs home game isplayed in front of an empty stadium. May seem excessive, but with no support they will get the message. There will be no need for crooked security guards, they will have nothing to guard

2. Take 4 points off the dogs. Yes, its not the players. Yes, its unfair. But how many times are we going to go through this sh*t? NO MORE FFS. Take the points off them that you suspended a year or 2 ago for bad behaviour, and lets get on with making games safe and family accessible. If anything it will spur the real dogs fans into action themselves, to get the bloody troublemakers out. They wont last long if they are costing the real fans points, i can assure you that.

Talk about setting a very very dangerous precedent. We aren't the only club who has these troubles and the sooner people realise that the better. Finger pointing would go beyond ridiculous and elements of fan bases would start trouble just as an attempt to get points stripped off other teams.

There are better ways to deal with trouble, both from "Dogs" supporters and opposition supporters.


dodge said:
I'm not sure about the goings on outside the ground - it wouldn't surprise me, but I will not have a bar of 'Dogs fans being the instigators of what happened behind the posts while Gibbs was being taken off the field.

I watched the Tigers fans for the minutes before bait & bait & bait until the boys finally snapped. Someone ended up knocked down and plenty of police needed to get involved. Half the stadium was looking at what was going on, yet the Wests fans at the other end seem to think they knew it was all Bulldogs fans.

I'll probly agree post-match it was dickhead faux-Dogs supporters doing what they did, but the sh*t inside the ground was well and truly the making of bogan Tigers fans wanting to have a go at anyone they could. I actually saw a Tigers wife hug her husband congratulating him for riling up the Doggies fans and getting into a brawl.

F**king ridiculous how it's always 'Dogs fans blamed.

Unfortunately, your credibility here is about 0.

Why do you bother?


dodge said:
I'm not sure about the goings on outside the ground - it wouldn't surprise me, but I will not have a bar of 'Dogs fans being the instigators of what happened behind the posts while Gibbs was being taken off the field.

I watched the Tigers fans for the minutes before bait & bait & bait until the boys finally snapped. Someone ended up knocked down and plenty of police needed to get involved. Half the stadium was looking at what was going on, yet the Wests fans at the other end seem to think they knew it was all Bulldogs fans.

I'll probly agree post-match it was dickhead faux-Dogs supporters doing what they did, but the sh*t inside the ground was well and truly the making of bogan Tigers fans wanting to have a go at anyone they could. I actually saw a Tigers wife hug her husband congratulating him for riling up the Doggies fans and getting into a brawl.

F**king ridiculous how it's always 'Dogs fans blamed.

Mate, denying the problems isn't going to help.

You should be trying to weed out these scumbags, not defend them.


hybrid_tiger said:
Mate, denying the problems isn't going to help.

You should be trying to weed out these scumbags, not defend them.

I agree completely. The victim mentality is only going to make things worse. These a-holes need to be gone from our game ASAP.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Cammo said:
Dodge, you still have to admit that it is a problem that occurs time and time again at our games. I have been victim to it even though I was wearing my Dogs jersey. It is driving people away from our games and away from our club, and that must be stopped.

As I said, I have no doubt it happens outside and the perpetrators are wearing 'Dogs jerseys. But I'm sick of the whole 100% being laid on my club and it's supporters. I know that a very small minority of Tigers fans are "redneck bogan hicks" - but the ones that are were the element who started it last night, within the ground at least.

Either way it was a killer game last night and kudos to the majority of Tigpie fans who aren't getting stroppy about the loss. Wish I had the dignity :lol:


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
innsaneink said:
Unfortunately, your credibility here is about 0.

Why do you bother?

What does my credibility have to do with this? I witnessed something first hand last night. I'm relaying it here because it seems everyone wants to solely blame our club when we aren't the only troublemakers. Something definitely needs to be done about "our" mob (when I say that, I concur that the people instigating don't particularly care about the club but wear our colours anyway), but we aren't the only ones. No palming, just simple truth. Believe what you will.

Bottom line: not denying a thing, just letting the people know we aren't the only ones.


dodge said:
As I said, I have no doubt it happens outside and the perpetrators are wearing 'Dogs jerseys. But I'm sick of the whole 100% being laid on my club and it's supporters. I know that a very small minority of Tigers fans are "redneck bogan hicks" - but the ones that are were the element who started it last night, within the ground at least.

Either way it was a killer game last night and kudos to the majority of Tigpie fans who aren't getting stroppy about the loss. Wish I had the dignity :lol:

Perhaps it would be a start if you stopped trying to play it down.

There is no coincidence that there is ALWAYS trouble at Dogs games. Regardless of who they play.

Jackal Dog

atomic_crimson said:
these dicks dont give a sh*t about the club or game and one problem is telstra stadium security in particular seem to have a lot of gaurds who know these idiots and dont do anything.

Glad I am not the only one that noticed that, how are they "security" when most of them know and probably socialize with these thugs?


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Playing what down? Bad sh*t happened and like the rest of the decent 'Dogs fans, I'm sick of it. But where will the blame stop, and acceptance of responsibility begin? When will you actually read my posts and wake up and notice my club isn't the only one. AGAIN, that's not passing the blame, because we have a sh*tload of things to do to restore order, but it's not going to stop unless we have other clubs co-operating.


First Grade
I'm not saying it never happened, or that they're angels; we know they're not, but I've never copped crap off a Dogs supporter at a game. I've been to games at Telstra and the showground, also at WIN, always wearing the Red V. Never copped anything, win, loss or draw.

The only time I've been harrassed at a game was last years final against the Tigers at Aussie stadium, and a couple of years ago by Parra fans at WIN.


dodge said:
Playing what down? Bad sh*t happened and like the rest of the decent 'Dogs fans, I'm sick of it. But where will the blame stop, and acceptance of responsibility begin? When will you actually read my posts and wake up and notice my club isn't the only one. AGAIN, that's not passing the blame, because we have a sh*tload of things to do to restore order, but it's not going to stop unless we have other clubs co-operating.

You club isn't the only one, but rather the main one.

When your club fixes it problems, perhaps you can then discuss our supposed problems...


dodge said:
I watched the Tigers fans for the minutes before bait & bait & bait until the boys finally snapped.

So your trying to tell me that opposition fans don't pay each other out and torment at every game for every club?

Banter is part of the sport, if these morons cant take that in thier stride, laugh it off and taunt back without resorting to violence, then they are mentally unstable and should be locked up.

Geez, if we had have snapped under the strains of the taunts last year, EAS would have become a real graveyard instead of a metaphorical one. Nothing condones randoms acts of violence, and the fact that (as has already been pointed out) it ALWAYS happens at dogs games means there is a festering wound that needs to be cut out before it becomes gangrenous. I think its already most of the way there.

Empty stands is not the answer, if it was a vast majority of fans then maybe, but this is an incredible minority we are talking about, as such, surely its not hard to identify and ban anyone who starts trouble, as much as i hate the idea of only being able to buy 4 tickets at a time, maybe they need to take that to the extreme.

Lose presales, make it gate purchase only, ID required, the whole kit and caboodle, you can keep a record of who goes in and ensure those on the banned list cannot even purchase a ticket....

Sure its a logistical nightmare, but nothing short of extremism seems to get through thug mentality...


I think this really has nothing to do with the Dogs. The people to blame are Telstra stadium and the Police.

The bulldogs are a football club, they aren't the law enforcement. This isn't a football issue, it's a social issue.

Carl Scully has been talking tough, but last night is proof he is all hot air. The police should have been there is force. Their looking for wanted criminals from the revenge riots, i know the first place i'd be looking is a Doggies game.

Don't for one mintute try and tell me this is a problem with Rugby League, don't try and tell me this problem is because of the Bulldogs. This is a problem with the middle eastern community and the completely useless law enforcement in this state.

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