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It was meant to be a Harmony Day Game

Perth Red

Post Whore
Very sad to see us having to discuss the behaviour (again) of Dogs fans when we should be talking about how brilliant it was to see a 32,000 crowd and how awsome the Bulldogs pack was!

Where I am from (Hull) it is a pretty rough and tough place and both Hull FC and Hull KR have been through periods when idiots at games have caused trouble and dragged down the game and clubs. This has been improved dramatically by the clubs taking it by the scruff of the neck, drawing a line in the sand and making it clear that any unsocial behaviour isn't tolerated.

Fans are filmed and photographed and if any trouble starts they are publicly shamed in the media, fans are banned for life, decent fans ahve formed supporters management groups to weed out the trouble makers and make it more pleasurable for visiting fans and security at the game with trouble causing fans quickly kicked out of the ground has improved.

It isn't a quick fix but has been effective at reducing the problems dramatically.
My friend (a Parra fan) went to a Dogs game about 2 years ago with another mate of his and his aunty... so they were hardly in a big group trying to bait the Bulldogs fans. They left before half time, they said during the game things were getting so bad out in the stands that they were actually scared of what might happen.

It sh*ts me that these idiots can continue to attend games and ruin the experience for basically everyone, mostly the real Lebanese Bulldogs fans because they get grouped in with the idiots causing the trouble. God knows what they'll do about it, probably nothing.
simostorm said:
I havnt heard anything in the press anywhere
its not on the Sky news channel, yous are probally all making it up
and just getting everyone fired up.
You find an article on todays Telegraph. Page 11, top left hand side. I don't think the NRL or the Bulldogs will be doing anything about it given the press coverage. I hope i'm wrong.

Nothing surprises me with bad elements of the Bulldog crowds. I remember watching a game at Telstra with a mate and we were at the carpark at T2 and there were a group of 5 in Bulldogs gear shaking parked cars to see if the car alarm would go off.

Agent Mulder

I feel sorry for the true Bulldog fans, Because most of them are quite nice people, even though im an Eels Supporter i have not had any trouble with Bulldogs fans, But these idiots starting trouble should be booted out of the game on the spot, Also they shouldnt be allowed to breed.


While all teams have their idiot supporters and trouble makers it's a fact that the Dogs have a higher proportion of these idiots or at very least the idiots they have cause more problems either way there has been a history of these problems going back to 1997 when there was a "riot" on the hill at Belmore during a Bulldogs and Panthers game.

Each time something happens the Police, NRL and Bulldogs talk about what they are going to do but end up actually doing nothing.

Other teams have a lot of Lebanese fans but they don't have the same problems as the Bulldogs.

Other teams fans get abused by opposition supporters but don't react the same way as seen at Bulldogs games

Playing the next 2-3 or even the entire season of Bulldogs games in front of empty stadiums might be the only soultion short of throwing the Dogs out of the comp.

Thats not fair to the real Dogs fans but a much tougher stance is needed.

The soccer had a lot of problems with certain clubs that were always getting into problems a couple of times games were played in front of empty stadiums (not that many people turned up anyway) and eventually when the A-League was setup the problem clubs were not invited now you have the Sydney FC and no crowd problems at least not the same level that was back in the NSL Days.

As I said the 1st major incident was back in 1997 that means it's been about 10 years of continual problems at Bulldogs games most of the people causing problems in 2006 seem to be 15-18 year olds back in 1997 they were barely out of diapers if much tougher penalites are not enforced then this will continue to happen we're now getting into the 2nd generation of Dogs fans causing problems

Do we wait until the 5th, 10th or 50th generation of the morons before taking a much tougher stance.


I didnt see any trouble outside the ground last night and I think if we reported in the media every scuffle and fight that occurs at every football game the paper would be full of it every week. HOWEVER
The dickhead element does still seem to be present at Bulldogs matches and I too cannot stand these dickh*ads strutting around carrying on like w*nkers at our games.
It seems to me though that more of these idiots seem to turn up at Friday night games, they are not true supporters and seem to treat the game like a social event to turn up to with their mates and carry on. You see them during games running around, talking and yelling to each other and their friends with no interest in the game whasoever. A solution IMO would be to not give the Bulldogs Friday night games. Saturday nights and Sundays seem to have far less of these di*kheads turn up.
A more vigilant police and security would certainly help also, the one bit of trouble that i did see and most of the crowd saw as has been previously mentioned in this thread was in the GA section during the break while Gibbs was being stretchered off. It spilt across the section and went for ages before any form of police or security decided to turn up, making it drag on. Maybe another solution would be to have a number of security or police sitting in amongst the crowd in the GA sections and immediately turf anyone displaying antisocial behaviour out at the first sign of trouble rather than reacting to late when something finally does happen.

Perth Red

Post Whore
How about the Bulldogs play more games on the road (Christchurch and Perth get 3 doggies home games a season) there by reducing the opportunities for the idiots to cause trouble? (and boosting the expansion of the game)


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
simon says said:
This is the sad part......I love giving opposition fans cheek during the game,going back to their leagues club and buying them a beer after the whole thing.....its the biggest fun for me.

Unlikely to do that at a dogs game I reckon.....

Agreed, but the last line is plain dumb. You're acting as if the troublesome element is a majority. I personally cannot count the amount of handhakes and well-wishes I gave and received after the game last night, my experience apart from the nearby brawls in the second half was great.

simon says

First Grade
dodge said:
Agreed, but the last line is plain dumb. You're acting as if the troublesome element is a majority. I personally cannot count the amount of handhakes and well-wishes I gave and received after the game last night, my experience apart from the nearby brawls in the second half was great.

Ok then......I reckon we should all take Dodges advice and feel free to have verbals with Dog fans.....who are known as being good sports.

I would also advise taking an ak47.

Dodgie boy,you are living in fantasy land,seriously get a grip.Or maybe you should loosen your grip.One of the two.


It may not be a majority Dodge

But there are, literally, hundreds and hundreds of these pricks. A significant number of f**kwits who are causing significant problems for the Doggies. It needs to be sorted - looking for excuses and ignoring the issue won't do the trick, as much as you'd like that to be the case.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
innsaneink said:
dodge said:
Agreed. Let's keep this thread about the footy and the other about the crowd ;-)
You say this
after you say this

dodge said:
FYI the Tigers fans were attacking women last night, particularly any wearing Burqas.

You are a tool.

Back up youre claims. They are very very serious claims and I wonder why its taken you till now to make them, sounds to me like youre making it up as you go, for added effect.

Heres one for you....a Tigers fan I know personally ....on his own .... jumped by 4 in Dogs jerseys in the carpark last nite, was assisted by another dogs fan who was attacked also.

We dont here about this at Wests Souths games, at Manly saints games, at Cowboys warriors or Melbourne Sharks games, etc etc etc...theres alwaays ONE common denominator...Bulldogs.

Back up what claims? I watched these things happen. You weren't there at the game. Inside the ground I saw families of Bulldogs supporters and groups of men being baited by the bogan/hick element of Tigers supporters. They didn't worry about picking out men or women, just whoever they could get a rise out of. There's a difference between footy banter and deliberate malicious baiting of people. This is what I know for a fact happened inside the ground. Let me repeat, it was the Tigers fans I watched being evicted by police. The Bulldogs fans weren't the typical Lebanese or anything either. They were just a family trying to enjoy the night. Another group of men had a bogan breathing down their necks calling them every name under the sun and threatening to bash them. Then when the cops started questioning him, he shrugged and pulled the "wasn't me" routine. f**king spineless as well.

Now let me emphasise: this is what I saw, inside the ground. I have no doubt the f**kwit element of our supporters were f**king up outside and yes, something needs to be done. But I WILL NOT sit here and have you lump total blame on my club when others are in the hot seat as well, got it?


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
simon says said:
Ok then......I reckon we should all take Dodges advice and feel free to have verbals with Dog fans.....who are known as being good sports.

I would also advise taking an ak47.

Dodgie boy,you are living in fantasy land,seriously get a grip.Or maybe you should loosen your grip.One of the two.

Were you actually there last night, or are you latching onto everyone elses opinions and hearsay?

Furthermore, how did you get that out of my statement?


I didn't watch last nights game, but here in Brisbane I have just seen the footage of the crowd violence. I have also checked out the Penrith Panthers website and apparently there were problems last week too.

Did the NRL say they would dock the Bulldogs points if this was to happen again?

Can someone prvt message me with the answer. Im about to watch the 5:30pm game on Foxtel.
cainen said:
What did you say?

congratulations for our victory, good luck to the tigers for the rest of the season

99.9% of the bulldogs do the right thing, its just that small minority that spoil it for the rest and were in round 2 so this violence has to stop...we have another 22 games to go before the finals

i freaked out for my younger cousins because since im older i feel its my duty to protect them....i also asked if 99.9% of the dogs fans do the right thing is it fair for them to be penalised...also well done to malcom trying to solve the matter

they said i spoke from the heart...

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