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It was meant to be a Harmony Day Game


Those thugs responsible for last nights brawls were no doubt dogs fan. It always is, every single time. These people are the lowst form of life. Its is quite unfortunate as there are very many decent dogs fan whom i am firends with personally, but there are those many like we have seen time and time again.
Why do they keep doing it.?? because they know they can get away with it, they know this poor excuse of a law won't do anything.
Its time scum like this was made an example of. Give them time behind bars, at least 2 years if convicted. Yes harsh but maybe the next thug may think again to start any trouble in future. The law has to change to protect the decent people of this country.
Last night again was a total disgrace, and its all over the news of who is to blame.
Like one poster said, broken limbs courteousy of the boys in blue would be a joy to see. These animals cannot keep getting away with this type of behave. Its absolute criminal.


from that footage, it was clear that those fighters wern't there to watch football at all, no jerseys or hats, just regular street clothes. from what i did see, fans in dogs jerseys were trying to pull the idiots apart!


***MH*** said:
from that footage, it was clear that those fighters wern't there to watch football at all, no jerseys or hats, just regular street clothes. from what i did see, fans in dogs jerseys were trying to pull the idiots apart!
Why of course, that must be it. :lol:


This group are generally youths of middle eastern appearance, its so bloody obvious. Police need to focus their resources on this type of 'supporter', between the age of 15 and 30, middle eastern appearance and in a group of atleast 10. There are also other give aways like the mullet and carrot top hair cuts.

This I don't feel is so much a football issue as it is a social issue. I live in Greenacre, and I've lived in the canterbury bankstown area my whole life and I see these kind of dickheads cause trouble all the time. In my opinion the parents are to blame, I've seen way too many lebanese/arab parents not take responsibility for the actions of their kids. Too often when a lebanese youth is arrested the parents will lay blame at the police claiming racism instead of disciplining their kids. The fact that they are cowards doesn't help as they feel the need to puff out their chests and act like heros when they have 50 mates around with them, this behaviour occurs because these wankers know they are nothing but cowards but need to feel good about themselves.
I might be digging a whole but I think its more of a racial issue than a football issue. Lebanese in this area tend to have a real us vs them mentality, and it flows out at bulldogs games. I'm not sure what the bulldogs can do because its hard to pin point this troublesome element and its not made easier when most youths of middle eastern appearance sit together at games, trouble makers and genuine fans.


gunnamatta bay said:
Sharks fans never travel to dogs games. It's been going on for years but our state government and police refused to listen.

By the same token i've been to Shark Park and the behaviour of some sections of the Cronulla fan base leaves a lot to be desired. It's a place i'll never go back to.
I'm a Dogs fan - and although I could not make it to last night's game - I have seen this behaviour all too many times before. And I can guarantee you - these people involved in these incidents do NOT come for the football. They are not football fans, and would struggle to even name half the lineup on the field.

They come to act like hard c&#ts and show off with their mates.

Always from the same demographic of society too...shall we say. And just leave it at that.

Security at Telstra has a LOT to answer for too! Whenever us Dogs fans police our own - and I have seen this with my own two eyes on more than one occasion - and have heard anecdotal evidence of this from others as well - when we catch & hand an idiot fan over to the Security Guards at Telstra - they just tell them to "Bugger off somewhere else" - and let them go!!!!

Don't take their names...Don't call the police over. I just can't believe it!!

Telstra Stadium security just exacerbate this problem. Tey need a MASSIVE overhaul. If this problem is to be stopped - it needs to be fought on more than one front.

NES?..I don't know.

But whoever they are - I can 100% honestly say - they are NOT doing their jobs!!!

I wouldn't even hire them to do security at an Octogenarian Mother's Club Meeting. That's how bad they truly are!



Bulldogs in strife again
March 18, 2006

THE NRL has not ruled out stripping the Bulldogs of competition points if crowd violence continues to be an issue at the club's matches.

The Bulldogs defeated the Wests Tigers in front of a near-record crowd of 32,578 at Telstra Stadium last night but the victory was soured by the behaviour of a minority of fans.

A fight broke out in the grandstand midway through the second half of the match, which was part of the NRL's promotions for Harmony Day.

Violence also continued outside the venue after the match.

Nineteen people were ejected from the Stadium, mainly for minor offences, but the ugly scenes from the stands are yet another black mark for the Canterbury club, which has a history of violent behaviour from its fans.

NRL CEO David Gallop said he was waiting for the incidents to be investigated by the club and police, but did not rule out fining or stripping the Bulldogs of premiership points.

"Given the strides the Bulldogs have made in this area it would be a drastic step to look at competition points and fines, but it is something that has to be fixed," Gallop said.



Perhaps the NRL need to look at putting a limit on fans buying tickets to Bulldogs matches.

For example; Only Dog's season ticket holders or members of the football club can purchase tickets. No gate sales and no free give-away tickets for any Bulldog matches.

The same rule would apply to any away supporters wanting tickets for Bulldog matches as well. One ticket per season ticket/membership holder only.

Surely the increased revenue naturally generated by genuine fans who would either purchase season tickets or membership could balance out any short-fall from non gate sales?

Does anyone think this could be a workable solution?


It's funny hearing people blamiing that certain "demographic of society". I'm not going to try and paint them as innocent like some stupid liberal, but all the people from "that demographic of soceity" I have met have been quite polite, and I haven't felt threatened by them. From my experience, they're the sort of people who, if they're having a meal, will literally tell you to join them, even if you've already eaten. Jedda has a good argument though, however I'm wondering if stripping points would be better- that way, the club would have more incentive to weed out the people that are hindering (literally) the teams' success.


After what happen to me last night I doubt I will be going to a game involving the Dogs again.

I have been going to games for over 26 years and have walked out of games with the odd jibbering that carrys on between rival fans which is part of the game. But the actions of a minority of fans is sending this great game down the gurglar.

Don't think this is totally a Bulldogs problem - it is the society we live in. Young thugs thinking they are beyond the law and can roam around doing as they please.
Knightmare said:
It's funny hearing people blamiing that certain "demographic of society". I'm not going to try and paint them as innocent like some stupid liberal, but all the people from "that demographic of soceity" I have met have been quite polite, and I haven't felt threatened by them. From my experience, they're the sort of people who, if they're having a meal, will literally tell you to join them, even if you've already eaten. Jedda has a good argument though, however I'm wondering if stripping points would be better- that way, the club would have more incentive to weed out the people that are hindering (literally) the teams' success.

Say what you like...But I attend just about every single Bulldogs home game. And have done for many years now.

And you just can't deny the truth....And as unsavoury as it might sound - I'm not going to sugar-coat anything for anyONE.

It's the simple truth of the matter.

Full stop.


why dont they make a system where you have to prove your identity to get a seat and they print your name on the ticket? At least then they know who is sitting in every seat and can pick people out when they start trouble?


It appears to be people not generally interested in the game which are causing the problems.

By having to prove some kind of pre-financial tie to the club you're supporting before gaining access to tickets I think would limit the amount of deadbeats who rock up to games on the night looking to cause problems.

Moffo, are you suggesting that anyone with some form of ID be eligable to buy tickets?


I like the ideas mentioned in the past couple of posts, perhaps a couple of emails to the NRL and the Bulldogs are in order.


i would have loved to see steve clarke stop the game and tell the players to walk up the tunnel to see the crowd turn on the troublemakers..... people who really do want to see the game will want blood!

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