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It was meant to be a Harmony Day Game


dodge said:
So where's the proof it was all Bulldogs fans causing the trouble? There might only be Bulldogs jersey visible, but there's certainly a sh*tload of plain clothes people there.

Well you DID tell us arabic women were attacked by Wests Tigers fans inside the stadium, yet we heard nothing about this, even your own CEO stating 2 WTs fans were ejected for underage drinking, 1 dogs fan for fighting and 16 for not sitting in their allocated seats.

Why havent I seen anything of these women that were attacked on the news, it'd be a massive story...

Why havent I heard Kayser Trad, who is always quick to jump on ANYTHING anti islamic/arabic...why havent I heard him in the news?

Why havent I heard anything about this in the media, why havent we seen any pics , why havent we seen videos, why have my friends that were there told me nothing of the sort happened?

Why havent you replied to my previous three questions to you in this thread about this Dodge....yet you reply to everyone else as far that quotes you as I can see ....why did you happen to make 7 or 8 posts on this subject before bringing up something as serious as arabic women being attacked inside the ground?

I woulda though anyone beating up on women of any race would be lucky to get outta there alive, justifiably too.

Just wonder why youve gone so quiet on this point Dodge?

Why Dodge...why?


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
aids said:
so, Dodge
Wests, NRL, Telstra officials, the security, the police
the police commisioner, the media,
Matty Johns and Andrew Voss, Malcolm Noad, David Gallop
the photographer from getty images, a dozen eye witness accounts from people that were at the game including bulldogs suppoters and reporter from at least three differnt news agencies....all have it wrong.

get your head out of your ass, did you even go?
what bay were you sitting at?
which exit did you take to get home?
what carpark did you park at?
what train/bus did you catch?

Bay 121. Left through the exit directly opposite the Superdome, Was in P3, which took almost an hour to get out of. I have photos of the game too, one of the brawl as well.

Anymore questions you insolent f**king pig?


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
aids said:
so, Dodge
Wests, NRL, Telstra officials, the security, the police
the police commisioner, the media,
Matty Johns and Andrew Voss, Malcolm Noad, David Gallop
the photographer from getty images, a dozen eye witness accounts from people that were at the game including bulldogs suppoters and reporter from at least three differnt news agencies....all have it wrong.

get your head out of your ass, did you even go?
what bay were you sitting at?
which exit did you take to get home?
what carpark did you park at?
what train/bus did you catch?

Bay 121. Left through the exit directly opposite the Superdome, Was in P3, which took almost an hour to get out of. I have photos of the game too, one of the brawl as well.

Anymore questions you insolent f**king pig? You believe the media hype. I was there, I know what I saw.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
innsaneink said:
Well you DID tell us arabic women were attacked by Wests Tigers fans inside the stadium, yet we heard nothing about this, even your own CEO stating 2 WTs fans were ejected for underage drinking, 1 dogs fan for fighting and 16 for not sitting in their allocated seats.

Why havent I seen anything of these women that were attacked on the news, it'd be a massive story...

Why havent I heard Kayser Trad, who is always quick to jump on ANYTHING anti islamic/arabic...why havent I heard him in the news?

Why havent I heard anything about this in the media, why havent we seen any pics , why havent we seen videos, why have my friends that were there told me nothing of the sort happened?

Why havent you replied to my previous three questions to you in this thread about this Dodge....yet you reply to everyone else as far that quotes you as I can see ....why did you happen to make 7 or 8 posts on this subject before bringing up something as serious as arabic women being attacked inside the ground?

I woulda though anyone beating up on women of any race would be lucky to get outta there alive, justifiably too.

Just wonder why youve gone so quiet on this point Dodge?

Why Dodge...why?

You've stayed quiet on the element of your thug supporters as well, what makes you any better?


Was just thinking after reading over the weekend all about Voss and Matty Johns witnessing of the brawls outside the ground.
Bulldogs fans and the club are expected by other fans and the media to stop this happening but as any sensible person on this forum would know theres only so much you can say or do to a pack of brain dead mullet heads.
My question is why did Vossy or Johns not
(a) ring the police and report to them what was happening and where so they may hopefully apprehend these idiots, and
(b) take down their number plates esp. in Vossys case and pass them on to police so they can identify these people.
It seems they were more interested in the headlines and ringing their editors than to do something and make a report, something they expect everyone else to do
Just a thought


there are problems involving rugby league fans of all clubs. its just that now the dogs and their fans are such an easy target for the media so when they step out of line even slightly its all blown out of proportion. the real sad thing is all these clowns are actually believing what they read in these newspapers so it makes it so easy to come in places like here and talk about these problems to try to forget about the flogging they just took at the hands of the dogs on the football field.......


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Shifting what blame? Where have I exonerated every Bulldogs fan?

Are you that up yourself that you think your fans couldn't possibly cause any trouble? Our fans were culprits in certain events last night, I have no doubt about that, I'm not sure how many times I have to drive that into you thick f**king Tigers supporters. What I'd like to know is why Tigers fans aren't copping any blame when I personally watched them start the fights.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
BuffaloRules said:
If Dodge did go to the game, its certainly a rare event for him...

He's usually in here starting and updating the "spoiler" threads...


Want to find a post from me between 5:30pm last Saturday right through to last Sunday morning? Furthermore, care to find a post from me at all after 4 or 5pm on the Friday just gone? I created spoiler threads in the morning on Saturday.


El Diablo

Post Whore
dodge said:
Bay 121. Left through the exit directly opposite the Superdome, Was in P3, which took almost an hour to get out of. I have photos of the game too, one of the brawl as well.

Anymore questions you insolent f**king pig? You believe the media hype. I was there, I know what I saw.

why don't you give the photo to police?


dodge said:
Shifting what blame? Where have I exonerated every Bulldogs fan?

Are you that up yourself that you think your fans couldn't possibly cause any trouble? Our fans were culprits in certain events last night, I have no doubt about that, I'm not sure how many times I have to drive that into you thick f**king Tigers supporters. What I'd like to know is why Tigers fans aren't copping any blame when I personally watched them start the fights.

You've got NFI.

First of all, I never said any of our fans are not capable of causing trouble. A small section of every other clubs fans are capable, especially with alcohol. But none of them are of the severity of your club. It's been proven in the past. Is this little thought really that hard to get through your thick f**king skull?

If any of what you said was true, at least some of it would have been reported. Especially the women harrasment claims. But it wasn't. And you know why it wasn't? It's because you are full of sh*t. Yes, you're full of sh*t and you are always looking for trouble on these boards - just like some of your clubs fans.

You've done nothing but try and drag the Wests Tigers club into this as well. Get it through your thick f**king skull - the problem is not Tigers supporters - it's a section of your clubs fans. And from what I've read from you, it sounds like you couldn't give a sh*t. All your worried about is your little fantasy stories which are trying to lay some blame onto others.

Get f**ked and shove your lying bullsh*t up your arse. Tell it to someone who cares, because I don't think I have to speak for myself when I say that we are sick of your sh*t.

Get f**ked.


dodge said:
You've stayed quiet on the element of your thug supporters as well, what makes you any better?

Id say Im clearly better because I'm not making stuff up, Im not blatantly lying ....where as you clearly are, just to try and win some unwinnable argument.

Youre as bad as those thugs at the game dodge, accept it, dont deny it, youre looking more of a tool than ever, didnt thinkthat was possible....but congrats, it is.

You think yourself as some sort of one man crusade??:lol::lol:

You need help, you really do.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
So you weren't there, I was, and I'm wrong?

AND you believe the media?


You believe what you will. My club will suffer for this. The 99% of decent supporters will get shafted and rorted, and continually mind you, because opposition fans will go out of their way to bait our fans to induce more points deductions. The 1% dickhead element has ruined it yes, but we weren't alone in what happened on Friday night. Are you lot taking the fact you think it was 100% Bulldogs supporters causing trouble as cold comfort for such a pathetic on field display? You didn't see us going on like this when you hammered us 54-2.

Have a nice day boys, have fun believing everything the media tells you too. It's a good look.


based on your theory, the NRL's best goal kicker, and probably the best off field role model of anyone is a blight on rugby league. you are a disgrace. im as aussie as anyone and i can honestly say every culture has people with problems. there are plenty of lebanese people that do the right thing and they dont deserve this sh*t they cop from you so called fans. maybe thats the reason that fights start, racism. if clowns like you stopped generalising lebanese people these problems probably wouldnt happen. get a life


I was there you idiot.

You ARE alone in what happened on Friday night because your club is the Bulldogs. Until you accept this instead of trying to play it down and blame others with ridiculous stories that no one else happened to see or report, then you'll continue to be ridiculed on here.

You're a wanker, plain and simple.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
So NO Wests Tigers fans are to blame for what happened on Friday night? At all?

How can you sit there and say that? Because you're team won the premiership and you think you've earned the right to be arrogant?

Believe what you will. I was there, I know what I saw.


dodge said:
Bay 121. Left through the exit directly opposite the Superdome, Was in P3, which took almost an hour to get out of. I have photos of the game too, one of the brawl as well.

Anymore questions you insolent f**king pig?

Got photos of the arabic women being attacked by Wests fans???

Oh thats right, that came 8 posts after your first on the topic. #-o


dodge said:
So NO Wests Tigers fans are to blame for what happened on Friday night? At all?

How can you sit there and say that? Because you're team won the premiership and you think you've earned the right to be arrogant?

Believe what you will. I was there, I know what I saw.

I didn't say that, did I. Go back through my posts and quote me where I said it.

f**k, you are thick as pig sh*t. Seriously.

The problem is you not accepting that your club mas a major, major problem in terms of behavior at games. My club does not have this problem. Until you accept this, you need to STFU on this issue.

I WILL believe what I want and I happen to believe that you are full of absolute sh*t. As per usual.

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