FunkyMonk said:
um, dude. You can't really compare the two because they have very different styles. Van Halen plays his metal and Frusicnate has his own very original style that is not like any other. Frusciante can play any type of music, anything at all. His range is incredible. What he chooses to play on the records is different and it is up to him. What can Eddie play? Just good old metal cranked up with some effects.
You can compare the two, and Frusicnate doesn't even belong in the same sentence with Eddie. Actually Frusicnate would be lucky to hold it with Jack Black lol
Every guitarist has a certain distinctivness about them and style.
Frusciante would be lucky not to stuff up the Come s you are solo little lone play like Eddie.
If he can play like Eddie prove it, show me a clip? the fact is only a handful of people on this earth could match Eddie in talent, and only one or two others for originality.
You don't become the most influential guitarist of all time for no reason. And Eddie used very few pedals, actually every guitarist uses pedals these days.
You really need to do some research on music, instead on relying on biased statements boardering on insanity. You do realise how pathetic it sounds?