Yeh, sort of. More competition, but probably more roster spots per team in the position they'd likely be aiming at. But it's hard to see what they'd offer that isn't already available from dozens of similarly skilled / built players with years of college/HS experience. They'd need to spend some time on practice squads / overseas league teams you'd think. NFL teams would be more likely to take a risk on players like who could be kick / punter returners initially (e.g. Jennings / RTS .....even Uate).
I think the most significant thing that is overlooked is that these players are on good money over here in this country for this sport. Do they realise that they can say they can give it a crack all they want but do they have the balls to potentially not get paid a cent for a few years?
No one is going to give them money just to go over there and try out.
I think most of the media morons overlook what Hayne gave up and how much he wanted it. the fact he isn't over there for the money and genuinely had a dream is what has made him go the way he has.
Chasing the millions in a different sport is probably not the motivation you should be aiming for.
Maybe Taupau and Taumalolo have that passion, I guess we'll see.