Fantastic, now he can play 6 minutes every week. Must be awesome.
If you are involved in something you genuinely love, why would you care?
I could hit I triangle once an entire concert if it meant I was playing with say Metallica or Korn or something.
He could get a couple of hundred thousand US dollars to be part of special teams and that may be all he cares about.
Sure his competitive spirit may get the better of him but I guess it depends on the whole package and what he may believe he is working towards. He may think in 2 years he could legitimately be a running back and would be happy to bide his time on special teams.
I personally think soccer is the most boring sport in the world yet billions would disagree with me, do I care? Nope! Do they care what I think? Of course not.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as they say.