and he's not here in 2016 either way ... what's the diff?
and what do we do in the meantime - keep $1m in cap space for years to come just incase?
I'll explain.
Hayne: "I want to chase my dream?"
Management: "You have a contract."
Hayne: "I don't care about money."
Management: "We do. we have built the team around you, and you even picked the coach."
Hayne: "I don't care, Jesus said I can make it."
Management: "OK, If you change your mind during 2015 you come back here. If you want to give it a full year, we have first right of reply on your return. Let's do it until the end of 2016 season, seeing you have limited our chances for a successful year in 2015. You owe us at least a year. In 2017 you can go wherever you want. If you don't like those terms. There will be no release. Nil. Zilch. You can however sit the year out and find yourself a bit more but you cannot play another sport. You see you made a promise Jarryd and we have built the team around you. Do you understand?
Hayne: "But I'm the man."
Management: Nobody is bigger than the club Jarryd.