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Jennings to the Roosters?


I'm willing to cop one more bad year IF it brings long term success
I originally thought that but now I'm unsure. I'm tired of copping shit from my mate who is an Eels supporter constantly telling me how bad the Panthers are and how we are the worst team in the comp.


And if it doesn't bring long term success you will have copped it anyway.

I'm just saying that cos it helps me sleep at night... But seriously there is something drastically wrong with club and radical change is needed... maybe it is time for a complete clean out.. if that fails I'm off to support GWS by that time they probably challenging for premiership


1 more bad season? How many regular 1st graders have we signed? I say the loss of Siejka and Jennings puts us no better then this season as far as team development goes.

So we have improved our whole squad? Or just interchanged our better players? Lets compare 2 teams

2012 survivors: Mansour, T.Robinson, Tighe, Daniela, Simmons, Coote, Walsh, Grant, Kingston, McKendry, Newton, Ciraldo, Smith.

The gone 13. Gordon, Uaisele, Jennings, Vaivai, Earl, Burns, Siejka, Achurch, Seluini, Shackleton, Sene-Lafeo, JTK, Lewis (c):

If Brown, Manu's 2012 form carrys over we are in some crap
Segeyaro needs to displace a coach/gus pet in Kingston to get game time.
Whare needs to get a position and settled in


We have the 2nd worst 7 in the comp (Only Sandow is worse).
Have the worse hooker.
A small injury prone 6.
About 6 fullback options none have have had a regular run in the position to judge the best of them long term.

We can overcome these like the bulldogs did this is year with smart options.

Things like when to inject Segeyaro & Robinson. Getting Jennings 1 on 1 with opposition centre. Building on the left side of Robinson, Jennings and Mansour that was building nicely.

Losing a key player a month out from the trials puts you way back in preparations.

penrithmob 65

We can bring point after point on if we are better or worse only time will tell us that
Considering where we have finished the last 5 years and with out change would have continued there or worse i say bring on change.
while every player gives there all on the field some just have that extra effort something lacking in the squad for years.The club has been run by the players way to long and it has been a shambles.I see half as the big hole that at this point has no answer to fill. But oppurtunity is a strange thing


Even with Jennings we aren't contending for the premiership this year. Too many holes. We're still rebuilding as far as I'm concerned.

If he's going at least it frees up some cash for us. We've been struggling with the cap for a while now and this will bring us some huge relief.


With or without Jennings. I like the panthers side. Their forwards are much better even without Lewis their backs need work but cleary is a good coach. He didn't have a great side at warriors in 2011 but managed to get them to perform. It will fall to whether the players want to play for him and the club and the fans. You guys are in a very similar stage to us. It's exciting but also worrying hope the west is strong again soon


Having Brad Tighe, Wes Naiqama, Geoff Daniela etc. replacing Michael Jennings at left centre is a huge blow to the attacking potential of our backline.

Walsh at #7 is already a big enough hit to the attacking potential of our backline. Throw in a fringe first grader to replace our State of Origin centre... and you would hope that the club manages to use his money ridiculously well before you could cop that loss.

Our forward pack is definitely an improvement. But our backline is without a doubt weaker with Gordon definitely gone, and Jennings more then likely gone. While our halves are going to be the same, with less chance for improvement now that our most promising half has been let go so that we can stick with the superstar halfback that led our team to consecutive losses where we didn't score at all. :sarcasm:

I would love more then anything for him to come out and play like our coach seems to think he is capable of playing. But after 3 years of seeing the same sh*t from him, I wasn't convinced Cleary could improve him last year and I was right. This year I think there's even less chance of him showing any improvement. Not saying it's impossible... but to me he's a bit like David Simmons and Adrian Purtell. Fringe first graders who have at times looked like they could be more, but never been able to back it up in first grade despite infinite opportunities. Meanwhile we have a heap of promising players on their way through who get a game or two at most and are let go without getting a decent chance.

Dogs Of War

I don't think you guys will be complaining too much if you grab Thurston for a few seasons. Just means that you have another season where you are competitive but not good enough to make a real run at it.


I don't think you guys will be complaining too much if you grab Thurston for a few seasons. Just means that you have another season where you are competitive but not good enough to make a real run at it.

thats if he comes nothing to say that will happen after all he has had meeting with your club


To be honest I am not that upset that Jenko may leave (i have been complaining about his form week in week out for years) but more the timing of it all.

If he had left months ago, then we would have had cash to spend for 2013 and so many more options. All it does now is disrupt our preparations and combinations.

I just hope that if we do / have agreed to release him then (a) we don't chip in at all; and (b) have made some calls to see who we could get.


I don't think you guys will be complaining too much if you grab Thurston for a few seasons. Just means that you have another season where you are competitive but not good enough to make a real run at it.

Not at all. The problem is JT was leaving he would of said he was going maybe not where. Trials in a month. Then season starts. 10 weeks in SOO, then finals doesn't really leave a window to not disrupt the cowboys. So I think he will stay up there


I would have thought the goal of the like of Gould and co was to create a team with the nursery that is the best in the league but all the juniors are leaving and in enter players like Clint Newton and Wes Naiqama. I mean I can see a plan to put cap space aside for some halves or at least a star but why does Penrith constantly invest in outside stars when the best Panthers of all time have been home grown or at least purchased when they were very young.


I would have thought the goal of the like of Gould and co was to create a team with the nursery that is the best in the league but all the juniors are leaving and in enter players like Clint Newton and Wes Naiqama. I mean I can see a plan to put cap space aside for some halves or at least a star but why does Penrith constantly invest in outside stars when the best Panthers of all time have been home grown or at least purchased when they were very young.

It is. We are investing in outside 'stars' because our juniors have been shit for the last couple of seasons. Gould coming on has seen a re-investment in the Juniors, with things like the playmakers academy and the house for our out of town Juniors to live in being established. This will pay divedends, but not right away. Guys like Newton and Naqaima are there to add the depth that we couldnt get from our Juniors.


Staff member

THE Titans' big-money play for Michael Jennings looks to be over before it really began, with representatives of the star centre revealing they have no interest in meeting Gold Coast officials regarding a possible move.

Jennings's future at Penrith has been the source of constant speculation for much of the past 12 months with the latest raft of rumours reportedly tied into Panthers boss Phil Gould's desire to lure champion Cowboys halfback Johnathan Thurston to the foot of the Blue Mountains next season.

Complicating any move is the fact Jennings's manager, Isaac Moses, has had his NRL licence temporarily suspended, meaning Moses's cousin Stephen will oversee negotiations.

Moses is holidaying with his family on the Gold Coast, but contrary to reports in the media yesterday, insisted no one in Jennings's camp had met or planned to meet the Titans.

That news will come as a bitter blow to the Titans camp after they released centre Beau Champion to return to South Sydney just one season into his three-year contract with Gold Coast.

The Australian understands Jennings is committed to seeing out his deal with the Panthers and has no desire to leave the area in which he was born, raised and has played his entire career.

His position is being made difficult by an apparent feud with Gould - the Penrith supremo so keen to remove Jennings's multi-million-dollar contract from the Panthers' books that he advised the young flyer he did not have to return to training with the rest of the squad after the recent Christmas-New Year break.

With Jennings gone, the Panthers would be primed to tempt Thurston with a proverbial "Godfather offer" to relocate from his base in Townsville with North Queensland.

Cowboys football manager Peter Parr said the Cowboys were aware of Gould's interest in trying to lure Thurston south, but remained hopeful the champion halfback would recommit to the club.

"We are aware that Penrith have sounded out Johnathan - we have been aware of that for some time," Parr said.

"When a player of Johnathan's quality is coming off-contract, you would expect other clubs to express an interest and JT and his manager (Sam Ayoub) made it clear to us from the outset that with this deal they were keen to go through a process of seeing what was available on the open market.

"We are comfortable with that, it is every player's right to do that. JT has been really open and the discussions we have had to this point have been positive. Obviously no one here is getting ahead of themselves but we are quietly confident JT will stay."

Given Thurston turns 30 this year, the deal could well be the last for the North Queensland co-captain.

With that in mind, Parr said it was understandable the former Golden Boot winner would look to secure the best deal he could for his future.

Still, Parr said he was hopeful a decision would be made before the 2013 season kicks off.

"We have been really conscious of not putting too much pressure on him," Parr said.

"His manager has been away on a break, but he is back on deck next Monday and we are planning to speak to him and hopefully get things rolling.

"We aren't putting a timeframe on when a decision needs to be made but certainly you'd like to think we will have something settled before the start of the season."