It's a myth perpetuated by the indie rock hipster bulls*** scene that's gained prominence lately. All of a sudden if you like the Foo Fighters, Iron Maiden and Metallica you're classed as a bogan by some of these cardigan wearing, Arcade Fire-loving pretentious wankers. F*** em.
So what happens if you like Arcade Fire and the Foo Fighters?
If you tell me I have to spend the evening bashing myself, I reckon I've got that covered.
Jessica Mauboy isn't normally my cup of tea, but she was great in the Sapphires and can obviously sing. She appeals to a younger audience, is Australian, what's more a successful Indigenous female Australian, she's talented and she likes Rugby League.
All in all I would say she was a bloody PERFECT choice.
Have now listened to the song / seen the ad a couple of times. The song is a bit meh, but I don't think it's aimed at me.
Somethings got a hold of me is a good tag line though.
The visuals of the ad are great - the idea showing normal people playing / getting excited about the footy, cut in with the real action is great.