I believe a things need to be mentioned in regard to comments about the cabramatta club in regard to some mis-information.
However, before I do that let me state for the record that the incident regarding the 17-2s is a disgrace and the people involved from the cabramatta 17-2s should be dealt with in the harsherst possible way if found guilty.
Also the under 14 player who pushed the referee did not play for the cabramatta club
Like all clubs involved in rugby league there are the good and bad. And if people are involved in thuggery and assaulting officials, yes get rid of them.
Did any one metion the game carrawood, not involving cabramatta, where people jumped the fence wearing balaclavas and assaulted a player. In my time involved in junior league I would say that every club has had serious incidents where certain people have brought their club into the spotlight and disrepute, does that mean all people who are involved with a club mentioned are bad, no.
There are people at the cabramatta who are really dirty that this group have dragged all the people through this quagmire.
The parra refs dont have an issue with the cabramatta club or any other club, its their crumbling relationship with the junior league and some officials, this was told to me by a parra ref.
It won't be the last time a club will be dragged through a *&^%fight due to a minority of idiots but lets hope when they do they to will be given sufficient punishment too.