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Monaghan has become a reference :
" No serious writer of any sort would submit for too long to playing dog to the music industrys many Joel Monaghans. "
It's even made the dictionary.
v. (slang)
To orally penetrate animals with ones penis just for the lulz.
Person 1: Say guys, I'm really quite bored. Dave left some beers in his fridge when he went out to in pick up his girlfriend, but his pet sure looks pretty. Are you thinking what I'm thinking, B1?
Person 2: I think so, B2...
Together: Its time for some monaghan magic.
v. (commerce)
To so utterly damage the reputation of an organisation that it may never recover.
News reporter: In Sydney today, a man 'accidentally' set fire to an aged care facility, watched it burn to the ground and laughed the whole time, all while wearing the logo of Company X, and when Company X has been singing about how well if had performed as an employee this year. Investigations continue, but the whole thing was recorded on fourteen mobile phones and forwarded around the world before anybody from Company X could be reached to put any spin on it.
Audience: Yes, he really monaghanned the brand.
v. (social usage)
To utterly sell out a friend or other workplace competitor, by leaking sensitive information about them to the media which you low will destroy their career, while remaining entirely sheltered from harm.
Those Raiders players are a cunch of bunts, they totally Monaghanned that Joel guy.What was his last name again?
v. (legal/politics)
To be so utterly exposed to international scrutiny and a laughing stock of the world, that it requires a modification of the existing law in order to fix up what really were glaring inconsistencies that should have been picked up years ago.
RiotACT Spokesperson: Say Simon Corbell, weren't you the ACT's Attorney-General when that guy Monaghan monaghanned that dog, and you monaghanned the Stanhope Government in the eyes of the rest of the world when you were asked for comment about why on earth, for the last thirty years, the ACT was happy to let men f**k dogs and apparently continued to overlook this in both revisions to the Crimes Act 1900 and the Criminal Code 2002 which have occurred on your watch, but you have been too busy writing Human Rights Legislation and doing stupid sh*t like forcing gay marriage down everybody's throats to be bothered to fix it?
Simon Corbell: ...
Simon Corbell: Am I being monaghanned right now?
Riotact Readership: Only by your 'friends' in Cabinet...