You seem to often miss the point cheffy. No one is against promoting the name internationally.
What you do is worry about what other nations think about a game they know nothing about. It's classic cultural cringe stuff, and an emotional response.
I've being thinking the same thing about you for a while now. You totally missed the point of what I've being saying. I get the feeling that you barely think about issues outside of the code itself. If ever. Hell, you couldn't even see how $13 million dollars could have being better spent elsewhere, especially in such a tight economy. Get a clue. Libraries are free to join. Newspapers cost $1.50. And I don't mean the Daily Telegraph.
This is about being proactive rather than reactive. It doesn't matter what other countries know about our game, when the only and first thing they now know about rugby league is that one of our top players had his genitalia in or near the mouth of a dog. Until we can remove that association, then it breeds
Do you think the USA or UK care about what Australia or New Zealand says about their crooked players and hooligans? Of course they have their code of conduct, just as the NRL has - they deal with it. But do they give a tinker's cuss about what you think? No.
Public perception affects every industry no matter which way you cut it. You don't think this affects people's perception and image of the code?
Rugby League is made up of individuals with most trying to work together. Individuals sometimes do stupid things while the rest get on with the job. Some individuals do great things. Intelligent people understand this.
And intelligent people proactively manage a situation, not try and sweep it under the carpet.
I don't think every English soccer supporter is a hooligan, or every Pakistan cricket player is fixing matches, or every American football player should be in jail, or every AFL player is biting someone's testicles. But you'd have us believe that Australian Rugby League and it's supporters are answerable to every country in the world because of the dumb actions of a few individuals. Can you see how stupid that is?
They are answerable when that's the first thing they hear about.
That's actually a very good point - but it fails to take into account the whole story.
When you take population into account you have to look at WHERE immigrants are coming from and which States they're moving to. Are these are Queensland or NSW stats or are they Nationwide? If Nationwide, what percentage are going to non League States?
That's not quite right... If you want to compare crowd figures year to year, you have to look at the population as a whole, taking into account everything as a whole. Since immigrants make up a minority percentage of the population, they play a very small role in the figures.