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Joey risks his future


First Grade
hrundi99 said:
I completely disagree. The club pays them their salary, which keeps them and their family fed, clothed and sheltered. Besides that, they are with their club for a lot longer than they are in any rep camp, and clubs tend to have more allegiance to them.

When Mal won the GF in 89 he said it was more important than playing for AUS or QLD, and I agree with him.

It's a completely different situation. We are talking a 4 - 6 weeks contract, it's hardly paying his bills, the Knights do that.

Johns has to make a choice, play in England at the end of the year, OR play for Australia.


Knight82 said:
But gee's its one test match I could understand people being dirty if he was missing the entire tri-nations to play in the comp but one test aint exactly the end of the world.

If Lockyer retains captaincy its a joke Joey absolutely made him look like a neville, he had nothing in answer in SOO.

Youre really looking quite biased and ridiculous.

"Gee ....its only one test match"?

So what do we do?.....Give the next best young half (Thurston, Prince , Orford, Gower?) Joeys spot but hang on young fella, youre only keeping it warm for Joey, you can boot off after the first game.

On the captaincy, yes Johns shat all over Locker but DL is the incumbenmt and he has done a great job and should not be disadvantaged because of Johns' previous misfortune.

Joey......cant have your cake AND eat it too.


First Grade
Knight82 said:
If Lockyer retains captaincy its a joke Joey absolutely made him look like a neville, he had nothing in answer in SOO.

Why should they make Joey captain, he has already said he is retiring from rep footy after origin next year, and he puts a possible 6 weeks stint in England over his Australian jersey. The later is not something you'd expect from a test captain. If Johns is so keen on England, he should be happy to live with the consequences. There is nothing stopping him from going to play in England for 6 weeks at the end of next year.


First Grade
smeghead said:
Why would Johns even be considered Captain it has got to come down to Lockyer or Buderus

No it should just be Lockyer. Lockyer is the incumbant, he is the current test captain and should remain captain. Joey shouldn't be captain of Australia anymore, and last time I checked, Australia do not change captains depending on who won origin. Buderus should be vc and get the c when ever Lockyer isn't playing.

Mr Saab

it never has gone to the BEST player. MaL Meninga was not the BEST player 1990-1994 but he was given the captaincy as he was a LEADER.
That is just your crazy newcastle bias spin on things.
Its goes to a player that can lead and will be there no matter what.
Now Johns... A) is injury prone B) is putting ESL ahead of the green and gold!
SAAB your just dirty mate that joey's reputation is such that he got asked and that noone outside of QLD really gives a hoot about your precious Lockyer.

Mr Saab

Knight....Lockyer is playing in the semis you CLOWN....Johns team is sitting on the bottom of the ladder!
I am sure Lockyer is soooooooooo cut he isnt playing in the ESL when he can win an NRL comp.
Knight82...you have just proven your complete LACK of brains
Mate the knights have used 36 players compared the Brisbanes 27 this year, we have had consistantly about 8-10 of our big names out this week and only once have we had the same team on the paddock two weeks running this year.

You guys have been lucky to have had out 3-4 people this year.

I'm not bagging the bronco's I congrat you's, you's are firing and deserve to be on the top of the table and I am not saying that the knights would be where you's are without injuries but we'd be definate contenders for finals.

And where talking about Joey and Lockyer not their respective clubs.

And the big factor do you think that Lockyer would have come back firing after he'd had a career threatening knee injury? Ofcourse he was going to be down on confidence but now his not his dominating and taking control which is what a captain does and no one comes even close to having the impact on his fellow players that Joey does be it club or rep level.


no player is bigger than the game and there are no execptions. Johns should get over himself and deal with life like everyone else does. Lockyer should be kept as captain he is the incumbent and I believe his team is at the top of the comp and where is the best player's team oh on the nrl ladder it has newcastle bottom. and its bit hard for players to be in 2 places at once hence why no esl clubs have signed lockyer or any queensland players yet.

Mr Saab

Knight82 said:
And where talking about Joey and Lockyer not their respective clubs.

And the big factor do you think that Lockyer would have come back firing after he'd had a career threatening knee injury? Ofcourse he was going to be down on confidence but now his not his dominating and taking control which is what a captain does and no one comes even close to having the impact on his fellow players that Joey does be it club or rep level.

yet after allllllllllllllllll that you say A Johns is willing to play a club game instead of a representing austalia?
What IF Lockyer goes down with injury and cant play for australia? You would think A Johns would take over the captaincy wouldnt you? But noooooooooo A Johns is not there as he is playing for Warrington! JOKE
A Johns thinks he is bigger than the game and this is just another example why i have zero respect for him.
GREAT GREAT player...no question about that, but thats not the be all and end all when it comes to rugby league.

Misty Bee

First Grade
As usual, you are all getting sidetracked by Charlie and his schoolyard rants. You are all missing the big question.

How the hell did it happen that the ARL scheduled a test match on the very day of the bloody ESL grand final? forget Joey for a sec - there are a lot of Kiwis in the ESL who may have to make that choice as well. It's hardly Joey'sfault that schecduling is crap.

Put it another way. The ERL decide to schedule a test between GB and NZ at JJB Stadium on the same day as the NRL GF. The Warriors, meanwhile, make the grand final. Someone misses out on a big game.

I hate it whenever a club refuses to release a contracted player for a test. Happens to the Kiwis quite often, I recall Cronulla refusing to let Kurt and Dane Sorenson play in a Trans Tasman test, but let Steve Rogers play in the same game.

Solution - make a blanket rule - rep games have precedent over club games. With a proviso - if a test is scheduled tocoincide with a finals match in NRL or ESL, the finals match takes precedence. That way, Parra won't lose Nathan Cayless from next years grand final because of a Kiwi v Poms test in bloody Leeds.

Joey, Warrington or any other club or player shouldn't have to suffer because of Z grade scheduling.

And as Bartman pointed out - Darren Smith is already the precedent. If Wayne Bennet allowed that, and doesn't allow Joey the same, then he deserves to be sakced.

Misty Bee

First Grade
Charlie, what if Lockeyer isn't selected? We saw how crap he was at 5/8, and he definitley ain't gunna usurp Mini.

Besides, if Lockeyer is injured, and Joey RIGHTFULLY playes in the GF, then, as I predicted, Danny Buderis will captain Australia.

Mr Saab

Misty Bee...you put slant on things but ingnore the facts as per the norm with you.
Darren Smith was not chosen with the full support of the ARL. It was Anderson doing a stupid thing and he paid for it....with his JOB.
Wayne Bennett had nothing to do with it.
Wayne was probably on the farm with his family when that happened. :roll:


Misty Bee said:
And as Bartman pointed out - Darren Smith is already the precedent. If Wayne Bennet allowed that, and doesn't allow Joey the same, then he deserves to be sakced.

Chris Anderson?

Mr Saab

Misty Bee said:
Charlie, what if Lockeyer isn't selected? We saw how crap he was at 5/8, and he definitley ain't gunna usurp Mini.

Besides, if Lockeyer is injured, and Joey RIGHTFULLY playes in the GF, then, as I predicted, Danny Buderis will captain Australia.

see you are clown once again.
the australian captain wont be selected to play for australia?????????
you have more chance of winning lotto and powerball than that happening and you know it. Stop being a Rex Hunt.
Joey Rightfully plays in the GF and not for australia? Good to see where his loyalties lie...$$$$$$$$$ in front of his country. Great bloke that johns is huh.
And if you want Buderus to be captain then give him the courtesy of spelling his name right....BUDERUS.


I just want Johns to play for Australia so they don't consider picking Kimmorley

Misty Bee

First Grade
Point taken - twas Anderson not Bennet.

However, his selection had the backing of the ARL. Otherwise he wouldn't have bloody played! Remember the Arthur Beetson incident?

Anderson never "lost" his job. He failed to be reappointed for the following term.

A question to ponder...

Name the list of players who have had to forgo a grand final because of a test match.

Misty Bee

First Grade
Joey Rightfully plays in the GF and not for australia? Good to see where his loyalties lie...$$$$$$$$$ in front of his country. Great bloke that johns is huh

Yeah dickface - tell that to Brad Thorn and Tonie Carroll!!!!!!!!!!