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Joey risks his future

Mr Saab

Point taken? care to admit you were WRONG????? noooo cant do that can you misty...too proud for that arnt you!

Are you THAT naive to think that Anderson didnt lose his job? Of course he did! The "not re appointed" was justa smoke screen so people like you buy it!

I dont know the players who have had to miss a test match because of a GF...care to name them

Mr Saab

Misty Bee said:
Yeah dickface - tell that to Brad Thorn and Tonie Carroll!!!!!!!!!!

i am not wasting my time going over old ground that has been debated 100000 times

Misty Bee

First Grade
Charlie, there are NO players that have been forced to miss a GF. That's my point - why must Joey be the first, simply because of good scheduling.

But hipocracy is your bedfellow. Johns MUST play for his counry - giving up a GF no less - or
Good to see where his loyalties lie...$$$$$$$$$ in front of his country. Great bloke that johns is huh.

Yet Carroll and Thorn refuse to play for their country on a regular basis! But that's ok. They are Broncos.


Mr Saab

tonie Carroll you clown was allowed to play for NZ by the ARL in 2000.....TC came to australia very young and played origin in 1998/9/2000. He didnt make australia and because the World Cup was such a joke the ARL allowed many players to play for other countries...even if their great great great great auntie was an Irish lass!! thats how farcical that was. TC then when to england and came back to play with the broncos and resumed his status as an AUSTRALIAN. He never ever played for NZ apart from 2000...and as i said it was a mickey mouse comp.
Brad Thorn is the same and he played origin in 1996/7/8/9/00.
He played union in a totally different code.

Australians are such hypocrites sometimes...look at the olympics....how many coaches are from china in gymnastics? No one seems to care do they?
How many people who represent australia in the olympics were "born" in other countries? quite a few.
Kostya Tszyu was born in Russia and has Korean grandparents...but australia treat as their own....no problems there.
Is Kostya a hypocrite to russia because he represents australia as a boxer???????


You know who Joey reminds me of now? Mundine.

Mundine comes out and said he wants to win a premiership and will join a club halfway though a season.

Joey says he wants to win a English Premiership and will join a club at the end of the season.

Now Mundine never happened, but all he wanted to do was jump on a winning side and take some of the glory from a potential premiership winning team.

Well where Mundine didn't follow through, Joey is. Warrington are 3rd on the ladder? What's to say they can't win the comp without Joey? Joey is just jumping on an already successful team for the cash and to say "he" won an ESL premiership.

If Warrington were to win i can't see how Joey could even claim he won an ESL premiership by playing 6 games for the team. Winning the comp is about playing the whole season. Getting the team to be 3rd on the ladder so they are in the finals in the first place.

And the fact that he is willing to reject the chance to play for Australia to do so makes it even worse. He has just shown how much of a vein idiot he is.

Misty Bee

First Grade
Kostya is an immigrant. Carrol and Thorn aint. Thorn sandwiched appearances for NZ in between appearances in Oz rep games. Why? Twas what he felt like at the time. Code? Schmode.

The point is that if Carrol and Thorn can come and go from international sides as they please, why not Johns?

Atr least Joey has a bloody good reason. "I need to play in a grand final, and I am a huge influence on the game" More than bloody Carroll anyway.

Put it this way, Joey's presence would influence the SL GF. That's pretty major. Would you condone Benji Marshall missing the GF because of a test match half a planet away?

Answer that.

Or, in another precedent, would uou make Lleyton Hewitt miss a Wimbledon Final to play Davis Cup v Madagascar in Bathurst?

Misty Bee

First Grade
The_Coach said:
You know who Joey reminds me of now? Mundine.

Mundine comes out and said he wants to win a premiership and will join a club halfway though a season.

Joey says he wants to win a English Premiership and will join a club at the end of the season.

Now Mundine never happened, but all he wanted to do was jump on a winning side and take some of the glory from a potential premiership winning team.

Well where Mundine didn't follow through, Joey is. Warrington are 3rd on the ladder? What's to say they can't win the comp without Joey? Joey is just jumping on an already successful team for the cash and to say "he" won an ESL premiership.

If Warrington were to win i can't see how Joey could even claim he won an ESL premiership by playing 6 games for the team. Winning the comp is about playing the whole season. Getting the team to be 3rd on the ladder so they are in the finals in the first place.

And the fact that he is willing to reject the chance to play for Australia to do so makes it even worse. He has just shown how much of a vein idiot he is.

So you reckon he approached Warrington. You don't reckon Warrington approached him?

Mr Saab

And TC is not an australian citizen?
Luke Ricketson played for Ireland....Willie Mason played for another nation too in the 2000 mickey mouse cup.
Carroll does not choose to come and go...why are bullsh!tting? Carroll played 4-5 games in 2000 and never played again....it was a once off.

"I need to play in a grand final, and I am a huge influence on the game"

that is the lamest excuse i have ever heard. I hope you are not his publicist!!!!!!!

I wouldnt make Hewitt do anything...Hewitt has stated time and again that Representing australia in Davis Cup is the pinnacle for him. Shame the same cant be said for Johns!


Staff member
Good point you make their misty. If Caroll and Thorn can switch teams and still play for Aus then why not Johns. They should never have allowed Caroll back in as he choose NZ over Aus. Thorn is basically but different code. The ARL have no grounds to say to Johns he can't play for Australia after what they did with Caroll and Thorn.

Mr Saab

aussies1st said:
Good point you make their misty. If Caroll and Thorn can switch teams and still play for Aus then why not Johns. They should never have allowed Caroll back in as he choose NZ over Aus.

he didnt CHOOSE anything!
Facts are you friends!
The ARL allowed the players not chosen to represent australia in 2000 to play for other nations without any repercussions.
Lote did it
Ricketson did it
Mason did it
Carroll did it
Campion did it.


You idiots are completely taking the topic away from the point.

It's got nothing to do with who should be captain!

It's got nothing to do with players changing which international team they play for!

It's about Joey saying he is making himself unavailable if he is playing in a grand final, and the fact that if he does so he is making himself unavailable for the whole Tri Nations series. He has to wear that on his conscience and realise that he is not above the game and he isn't able to pick and choose what games he is available for.

Misty Bee

First Grade
Luke Ricketson played for Ireland....Willie Mason played for another nation too in the 2000 mickey mouse cup

So now international football is Mickey Mouse. As mickey mouse as a grand final perhaps?

Carroll does not choose to come and go

Fair dinkum? Well, from a Kiwis point of view, he did in 2000!!!!!

I need to play in a grand final, and I am a huge influence on the game"

that is the lamest excuse i have ever heard. I hope you are not his publicist!!!!!!!

So you are saying that Johns would not have any infuence on the game??? Have you forgotten how he made your beloved test skipper look in the last 2 Origins?

I wouldnt make Hewitt do anything...Hewitt has stated time and again that Representing australia in Davis Cup is the pinnacle for him. Shame the same cant be said for Johns!

firstly, Johns would never be selected to play Davis Cup. But I'm sure he'd be chuffed if he was.

Secondly, if you wouldn't make Hewitt chose, why hassle Johns? At least Johns DOES something for Australia when he represents, unlike bloody Hewitt!

Mr Saab

thankyou coach for pointing this out....but it is misty who likes to QLD/Broncos bash.
Doesnt look at the facts.

Mr Saab

Misty Bee said:
firstly, Johns would never be selected to play Davis Cup. But I'm sure he'd be chuffed if he was.

Secondly, if you wouldn't make Hewitt chose, why hassle Johns? At least Johns DOES something for Australia when he represents, unlike bloody Hewitt!

so you are a hewitt basher too are you? you are f**king pathetic human being.


Staff member
Charlie Saab said:
he didnt CHOOSE anything!
Facts are you friends!
The ARL allowed the players not chosen to represent australia in 2000 to play for other nations without any repercussions.
Lote did it
Ricketson did it
Mason did it
Carroll did it
Campion did it.

Well then that just shows how f**ked up the ARL is.

Mr Saab

yes it does...i agree there.
However if they have any cred remaining then they should put a black line thru Johns' request.

Misty Bee

First Grade
Lote did it
Ricketson did it
Mason did it
Carroll did it
Campion did it.

Ireland and Tonga are not test playing nations. NZ is. That's how Brian Carney can represent. NZ is! You can't be a kiwi one second, and an Aussie the next. He picked and chose. You had no problem.

Basically, Carroll, by playing for NZ, was making himself unavailable for Australian selection.\

Coach, your statement is hypocritical. Why should Joey not be able to play in the rest of the series? He's already there. He's tuned to the conditions. what's the point in making himmiss the entire series??

Paradoxically, why are you not complaining that he should not be allowed toplay for Warington if he is not available for all THEIR matches????

You can't make rules just to inconvenience ONE player, as much as you might like to.


Staff member
Charlie Saab said:
yes it does...i agree there.
However if they have any cred remaining then they should put a black line thru Johns' request.
Yes they should, we don't want to become like soccer where clubs take priority over Country, or fall behind the Wallabies who never allow anyone outside of the Super 12 play for them.