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Joey risks his future

Mr Saab

I dont say Johns doesnt do anything when he represents australia do i?
Hewitt has one bad match and he is useless????????
What about the time vs Federer when he was down 2-0 and he came back to win vs the Swiss. I bet you loved Hewitt then didnt you!!!!!!!!!! f**king hypocrite you are.
At least i am consistent with Johns...you just like someone when they dod good by you. When they dont then they are useless.

Misty Bee

First Grade
aussies1st said:
Yes they should, we don't want to become like soccer where clubs take priority over Country, or fall behind the Wallabies who never allow anyone outside of the Super 12 play for them.

Does a grand final mean anything to you? Obviously not - it's just another game - ho hum.

You would have loved Mal and Lozza missing from the '89 decider because some dingbat scheduled a test on the same day. Where would they have been, in a riaders jumper or a Kangaroos one?

BTW, name the Oz Union player good enough to represent from outside the S12.
aussies1st said:
Good point you make their misty. If Caroll and Thorn can switch teams and still play for Aus then why not Johns. They should never have allowed Caroll back in as he choose NZ over Aus. Thorn is basically but different code. The ARL have no grounds to say to Johns he can't play for Australia after what they did with Caroll and Thorn.

Prostitutes like Carroll etc who hand in there national honour and play for whoever can offer them a test/origin jersey are laughable. And makes the ARL/NZRL etc look like pimps. But its a separate issue from Johns.

Johns hasn't played much footy over the last two seasons, and so who should blame him for playing in England?? And if he makes a commitment to an English club, who end up making the grand final - of course he can't play for Australia due to the programming clash. The ARL's interest is the national side, and so of course they would need a player to be available to all games. Johns has asked the question (and why not??) if he can be exempt from one game and still be picked for later games, the ARL said no. I dont think either party can be criticised over it. Johns isn't deserting the national side, its all the result of poor programming as mentioned in other previous posts.

If it weren't for the clash of the English GF and the test then there would be no problem, if anything Johns should be credited for bringing up the issue a long time before the game so that everyone is clear on the situation.


i had to sign up to this forum just to reply to this.. it's getting amusing..
firstly, Charlie Saab reminds me of a certain broncos supporter on another certain league forum (whinging and ranting incessant crap that is exactly the same in every post.. JOKE JOKE HAHAHA IM SO GOOD AT ARGUING I CAN TYPE JOKE!!!)

shut up you idiot. speak again when you have something non-repetitive and coherant to say.

secondly - misty bee is right on the mark. if cross-coding and other allowances have been made in the past, there is no reason why joey cannot represent warrington in the GF and continue to play the rest of the tri-nations.
in a nutshell -
- he's not doing it for the money, im sure it's very nice to earn that much, but he's always wanted to play in england.. and this will probably be his last chance before retirement.
- the precedents for similar incidents regarding international league are already there. re: thorn, TC, and a host of other oddities that have occured.
- the scheduling of these 2 events is ridiculous, someone should be shot. they are trying to internationalise rugby league, yet they make it hard for representative players to play for their country by scheduling rep matches whilst a GRAND FINAL is on no less.

Misty Bee

First Grade
Charlie Saab said:
I dont say Johns doesnt do anything when he represents australia do i?
Hewitt has one bad match and he is useless????????
What about the time vs Federer when he was down 2-0 and he came back to win vs the Swiss. I bet you loved Hewitt then didnt you!!!!!!!!!! f**king hypocrite you are.
At least i am consistent with Johns...you just like someone when they dod good by you. When they dont then they are useless.

I recall the finals v Spain when he and Rafter choked.

And when he won v Federer (geez, that's not often lately), I liked him as mich as when he LOST v Federer.

You see, I don't like/hate people because they wear a different jumper. If Joey was in a Broncos jumper, you's be bagging the ARL for lousy test match scheduling.

Then again, if Danny Buderos was born in Redcliffe, you'd be wanting him as Test skipper!

The fact remains that you want to crucify Johns for bad match scheduling. It's not his fault the games coincide.

Mr Saab

Misty Bee said:
I recall the finals v Spain when he and Rafter choked.

And when he won v Federer (geez, that's not often lately), I liked him as mich as when he LOST v Federer.

You see, I don't like/hate people because they wear a different jumper. If Joey was in a Broncos jumper, you's be bagging the ARL for lousy test match scheduling.

Then again, if Danny Buderos was born in Redcliffe, you'd be wanting him as Test skipper!

The fact remains that you want to crucify Johns for bad match scheduling. It's not his fault the games coincide.

and you would be the same if Lockeyr was an Eel or Bennett was coach of the Eels....works both ways.

Misty Bee

First Grade
And before you snigger at the above remark, I am proud to say that my favorite footballer of all time, in fact one of my all time heroes in life, was a very proud Queenslander.

Mr Saab

perverse said:
i had to sign up to this forum just to reply to this.. it's getting amusing..
firstly, Charlie Saab reminds me of a certain broncos supporter on another certain league forum (whinging and ranting incessant crap that is exactly the same in every post.. JOKE JOKE HAHAHA IM SO GOOD AT ARGUING I CAN TYPE JOKE!!!)

shut up you idiot. speak again when you have something non-repetitive and coherant to say.

secondly - misty bee is right on the mark. if cross-coding and other allowances have been made in the past, there is no reason why joey cannot represent warrington in the GF and continue to play the rest of the tri-nations.
in a nutshell -
- he's not doing it for the money, im sure it's very nice to earn that much, but he's always wanted to play in england.. and this will probably be his last chance before retirement.
- the precedents for similar incidents regarding international league are already there. re: thorn, TC, and a host of other oddities that have occured.
- the scheduling of these 2 events is ridiculous, someone should be shot. they are trying to internationalise rugby league, yet they make it hard for representative players to play for their country by scheduling rep matches whilst a GRAND FINAL is on no less.

what are you talking about?
There is no precedent for this ever before.
This issue is not about playing for another country etc. This, as coach pointed out so rightly, is about a player wanting to miss a test match to play a club match in ESL.

Misty Bee

First Grade
If Bennet was coch of the eels we'd possibly have more premierships. If Lockyer was playing for Parra I'd be saying "Geez, he's almost as good as Hindy!!!". Then I'd be wondering how he'd make first grade with McKinnon and Moris going so well!

We had a test captain lose that position. 2 actually in recent years. Never lost much sleep over it.


Charlie Saab said:
what are you talking about?
There is no precedent for this ever before.
This issue is not about playing for another country etc. This, as coach pointed out so rightly, is about a player wanting to miss a test match to play a club match in ESL.
for the 73rd time... it is a GRAND FINAL.
quick, cry about it being a mickey mouse comp. i'll also note that the world club challenge is dominated by the ESL clubs, not the NRL clubs.

go figure eh?

-edit- i didnt say there was a precedant for this exact situation, i said there are precedants for similar ones. -/edit-

Green Machine

First Grade
Misty Bee said:
And before you snigger at the above remark, I am proud to say that my favorite footballer of all time, in fact one of my all time heroes in life, was a very proud Queenslander.
Who was it, Lew Platz or Chris Phelan?

Misty Bee

First Grade
for the 73rd time... it is a GRAND FINAL.
quick, cry about it being a mickey mouse comp. i'll also note that the world club challenge is dominated by the ESL clubs, not the NRL clubs.

go figure eh?

Yeah, imagine the whinge if the Awl Blicks played on the same day as the NRL GF, and Thorn had to miss the GF or give up his precious NZ citizenship.....

Who was it, Lew Platz or Chris Phelan?

Could have been Ray Higgs.

Nope. Close, but this blokes top of the tree. Test and Origin legend. Probably done more for Qld origin than anyone else. Best player I ever saw (maybe Joey is better).

Green Machine

First Grade
Misty Bee said:
Could have been Ray Higgs.

Nope. Close, but this blokes top of the tree. Test and Origin legend. Probably done more for Qld origin than anyone else. Best player I ever saw (maybe Joey is better).

Bob Lindner


nospam49™ said:
Ive written a peice about this subject on my web site this week:

Devaluing The Australian Jersey?

2 notes on your "Broncoisms"

A) Most Bronco's fans thought Webcke was very lucky to avoid suspension from the judiciary, nor does it address exactly why the tackle on Lockyer shouldn't have been given longer.
B) Bellamy was the assistant coach for the Bronco's for years. Gorden knows him, likely very much respects him. If Queensland decides to turn to a Blue, of course Gorden's going to give him an endorsement. Idiot.

Mr Saab

perverse said:
for the 73rd time... it is a GRAND FINAL.
quick, cry about it being a mickey mouse comp. i'll also note that the world club challenge is dominated by the ESL clubs, not the NRL clubs.

go figure eh?

-edit- i didnt say there was a precedant for this exact situation, i said there are precedants for similar ones. -/edit-

and this is a test match representing australia.
Precedents for similar ones? i fail to see how they are similiar


First Grade
Misty Bee said:
Charlie, there are NO players that have been forced to miss a GF. That's my point - why must Joey be the first, simply because of good scheduling.

But hipocracy is your bedfellow. Johns MUST play for his counry - giving up a GF no less - or


Johns has the choice, he doesn't have to sign a 6 game contract, he could do that next year, play out the last of his rep footy and then do the 6 game england thing next year.

Johns knows what the tri nations program is. He is well aware of the clash, he still has a choice, play for his country or play in england.


Charlie Saab said:
and this is a test match representing australia.
Precedents for similar ones? i fail to see how they are similiar
they're similar in the fact that it is not unheard of for a player to make himself unavailable for australia for a mtch or series, and then play later.

Mr Saab

it is unheard of. Name me a player who turned down australia to play a club game and then played later on i his career.
Dont say TC as thats not valid in this instance to what Johns is doing.

Misty Bee

First Grade
Whay can't Johns play for Australia IN England????

Charles, you League guru you, can yuo name the last player who was dropped froma test side because he played in a grand final?????

Friggin hell, Webke ditched the test jumper because he was afraid of flying once! Was he panalised? No.

His decision, whch sparked the same decision by others, cause the cancellation of an entire Kangaroo Tour!

Those denying Joey are just mean, dispirited souls. You'd probably rob a Salvation Army collection tin!
Meanie said:
2 notes on your "Broncoisms"

A) Most Bronco's fans thought Webcke was very lucky to avoid suspension from the judiciary, nor does it address exactly why the tackle on Lockyer shouldn't have been given longer.
B) Bellamy was the assistant coach for the Bronco's for years. Gorden knows him, likely very much respects him. If Queensland decides to turn to a Blue, of course Gorden's going to give him an endorsement. Idiot.

Talk about being precious! :lol:

Cant say something about the Broncos now can we! :lol: