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Joey risks his future

Mr Saab

Misty Bee said:
Charlie, you are utterly pathetic!!!!!

only pathetic one is you misty...you continue to get baited into my debates!
wizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz clonk...."look ma, i caught me a misty"

Mr Saab

Misty Bee said:
Charlie Saab: post # 128:

Charlie Saab: post # 135:

How do you spell hypocrite again?

taking things out of context again arnt we misty...so good at that. You should do a thesis on it.

Johns will be selected to play for australia....who are they going to pick? Brett Finch?
I said Bennett WONT pick him if Johns chooses to play for Warrington instead of australia.

Misty Bee

First Grade
Misty...call parliament house...talk to Robert Hill and ask him this simple question ...
"If a full scale war breaks out will there be continued international air travel"

So Webcke reckoned we were gunna have WWIII - and a war from Tonga to Norway?

Misty Bee

First Grade
Johns will be selected to play for australia....who are they going to pick? Brett Finch?
I said Bennett WONT pick him if Johns chooses to play for Warrington instead of australia

So what's the bloody problem?????????

Mr Saab

Misty Bee said:
So what's the bloody problem?????????

my god...have you not read the past 143 posts?
problem is he is quite possibly choosing an ESL game over representing his country.
Do you think say Ricky ponting or Michael Clark would choose playing county cricket over the chance to play a test match for australia?
I dont think so


I think alot of you are missing the point! Warrington is not john's club, you are all talking like he has played with them for years. He should not be aloud to play for the Aussies if he miss's the the first few match's. The green and gold should be the highest for any player. Just because he has never won a G/F (with all the best teams playing "97") should not matter, Wally Lewis never won a G/F and he is the best player to ever play the game.

I'd love to see a Locky Johns halfs combo, they would be unstopable. If the ARL allow this any other player should be able to do the same, but that would never happen.

A. Johns your not bigger then the game - pull your head in!!

Mr Saab

Misty Bee said:
So Webcke reckoned we were gunna have WWIII - and a war from Tonga to Norway?

where did i say that webcke though that? again you make things up to suit yourself.
Webcke was told by the ARL that the tour was not going to go ahead....webcke pulled out...then it went ahead anyway but webcke stayed home. Difference was he didnt play another game of football did he!

Misty Bee

First Grade
I think alot of you are missing the point! Warrington is not john's club, you are all talking like he has played with them for years. He should not be aloud to play for the Aussies if he miss's the the first few match's. The green and gold should be the highest for any player. Just because he has never won a G/F (with all the best teams playing "97") should not matter, Wally Lewis never won a G/F and he is the best player to ever play the game.

YOU are missing the point.A contract is a contract. It is actually illegal to force someone to break a contract.

Your blabber about Joey never wining a GF (he's won 2) and Wally being the best player ever confirm that you need to get out more.

my god...have you not read the past 143 posts?
problem is he is quite possibly choosing an ESL game over representing his country.
Do you think say Ricky ponting or Michael Clark would choose playing county cricket over the chance to play a test match for australia?
I dont think so

Given that Ponting and Clarke are contracted to do so...no.

As I said, if Bennet's not going to pick him, Joey doesn't have to make the choice. Hence, he is not the evil arsewipe that you desperately want himto be.

With that, I therefore claim victory. In behalf of myself, Andrew Johns, Rugby League and the entire universe I wouldlike to thank you all for coming, and wish you a safe journey home.

Charlie, when you and Shane are finished panicking about world war 3, can you turn out the lights and lock the door? Thanks.

Mr Saab

bennett will pick him if he makes himself available for the test match!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He is the number one player in the game, why would they not pick him?
It is up to Johns to decide what he wants...cash, or australia.

Misty Bee

First Grade
So, oh pathetic one, IF Joey playes for Warrington, would Bennet pick him for Tri Series game 2?

Misty Bee

First Grade
I asked "will he" not "If he is a mean spirited sod who hates Joey, will he"

I reckon he will.

Mr Saab

bennett doesnt hate joey you tool!
Bennett and joey get on fine...so fine that joey was very very close to signing with the broncos for 2001 and beyond because he likes bennett so much and wanted to be coached by him at club level.
One again you try to make an issue that just doesnt exisit.

Misty Bee

First Grade
Q.IF Joey playes for Warrington, would Bennet pick him for Tri Series game 2?

A.no he shouldnt

Umm, Charles, I asked Would bennet pick him, not Should.

Whose the blind prick now?

Now, for the 6th time......?

Mr Saab

am i f**king wayne bennett????????????
call him up and ask him yourself you blind c**k

Misty Bee

First Grade
Am I a blind cork????

I'm asking your opinion. I'm striking massive truoble. Apparently, to have an opinion first means that you have to have a brain.

hence my problem.

Mr Saab

i gave it to you in post 151.
I am not going to say 100% guaranteed that Bennett will not pick him as i am not wayne bennett. I am not a mind reader.
I said he shouldnt pick him....i dont know how much clearer i can be with you. It is also up to the selectors like Fulton and his mates.
Yeah you are a blind C0CK

Misty Bee

First Grade
So, you can't answer a question.

No wonder you are doing so poorly at school.

Say "hi" to Shane for me in your bomb shelter!

I'm off to find intelligent life to converse with.

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