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Joey risks his future


i believe joeys move to have a mini-stint in england had bennett's blessing, yes he will pick joey regardless.


perverse said:
i believe joeys move to have a mini-stint in england had bennett's blessing, yes he will pick joey regardless.
Yep. In a recent article Johns' manager confirmed that Bennett has already sent a message to the ARL, giving Johns total support.


Staff member
Hes got the blessing to go but he has to make himself available for the first Aus game. But Johns hasn't applied for leave from that game yet.

Mr Saab

Misty Bee said:
I'm off to find intelligent life to converse with.

talking to the mirror doesnt count you stupid fool.

The world according to Misty...

Wayne Bennett coached Australia in 2003
Australia played NZ on the Roo tour of 2003.

I wish i had league knowledge like you misty....tell me, are you sure you are not watching netball?


Post Whore
if johns puts a warrington jersey that means f**k all, ahead of the pride of his green and gold. Frankly i dont think he deserves to play for australia again.

Warrington over Australia? hah! why doesnt he just spit on the green and gold while he is at it. Wanker.


First Grade
Raider_69 said:
if johns puts a warrington jersey that means f**k all, ahead of the pride of his green and gold. Frankly i dont think he deserves to play for australia again.

Warrington over Australia? hah! why doesnt he just spit on the green and gold while he is at it. Wanker.

Dear God, this ain't right, something we actually agree on. raider_69 and myself agreeing on something, it ain't the end of the world, but you can see it from here.


Post Whore
Kiwi said:
Dear God, this ain't right, something we actually agree on. raider_69 and myself agreeing on something, it ain't the end of the world, but you can see it from here.

well how about that
maybe your not a complete dim wit then ;-) :lol:


Post Whore
bluesbreaker said:
One will go down as an immortal, one will go down as being a great fullback but a sh*thouse 5/8th.

Since when was johns a fullback or a 5/8th?
ohh well at least you got the lockyer - immortal part right :)


First Grade
Raider_69 said:
well how about that
maybe your not a complete dim wit then ;-) :lol:

I did a double take fast enough to pinball my eyeballs around in my head. We can't agree on anything else, i don't know if it's safe if we do, people might start to talk.


First Grade
Raider_69 said:
Since when was johns a fullback or a 5/8th?
ohh well at least you got the lockyer - immortal part right :)

I thought I told you we couldn't go on like this, cut it out your scaring me. 8-[


Post Whore
Kiwi said:
I thought I told you we couldn't go on like this, cut it out your scaring me. 8-[

sorry Kiwi, ill do my best to make sure we dont agree on anything else ;-)


First Grade
Seriosly though R69, and people wonder why our international game isn't taken seriously, and why hardly anyone cares.


Post Whore
Kiwi said:
Seriosly though R69, and people wonder why our international game isn't taken seriously, and why hardly anyone cares.

here we are trying to make league an international game and struggling to do that i might add, and the our apparent "worlds best" doesnt take playing for his country serious enough to throw away a few dollar signs and a jersey that means nothing to him, to slap on the old green and gold, pride of his country. Is it any wonder we are pushing sh*t up a hill to acheive this dream of having an international game that means some thing. Johns should be ashamed on himself.

It sickens me that blokes with this sort of attitude have the chance to represent this country, one built on passion for australia and its ideals, whilst others who would love this oppertunity get no chance.

Johns is showing his true colours, he clearly couldnt give a stuff about representing his country. So i say give his spot to someone who loves this country, who would be honoured to represent it and who will display the passion that the jersey commands.

Andrew Johns - hang you head in shame, your a disgrace to the australian jersey

Misty Bee

First Grade
Raider, I'll ask you the same question that Kiwi avoided a few pages ago.

If Mal Meninga and Laurie Daley had to choose between the 1989 grand final and a test match played on the same day, what should they do? PLay for their country, and not honour a contract(and snub the club and their fans), or play in the GF and snub their country?


Who really cares. It is a half arsed league test in the middle of October, im guessing its against the kiwis again. Of course he should play in the ESL grand final, this is something he has not acheived in a game he has almost done it all....

Misty Bee

First Grade

At that time, half the eligible players will withdraw to have urgent fingernail surgery. The other half will whing about the season being too long.

Meanwhile, Andrew Johns is desperately trying to get as much footy in as possible.


Post Whore
Misty Bee said:
If Mal Meninga and Laurie Daley had to choose between the 1989 grand final and a test match played on the same day, what should they do? PLay for their country, and not honour a contract(and snub the club and their fans), or play in the GF and snub their country?

These players didnt sign a contract before knowing that there is a clash with their country, so the hypothetical is useless. In this instance, johns knows full well there is a international being played. If Daley and Meninga had signed those deals with Canberra knowing a potential GF/Australian clash stands in the way, without a shadow of a doubt, they play for Australia. However if they signed a contract and then some ding bat scheduled it poorly, they play for canberra and fulfill their contract.

But regardless your hypothetical is junk. Firstly there is a policy about not selecting ESL players, so there is no schedule clash, 2ndly your hypothetical states the scheduling would interfere in NRL GF, which WOULD NEVER HAPPEN, as they know a large part of the Aust team will come from those GF teams.

Basically your trying to justify Johns stance with a crazy scenario that would never happen. And wont happen for a good reason. Johns plays for warrington over the first test. Simple IMO, he is forced retirement from Australian jersey, if he cant show it the respect it deserves, then he doesn't fit the criteria of being Australian IMO and there for can never represent us again.

Misty Bee

First Grade
OK, forget Meninga, how about Morley? How would Chooks fans feel if he had to play a test v NZ (a pool match BTW) instead of a GF?

As for the policy -have you that in writing? I bet Darren Smith had to do plenty of fast talking to get around that one - NOT.

BTW, isn't teh Test coach Wayne "funky" Bennet - the same that brought Alan Langer over for a major rep game from - wait for it - WARRINGTON?

From the posts here, Bennet won't hold it against Joey. If the ARL are going to stand in his way, how bloody minded is that?

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