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Joey swears officials got it all wrong -SMH


Live Update Team
Alex28 said:
I don't rate the blokes on The Sunday Roast (bar Andrew Voss), but finally we are seeing some common sense here. Get the decisions right, don't be a soft c**k and have a word to the players after the game. If the NRL want to pretend that the game is played by gentlemen who wouldn't dare say a rude word - switch the microphones off.
Thats exactly right Alex. What MG said was 100% spot on. Cecchin needs to get a lend of some tough skin and pass off what Joey said as nothing personal, but just two words that came to his head. The bottom line here is if the officials don't get the calls wrong, then the players don't have any reason to go around calling them names. Cecchin should also get a lend of a skirt while he's at it. The main problem here is the fact that everyone is going off half-cocked at the language used. What is said on the field stays on the field. If the NRL don't want younger players abusing officials - simple, take the microphones off the officials and we probably don't have this Andrew Johns hate fest going on.


Live Update Team
Well why don't we turn the on field microphones off Raiduh?

I can understand why you wouldn't like that, because then you wouldn't be able to have your say on why you think Andrew Johns should be suspended for foul language. You'd have to take another player to vent ur frustration on ..... ;-)


Post Whore
:lol: keep going mate, its great value
look forward to reading more of your rubbish when i return from cambo


Turn the microphones off? What the hell? Man, you guys are clutching at straws defending Mr Newcastle.

Hey Joey, gotta potty mouth pal, but no dramas, to suit you el saviour we will turn the microphones off.

If having the microphones is that much a drama, do what Gilchrist did... "Another great return there with ING" comments with the stump microphone. Bit more clever than resorting to uncooth swearing.

Fair dinkum. Next thing we shouldn't have cameras at the ground to cover up Joey storming off the pitch and not accepting an accolade because he's temperamental. How about we not have tickets, so we don't get to see Joey argue with the refs too? I reckon that'd solve a lot of dramas.


Live Update Team
Iafeta said:
Turn the microphones off? What the hell? Man, you guys are clutching at straws defending Mr Newcastle.

Hey Joey, gotta potty mouth pal, but no dramas, to suit you el saviour we will turn the microphones off.

If having the microphones is that much a drama, do what Gilchrist did... "Another great return there with ING" comments with the stump microphone. Bit more clever than resorting to uncooth swearing.

Fair dinkum. Next thing we shouldn't have cameras at the ground to cover up Joey storming off the pitch and not accepting an accolade because he's temperamental. How about we not have tickets, so we don't get to see Joey argue with the refs too? I reckon that'd solve a lot of dramas.
Now that is totally ridiculous. It seems everyone has a problem with on-field swearing (not just on the subject of Johns) and the NRL say its setting a dangerous precedent for the younger kids. The most simple thing for the NRL to do so the little kids don't hear the swearing and what not is to turn the microphones off. What happens on the field, stays on the field.

No microphones, no swearing and then we don't have this ridiculous discussion as to whether players should be suspended for swearing. To me, as Gus said this morning, it seems the NRL are trying to deflect the heat off the referees wrong decision and trying to turn it on the players. No wrong decisions, no player swears at officials. Its that simple.

Master Rooster

just because he is the best player in the world, it doesnt give him the right to disrespect the officials the way he did. sure frustration and swearing is a part of the game, but not directed personally at the ref. if he said 'that was a bullsh!t call', there wouldnt be too much controversy about it. but since he directed his comment directly at the touch judge and said 'you fn c', then that is disrespectful


Assistant Moderator
The microphone defence is a shocker. The prime purpose of the ref mic is so the referees and touchies can communicate with each other.

Channel 9 takes an audio feed from what is picked at the ground through the various mics. What we hear on our TV is the responsibility of the broadcaster, not the referee.

The Sunday Roast boys really lost the plot there.

And after watching the hatchet job they just did on Cecchin, that'll do me.

They basically said if the ref gets it wrong, then its OK for players for hurl abuse. We know for a fact that that's not the case and players regularly get marched 10 metres or sin binned for dissent.

El Diablo

Post Whore
And Matt Johns thought Ceccin was in the wrong for mentioning he was called a f**king merkin.

Gould thought the whole media thing was orchestrated by the NRL as some kind of cover up for the stuff up call by Ceccin :lol:


Assistant Moderator
El Diablo said:
And Matt Johns thought Ceccin was in the wrong for mentioning he was called a f**king merkin.

Gould thought the whole media thing was orchestrated by the NRL as some kind of cover up for the stuff up call by Ceccin :lol:
lol. Grassy knoll conspiracy theories.

Has anyone even read any NRL official comments yet?

So far all I've seen are quotes from the Newcastle camp and a TV effort to deflect blame onto the touch judge from Matt Johns and Co.

I liked the comment, 'if anything, the touch judge should be apologising to Joey.'

...and, 'if the referees didnt make bad calls, they wouldn't get abused'.

Who decides when a ref makes a bad call? The players? Channel 9? The tail is wagging the dog again.

I should imagine that the NRL will agree that it was a bad call, but it is not on for a player, that is any player, to think its appropriate to intimidate or abuse a match official. It has been that way for as long we've had referees and football.


Assistant Moderator
Stranger said:
Not the TV audience.
Read the rest of my post. Its not up to the referees to turn off the mic. The broadcaster is responsible for transmitting the match. It doesn't change anything. It is abuse and dissent regardless of whether the mic was on or off.


Jobdog said:
Now that is totally ridiculous. It seems everyone has a problem with on-field swearing (not just on the subject of Johns) and the NRL say its setting a dangerous precedent for the younger kids. The most simple thing for the NRL to do so the little kids don't hear the swearing and what not is to turn the microphones off. What happens on the field, stays on the field.

No microphones, no swearing and then we don't have this ridiculous discussion as to whether players should be suspended for swearing. To me, as Gus said this morning, it seems the NRL are trying to deflect the heat off the referees wrong decision and trying to turn it on the players. No wrong decisions, no player swears at officials. Its that simple.

I completely and utterly disagree.

The second people start realising that referee's are not robots and are culpible, the better.

It's very galling to see that particular comment when media, coaches, fans, players can ALL make mistakes, coaches and players CAN lose games through mistakes, but if the referee makes a mistake the player's are entitled to cuss him out.

It's that simple. It's p!ss weak.


Stranger said:
Not the TV audience.

Not true.

A secondary purpose of being microphoned up is for fans to be able to get an understanding on why decisions are made.

It used to be guess work on the fan's part, no one had a clue what's going on. We pay for their right through our subscription fees and various crowd members pay for that right through sports ears.

That's no excuse for poor language.


Willow said:
lol. Grassy knoll conspiracy theories.

Has anyone even read any NRL official comments yet?

So far all I've seen are quotes from the Newcastle camp and a TV effort to deflect blame onto the touch judge from Matt Johns and Co.

I liked the comment, 'if anything, the touch judge should be apologising to Joey.'

...and, 'if the referees didnt make bad calls, they wouldn't get abused'.

Who decides when a ref makes a bad call? The players? Channel 9? The tail is wagging the dog again.

I should imagine that the NRL will agree that it was a bad call, but it is not on for a player, that is any player, to think its appropriate to intimidate or abuse a match official. It has been that way for as long we've had referees and football.

If a player makes a mistake, can we all march down to the sideline and call them a f'n c or an f'n merkin?

It doesn't give us that right. Nor does it give the players the right to abuse referees. Much like referees, players are very, very open to error. Even lord Johns himself.


Iafeta said:
Not true.

A secondary purpose of being microphoned up is for fans to be able to get an understanding on why decisions are made.

It used to be guess work on the fan's part, no one had a clue what's going on. We pay for their right through our subscription fees and various crowd members pay for that right through sports ears.

That's no excuse for poor language.

Now thats not true. Being a ref myself, and having experience using the Microphones and all that, the main purpose is to communicate to each other. If the ref is awarding the penatly he should be signaling what its for to help the crowd understand. Like a high tackle, when the ref waves his hand a coupple of times from his shoulder to the top of his head.
In no way is the microphone supposed to be used to help the crowd understand anything, but thats technology.


Iafeta said:
If a player makes a mistake, can we all march down to the sideline and call them a f'n c or an f'n merkin?

It doesn't give us that right. Nor does it give the players the right to abuse referees. Much like referees, players are very, very open to error. Even lord Johns himself.
LOL, that got me wondering how the drama queen would have gone off if one of the officials had called him a merkin for missing the goals which actually did cost them the game or throwing the intercepts :crazy: :lol:


microphone or not abuse is abuse switching off the mic doesn't stop a player from swearing at the officals.

and where would it stop if verbal abuse of the match officals is allowed.
abuse of match officals should never be tolerated.


Stranger said:
Now thats not true. Being a ref myself, and having experience using the Microphones and all that, the main purpose is to communicate to each other. If the ref is awarding the penatly he should be signaling what its for to help the crowd understand. Like a high tackle, when the ref waves his hand a coupple of times from his shoulder to the top of his head.
In no way is the microphone supposed to be used to help the crowd understand anything, but thats technology.

So why do various stadias promote "Sports Ears"?

It's a two strand thing - communication between referees, and information for the crowd. They have commercial contracts for Sports Ears.

As others have said, no microphones, microphones, it doesn't matter, the language used was uncalled for and needs strong discipline.


At the end of the day all they are, are words. This is supposed to be the toughest game in the world and people are having a whine about f**ks and merkins and so on.

The refereeing is becoming a joke, it’s like a bad bit of machinery at a work site everyone says it needs to be fixed but nothing happens until someone gets killed. Imo it’s the same here nothing will happen until it costs someone a spot in the gf or the gf itself.