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John O'neil

Green Machine

First Grade
Woods99 said:
Well said, GM. Mind you, O'Neill did go to a league primary school (Marist Brothers Darlinghurst), so maybe he is not totally evil.

"Always look on the bright side of life, dee dum, dee dum, dee dum, dee dum."


Why should I waste one of my witty funny remarks on you, when you will just go away and hide?


Woods99 said:
O'Neill didn't bag the 2004 RLWC though, did he?

Usual childish contribution.Go back to your macrame or organic gardening ,funship.We know you will bag the 2008 one,get a life and grow up for once.

Getting back to the subject matter,Quayle is the man.
Agree with GM O'Neill is not the man,and Moffett not only did a poor job of administring for the NRL and his tenure at the Welsh union is to say the least interesting.


taipan said:
Usual childish contribution.Go back to your macrame or organic gardening ,funship.We know you will bag the 2008 one,get a life and grow up for once.

Ooooh, that hurt. I thought it was at least a little bit funny.

Incidentally, as a patriotic Aussie with the best interests of the country at heart, I actually hope that the 2008 event is a success, and brings in lots of tourism dollars.

I doubt that it will, but I really do hope that it does.

Mind you, a number of leaguies have criticised reports that the 2003 RWC was a huge financial and business boost for the country. Not you, though, I am sure, fair-minded person that you are.

Getting back to the subject matter,Quayle is the man.
Agree with GM O'Neill is not the man,and Moffett not only did a poor job of administring for the NRL and his tenure at the Welsh union is to say the least interesting.

I'll call John and tell him that he is just not wanted. :(


Green Machine said:

Why should I waste one of my witty funny remarks on you, when you will just go away and hide?

Be fair, GM. I do answer as many of your golden posts as I can, but I do have other things to attend to.

Like Planet Rugby, for example. Why don't you visit us there occasionally? You will get a better reception there than the average rah rah does here, I am sure.
GM, don't bother with PR because you have to wade though mountains of porn, stalkers and Union supporters to find any decent contributors, and they're all here anyway.

I would consider even approaching O'Neill as tantamount to selling our soul.
Everlovin' Antichrist said:
GM, don't bother with PR because you have to wade though mountains of porn, stalkers and Union supporters to find any decent contributors, and they're all here anyway.

I would consider even approaching O'Neill as tantamount to selling our soul.

Yeah I guess you're right. I hate the bloke with a passion, and he is a union scumbag who wanted all the profits from the WC given directly to the ARU so he could kill rugby league off...i'll never forget that easily. I guess I might of mellowed on the idea of him being involved in rugby league directly because of his track record in providing hype, spin, interest and corporate dollars. I do question his track record for buildiing sustainable interest and developmental structures in codes. I think soccer may find itself too top heavy and overbalanced at the elite level as union now does, as compared to the more organic structures of the NRL and AFL. But for a one off event like a world cup, he could definately bring something.

I guess the point of this thread shows that there is a need for strong enthuiastic and visible leadership in this world cup. I agree with the points that we have a lot of other products to sell as a code, but surely a branding of the WC some sponsors and some visibility to let the average punter know the world cup in Australia is 'coming' can build hype. Nothing like making people feel like that are 'counting down' to give an event substance and expectation.

What is going on with quale's org?
I agree that we need an "O'Neill type", but not O'Neill himself. We need to start the interest rolling shortly and build it up until the event begins, so they need to get someone with a profile soon.

It's honestly not that difficult to get people interested if you have a great product, which we do. The trick is to do it gradually over an extended period of time and to build interest rather than hit it hard now and lose the momentum or hit it hard when it's too late.

I'd put WC2008 logos on NRL ads in 2007, have the odd ad directly for the WC but keep it fairly light on initially, building up closer to the event.
Green Machine said:
That’s a stupid joke. O’Neill got the arse off the ARU in 2003. He wasn’t around at the ARU in 2004,

Just ignore the toss...let him fret over his near bankrupt ARU and it's blackhole for money the 'APC'.

I agree that perhaps Oniell himself may not be the man, but we have clearly identified the need for a 'type'.

You're right about building it slowly, but I'd definately like to see an official launch, a website and some publicity re: qualifications. Then it can happen in the fashion you have suggested with some promotions and then eventually i'd like to see a ballot.

I'm pretty happy with the plugging that the NRL gives the trinations on its website so hopefully more of the same for the WC. The WC is definately a great product potentially, and has the added benefit of being the centenary celebrations so has the added 'fuzzy' feeling with lots of backslapping and sentiment. Hopefully they can tap into this with the WC being the icing on the top of a blockbuster year with Rugby League regaining its no.1 crown in Australian winter sports.

Most people may not agree but I believe union is firmly on the decline and is looking desperate and the AFL is running out of time to make something of it's investments in sydney and qld. They must be devestated that despite saturation media coverage and premierships that they dont have firmer footholds. I don't see them getting another tv deal in the manner that they have with live broadcasts everywhere and massive dollars if they can't justify the money back to the tv stations via viewers/advertising dollars. So by the time the next tv deals roll around i would expect both the AFL and NRL tv deals to be on a par and then the NRL to slowly arrest control of australian sport through its dominance of the population centres.

Can't wait for the WC. festival of Rugby League.

Green Machine

First Grade
Woods99 said:
Be fair, GM. I do answer as many of your golden posts as I can, but I do have other things to attend to.
How convenient (as usual)
Like Planet Rugby, for example. Why don't you visit us there occasionally? You will get a better reception there than the average rah rah does here, I am sure.

Why would I need to visit the wankers at Planet Rugby, when you all turn up here for your usual, belt around the ears, every couple of days. The site is full of deadsh*ts. By the way Woods, why don’t you contribute to this post and let everyone know what your personal feelings are about John O’Neill? Unless you have to go and discuss important Sydney Club Rugby Union issues at Planet Rugby,
Woods99 said:
Incidentally, as a patriotic Aussie with the best interests of the country at heart, I actually hope that the 2008 event is a success, and brings in lots of tourism dollars.

I doubt that it will, but I really do hope that it does.

I'll call John and tell him that he is just not wanted. :(

I have no doubt that you'll be death-riding it.

It's not difficult to see it in your posts.

A bit like your thread on PR proclaiming that the Australia v Greece Soccer friendly before the World Cup had beaten SOO Australia-wide.... :lol:

You should be more worried about the interest here in the 2007 RWC....
Everlovin' Antichrist said:
I have no doubt that you'll be death-riding it.

It's not difficult to see it in your posts.

A bit like your thread on PR proclaiming that the Australia v Greece Soccer friendly before the World Cup had beaten SOO Australia-wide.... :lol:

You should be more worried about the interest here in the 2007 RWC....

What you mean tournament that no-one wants to televise?
International RL said:
What you mean tournament that no-one wants to televise?

That's the one.

It has all the hallmarks of a disaster in Australia. With overall interest in Union plumetting, it's hard to see many people getting up in the middle of the night to watch it.

That's assuming someone actually picks it up...


I say we need Singo.
Mad about his RL.
Because of his media business all the polies suck up to him.
Has connections with big business.
An Ad man who could trowel on the bullsh*t as thick as O'Niel and sellout the grounds for sure.
roopy said:
I say we need Singo.
Mad about his RL.
Because of his media business all the polies suck up to him.
Has connections with big business.
An Ad man who could trowel on the bullsh*t as thick as O'Niel and sellout the grounds for sure.

Not a bad suggestion...though I will always have a grudge against him for his 'rugby league is dead, swans are the future' comments


First Grade
Everlovin' Antichrist said:
I have no doubt that you'll be death-riding it.

It's not difficult to see it in your posts.

A bit like your thread on PR proclaiming that the Australia v Greece Soccer friendly before the World Cup had beaten SOO Australia-wide.... :lol:

You should be more worried about the interest here in the 2007 RWC....

Not hard to tell is it, EA?

Woods is the most bitter rah rah around these boards (although te kaha runs him close...) Something to do with a lifetime of watching his favourite union relegated to also-ran status in this country for a century or thereabouts.

Looking forward to the APC, Woodie? Those massive average crowds of 2000 are looking a little optimistic... :lol: :lol: :lol:


Woods99 said:
Ooooh, that hurt. I thought it was at least a little bit funny.

Incidentally, as a patriotic Aussie with the best interests of the country at heart, I actually hope that the 2008 event is a success, and brings in lots of tourism dollars.

I doubt that it will, but I really do hope that it does.

Mind you, a number of leaguies have criticised reports that the 2003 RWC was a huge financial and business boost for the country. Not you, though, I am sure, fair-minded person that you are.

I'll call John and tell him that he is just not wanted. :(

Funny?,You need coaching,might be hilarious for the after game p..up in club union.
There is such a thing as constructive criticism,the moment you decide to introduce that in your debate,you will get the respect it deserves.
Woods couldn't care if you were patriotic,neurotic,idiotic,I simply think you need something to keep you occupied,maybe in the UN peacekeeping in Lebanon.
The 2008 RLWC is a celebration of the 100 years of the great game,the fact that state govt's and stadium managements are keen to be involved,and with your support as being the most patriotic and fair minded rugby league lover,can only mean one thing, a resounding success for the event.You would really deep down ,want that for the good of our game ?

BTW ring John,and ask if he would do some field marking for Eastwood.With all your contacts at Fort Fumble maybe Flowers can pad the posts.


taipan said:
Funny?,You need coaching,might be hilarious for the after game p..up in club union.

Rugby players do indeed enjoy each other's company after the game, especially at Eastwood. I can't remember the last time a glass was thrown at a bartender.

There is such a thing as constructive criticism,the moment you decide to introduce that in your debate,you will get the respect it deserves.
Woods couldn't care if you were patriotic,neurotic,idiotic,I simply think you need something to keep you occupied,maybe in the UN peacekeeping in Lebanon.

Lebanon? Isn't that one of league's shining success stories?

The 2008 RLWC is a celebration of the 100 years of the great game,the fact that state govt's and stadium managements are keen to be involved,and with your support as being the most patriotic and fair minded rugby league lover,can only mean one thing, a resounding success for the event.You would really deep down ,want that for the good of our game ?


I have said it before, and I will say it again. I have played both codes at a competitive level. I used to like watching league but the way that the game has gone both on the field and off it means that I do not have all that much time for it these days.

100 years, eh? I guess before 1908 we were all rugby players and fans? You must take some comfort that the first rugby club formed in Australia, Sydney University, is still going strong some 120 or more years later?

If the 2008 event is a success, I will enjoy reading all the posts about how much economic benefit it brings to the country.

BTW ring John,and ask if he would do some field marking for Eastwood.With all your contacts at Fort Fumble maybe Flowers can pad the posts.

Make yourself clear, old mate. If there is a problem at Eastwood, surely I can just ring them - I am a member in good standing. Why bring Flowers into it? We at Eastwood actually own our own ground. Not many league clubs can boast that, can they?

As for O'Neill, I personally don't have all that much time for the man, frankly.


Woods99 said:
Rugby players do indeed enjoy each other's company after the game, especially at Eastwood. I can't remember the last time a glass was thrown at a bartender.

Lebanon? Isn't that one of league's shining success stories?


I have said it before, and I will say it again. I have played both codes at a competitive level. I used to like watching league but the way that the game has gone both on the field and off it means that I do not have all that much time for it these days.

100 years, eh? I guess before 1908 we were all rugby players and fans? You must take some comfort that the first rugby club formed in Australia, Sydney University, is still going strong some 120 or more years later?

If the 2008 event is a success, I will enjoy reading all the posts about how much economic benefit it brings to the country.

Make yourself clear, old mate. If there is a problem at Eastwood, surely I can just ring them - I am a member in good standing. Why bring Flowers into it? We at Eastwood actually own our own ground. Not many league clubs can boast that, can they?

As for O'Neill, I personally don't have all that much time for the man, frankly.

Woods you are like a tired old record,going over the same ground repeatedly and as monotonously, as your code as a spectacle ,and the grinding monotone voices of union commentators (such as Kearns) .
I have better things to do with my time,such as discussing things pertinent to the 2008WC.If you want to continue to be a waste of space ,that's your problem.