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Johns Out.


Wow - Andrew Johns out? Jeezuz

I must admit, I find it a little off, how quickly some people in here are turning against Johns...he had one ordinary game, but lets not forget the entire team was sh*te that night.

Dont think for a second that you have a better chance without A Johns...

Bring it home Knights

First Grade
Poffosbiggestfan said:
I'm with some other people on here. Johns being out isn't such a dramatic loss. Yes, in the first two games we didn't look that good, but last week we were disgraceful. It's not rocket science to find out that the boys relax when Johns is there. They expect him to do everything. When he's not there, they roll the sleeves up and help each other out. I'm expecting the boys to fire up.

A number of people on this forum have very short memories when it comes to the game..

It wasn't all that long ago that everyone said that the knights players show up to games expecting to lose without johns and that there intensity is nothing compared to what it is when he is there. Johns plays 1 poor game and now the team doesnt put in with him there! A very very unusual way of looking at things imo.

Bring it home Knights

First Grade
Lowdown said:
Wow - Andrew Johns out? Jeezuz

I must admit, I find it a little off, how quickly some people in here are turning against Johns...he had one ordinary game, but lets not forget the entire team was sh*te that night.

Dont think for a second that you have a better chance without A Johns...

I'm with you, I think it's a very strang way of thinking......


My opinion on Johns has not changed in relation to his ability to play football. As far as his dramatics I am on record on this forum as saying I truly believe JOHNS does what JOHNS wants.

I have no issue with his last game, sh*t happens.

I am just sick of him dictating what he wants to do to the betterment of himself.

I could sit here and go through each point from the day he died his hair orange, to the day he went to throw a ball at a fellow player in the middle of the pitch, to the day he said rep footy was over because he had to repay the club and then changed his mind....these are just a few of the episodes in the soap opera known as the Joey Show.

A greater footballer I may never see, but besides that well I have not more to say.


Seriously, how can some people say that they want Johns to f*ck off to England. He is the best player in the world and any other team in the competition will dream of having him in their team, and yet some people want him to leave?!? He played one bad game but so did the rest of the team, maybe we should ship the entire team off to england :roll:


Bring it home Knights said:
A number of people on this forum have very short memories when it comes to the game..

It wasn't all that long ago that everyone said that the knights players show up to games expecting to lose without johns and that there intensity is nothing compared to what it is when he is there. Johns plays 1 poor game and now the team doesnt put in with him there! A very very unusual way of looking at things imo.

Things have changed mate..... No more Hagan who cant coach teams without his beloved Johns. Enter Smith who can coach and has 4 victories without him....

Some of us knights fans are sick to death of Joey and his antics which make himself and the club look bad.

The boys will play better tomorrow and really put in, Mullen will step up and wont feel like he has to take a back step.. I dont think we will win but we let be competitive for sure


Ben said:
Seriously, how can some people say that they want Johns to f*ck off to England. He is the best player in the world and any other team in the competition will dream of having him in their team, and yet some people want him to leave?!? He played one bad game but so did the rest of the team, maybe we should ship the entire team off to england :roll:

Maybe the likes of Carmont, Tighe, Perry, Woolnough, Tanner can be shipped with him

As Cram said... it has nothing to do with the way the team performed on Monday... its the way he thinks his bigger than the game.

But I think he is well past his best and its time to move on..It happens all the time and really there is no better time to start then 08, if he wants go for the big bucks odds are he will. We can start building a new and improved Knights side that looks strong all over and will be a huge force in a few yrs to come...


If we have Johns in good form and gelling well with Mullen, Buderus, Kidley and maybe Thaiday - and we have most of the other guys on deck, we can win the title this year.
No Johns - no title this year.


He has always thought himself as bigger than the game. When he was coming off contract he said that he was going to head to rugby union, and he made the NRL step him to keep him in the code. He has always been that type of person that thinks solely of himself, but i think we just have to deal with that. Because at the end of the day, his performances on the field win us matches and we just have to look past his ego problems. Mark my words, he will get back to his best and show that he is worth the money that we pay him.


Ben said:
He has always thought himself as bigger than the game. When he was coming off contract he said that he was going to head to rugby union, and he made the NRL step him to keep him in the code. He has always been that type of person that thinks solely of himself, but i think we just have to deal with that. Because at the end of the day, his performances on the field win us matches and we just have to look past his ego problems. Mark my words, he will get back to his best and show that he is worth the money that we pay him.

I really hope your right mate....


Don't know if anyone saw Channel 9 news but they had Johns on there just before and he said he could be out for a couple of weeks.

I think he should just retire, or let the club know that he won't be continuing on next year.
What are you people on about..tell me when johns put up HIS hand and said I WANT TP PLAY ORIGIN...source that!...its the MEDIA who drove that..its the MEDIA who is on his back ..are you?or arent you playing on next year...he has said i will see how my form is..thats it!...wake up to your freakin selves and go and rant on the NRL section..youll find plenty of supporters...
I for one will be as sad as hell when he goes...the best ive ever seen and he plays FOR your team..

If he out cause of a training incident then so be it..its rare for johns to string together 2 bad performances together.and im sure the pack will be fired up after being pissed on from a great height last week..Johns running the show from a pack that holds it own is a better chance of winning.
Ill gladly eat my words at about 7pm tomorrow nite if we win..but we are a much better chance if he plays


Yeah, Ben I hope u r right to. If he is injured thats a shame and it happens. I guess I am just over the dramatics and in fairness to him this one is not of his making. My reaction is just that a reaction and a disappointment.

In some ways I want to just get on with footy and once he is gone, well we have to get used to it. But like anyone it would be great to see him at his best again because there is nothing better.

For me I have a love hate relationship with JOHNS but hey thats life and thats my problem.


I just saw the collison that caused the injury.
fair dinkum - he is made of glass - i'm 48 and that hit wouldn't hurt me.


Holla if ya hear me said:
What are you people on about..tell me when johns put up HIS hand and said I WANT TP PLAY ORIGIN...source that!...its the MEDIA who drove that..its the MEDIA who is on his back ..are you?or arent you playing on next year...he has said i will see how my form is..thats it!...wake up to your freakin selves and go and rant on the NRL section..youll find plenty of supporters...
I for one will be as sad as hell when he goes...the best ive ever seen and he plays FOR your team..

If he out cause of a training incident then so be it..its rare for johns to string together 2 bad performances together.and im sure the pack will be fired up after being pissed on from a great height last week..Johns running the show from a pack that holds it own is a better chance of winning.
Ill gladly eat my words at about 7pm tomorrow nite if we win..but we are a much better chance if he plays

Don't worry, these fickle 'fans' will be saying 'ohh i always knew he had it in him' when he kills some teams...
Its johns fault that his name sells papers.

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