The processing is not the problem, each membership has to be approved by the board so they need to wait for the ext board meeting - thats my understanding anyway.
Thats why some people wait months to hear, and other hear back also straight away, it depends on when their application comes in and when the board approve.
Do people who have their memberships renewed need to have board approval to be renewed and for the badge to be mailed out?
Hi, can anyone help with getting some signatures on a new membership form?
you chickenHey Strides,
You'll have to sort out the Islanders on your own.
My badge arrived today.
did your cheque clear yet but?
last time my cheque didn't clear for like a month after i got my badge.
Joey Jo Jo buzz Hellsy - she has a stockpile ready to send out
:shock: :sarcasm: :lol:she'll be all over it like a fat kid on cake