Have you read all the Special Resolutions ?
SR 1, is to change the LC's constitution in line with the removal of the 5 K radius.
SR 2, is to change the LC's constitution to remove someone who has had an adverse finding from ILGA or OLG or any other court or tribunal, or any other club from being a member of the LC
SR 3, is to change the number of members required to request a special general meeting to 5%
SR 4, is to publish to all members if some member has requested the members register for the LC.
So on first glance...
SR1 seems innocuous and ok, if it is
just to align the constitution with changes to the Clubs Act. However it is a lengthy resolution, and depending on where the resolution came from (which members proposed it), I'd be double checking there isn't some hidden detail that opens the gate for a Roy or similar to do something unintended....
SR2 sounds good as it appears to be a clause that would root out proven failed people from being members (and potentially Directors). I'd
fully support this, so that the stains from our club's past can't come back into power.
SR3 sounds good, provided it is to
increase the current number/% required to call an SGM to 5% (and not to drop it down to 5%)?
SR4 sounds good, and provides
clarity and accountability about anyone is getting our details while trying to direct market to get themselves elected to Director positions.