Is that really Mr. Silver today?
He looks like the shwashshank redemption feller.
Do you think The Karate Kid 3 flopped because the 80's ended and the 90's shipped in?
KK3 wouldn't have been released until 1990 right, it was made in 1989 but would have been released after 1990 right? So I reckon tha's why it wasn't given a fair go.
Jesus age does terrible things to people.
Daniel LaRusso today with his daughter?
He looks like some Gyro pizza-selling struggle street feller today.
I hate seeing the stars from yesterday today.
They're not the same.
When I found out Krammer wasn't as funny in real life I never looked at him the same way again.
I want to remember The Karate Kid as being the kid in school.
Kreese hasn't changed since his Charlie Angels days.
If I check out Mike Barnes on the net here in the library all these sexy boy images come up like he's a hunk for hire, or something, and the people behind me will think I'm scanning for male bodies and make assumptions..
So Karate's nasty boy thinks he's eye candy does he?
Do you think there was production problems or financial problems on the set of KK3? At the start Mike Barnes hair is very short but at the end in the final fight it's very long if you look close.
Daniel sported about 3 different hair styles too.
His acting was kind of eratic in part 3.
The way he said the lines was ameturish.
Especially the part putting the little tree back.
Bet you're glad to be back home little guy.
Here's a nice cool drink of water.