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Kevin proctor


First Grade
It's when you see both their hands in front of your face and hear them say "Maaaagiiiiic!" that you start to worry.


I think halfback is a little harsh, we recruited Witt and Williams as well as have Style & Quilan. It is fair to think one of those would come half good. I agree on the prop front however.

I cant agree with you on that from what ive now seen Witt - rubbish , Kyle -never be a half especially if PRICE is saying thats where he wants to see him Price has the poorest judgement with players ive seen in a lot of years, Quinlan -good luck with that ,Williams from what i saw in the cutters game against the Warriors miles away from FG ,though as you know i think Williams has the most potential to me he is way down on confidence ,maybe he played better this week but who is going get to the next level ,Price couldnt BRING ALONG his grandmother, i think its fair to say the standout players in our side would stand out in any side they are that good , but as for developing anyones game as a coach ,not many players spring to mind, i understand he was the flegg premier league and 20's coach but as far helping anyone improve at FG level i cant think of any ,MERRIN wouldve done what hes done whoever was his coach and he found his feet under Bennett.I think Price desparately trying to save his position has very little time to spend on developing players.


When you have two good up and coming props (JDB and Stockwell) and one first grade prop coming back from serious injury (Hunt), you don't go out and recruit fringe props hoping they will do well. Cooper is a good buy but really, he is a backrower; as is Frizzel, Creagh, Thompson, Ah Mau, Mathews and Harrison. We needed to add two ready made first grade props to our squad to start the season.

Same goes for halfbacks. We have a good 6 in Widdop and really, Style should be his backup. So we recruited Williams, Witt and trialed Quinlan at 7. What we really needed to do was recruit a first grade halfback and have Williams, Witt or even Quinlan as backup.

Recruitment has not been our strong point for a while now.



When you have two good up and coming props (JDB and Stockwell) and one first grade prop coming back from serious injury (Hunt), you don't go out and recruit fringe props hoping they will do well. Cooper is a good buy but really, he is a backrower; as is Frizzel, Creagh, Thompson, Ah Mau, Mathews and Harrison. We needed to add two ready made first grade props to our squad to start the season.

Same goes for halfbacks. We have a good 6 in Widdop and really, Style should be his backup. So we recruited Williams, Witt and trialed Quinlan at 7. What we really needed to do was recruit a first grade halfback and have Williams, Witt or even Quinlan as backup.

Recruitment has not been our strong point for a while now.

Top line players don't come along that often and Doust did chase Cronk a cpl years ago. When we signed Williams most were excited about that though a few questioned his defense. He hasn't quite lived up to expectations but firstly they are always over the top from our supporters and secondly he has been behind a beaten pack. Cooper was sold to us as a prop but when I did some research he looked at himself mainly as a backrower. I don't understand how we have got so many backrowers either but I think we are having a hard time landing a big prop without paying extreme overs. I'd be looking at the UK for one of their Marquee props, not an average one. Just ask Cooper who he feared playing against
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When you have two good up and coming props (JDB and Stockwell) and one first grade prop coming back from serious injury (Hunt), you don't go out and recruit fringe props hoping they will do well. Cooper is a good buy but really, he is a backrower; as is Frizzel, Creagh, Thompson, Ah Mau, Mathews and Harrison. We needed to add two ready made first grade props to our squad to start the season.

Same goes for halfbacks. We have a good 6 in Widdop and really, Style should be his backup. So we recruited Williams, Witt and trialed Quinlan at 7. What we really needed to do was recruit a first grade halfback and have Williams, Witt or even Quinlan as backup.

Recruitment has not been our strong point for a while now.

Hodkinson wouldve been ideal ,he had the choice of coach HASLER OR PRICE to further his career under ,he made the right call.

Cagey Mac

Top line players don't come along that often and Doust did chase Cronk a cpl years ago. When we signed Williams most were excited about that though a few questioned his defense. He hasn't quite lived up to expectations but firstly they are always over the top from our supporters and secondly he has been behind a beaten pack. Cooper was sold to us as a prop but when I did some research he looked at himself mainly as a backrower. I don't understand how we have got so many backrowers either but I think we are having a hard time landing a big prop without paying extreme overs. I'd be looking at the UK for one of their Marquee props, not an average one. Just ask Cooper who he feared playing against

Back rowers= Centre, halfback, 5/8 and prop can't recall price playing them anywhere else but give him time. Didn't Bennett use Nighty as a prop once?


Hodkinson wouldve been ideal ,he had the choice of coach HASLER OR PRICE to further his career under ,he made the right call.

He was already playing under Hasler and was poached by Dez which I seem to recall was part of the reason Dez got shafted a year early after just winning the GF. I don't recall him being on the Dragons radar but he certainly made a good choice to leave Manly with the halves they have got now


Back rowers= Centre, halfback, 5/8 and prop can't recall price playing them anywhere else but give him time. Didn't Bennett use Nighty as a prop once?

lol I have seen Gypsy pack down in a scrum once but don't get me started on backs packing down in scrum and forwards at 5/8. It's the dumbest thing ever! Almost as dumb as playing Prior in the centres week after week then dropping him! He was a mixed bag for sure but should never have been used like that

love my saints

Hodkinson wouldve been ideal ,he had the choice of coach HASLER OR PRICE to further his career under ,he made the right call.

Biggest load of shit... saints never approached him... so no... he didnt chose hasler over price!!!
Price hasnt delivered whats required or expected of him... that is true... but if u want to blame him... blame him with facts not made up bullshit.
He cant coach... thats been proven by results... to make up shit and speak it like its truth just goes to show ur nothing but a moron!!!


He was already playing under Hasler and was poached by Dez which I seem to recall was part of the reason Dez got shafted a year early after just winning the GF. I don't recall him being on the Dragons radar but he certainly made a good choice to leave Manly with the halves they have got now

H e was up for grabs last year and i heard we talked to him, he left Manly the season before HASLER and i think he was pushed never the less has turned into a quality player.


Biggest load of shit... saints never approached him... so no... he didnt chose hasler over price!!!
Price hasnt delivered whats required or expected of him... that is true... but if u want to blame him... blame him with facts not made up bullshit.
He cant coach... thats been proven by results... to make up shit and speak it like its truth just goes to show ur nothing but a moron!!!

Watch your mouth sunshine , I heard we spoke to him last year when he was deciding on his next contract ,as we seemed to speak to everyone who is available and get few. CRAWL BACK UNDER YOUR ROCK .

love my saints

Yeh well said sunshine.... you heard... let me guess... your neighbours friends cousins mailman??? Go back on the toilet and fabricate some new stories.... i know for fact we didnt approach him... so when u talk shit include the line "i heard"... dont state it as fact... re read ur original comment... u stated it as fact, when in fact, its not true...


Yeh well said sunshine.... you heard... let me guess... your neighbours friends cousins mailman??? Go back on the toilet and fabricate some new stories.... i know for fact we didnt approach him... so when u talk shit include the line "i heard"... dont state it as fact... re read ur original comment... u stated it as fact, when in fact, its not true...

If you read my reply to GT I DID STATE THAT I HEARD as far as i was concerned it was fact but Listen mate as you've so kindly pointed out i could be wrong, would i be the first person to be wrong on here ,so how do you know that he wasnt approached?


Twenty10 knows jack,bullsh*t media talk.

Haha ok buddy. We'll see who knows jack shit. Always amazes me how many f**k wits their are on here. You included. This is a forum. People do actually have good contacts (that can't be named). Of course you can believe what you like... But being a complete tosser about it is just stupid. Pull your head in.

love my saints

If you read my reply to GT I DID STATE THAT I HEARD as far as i was concerned it was fact but Listen mate as you've so kindly pointed out i could be wrong, would i be the first person to be wrong on here ,so how do you know that he wasnt approached?

I know the guy personally....
and its not a direct go at u... its just beyond a joke the shit that gets made up about price... he has to go, thats a fact, he isnt up to coaching 1st grade... thats a fact... no shit needs to made up to justify him getting the axe...
the club as a whole is in a hole... recruitments been rong... all this proctor and sims talk is off the mark... we dont need them... so we wont chase hard.. but if we sign them... everybody will cry doust f@cked up by signing more back rowers... if we dont... doust in an idiot... he now knows we lack forwards and a half... hang the guy if he fails to deliver what we need... not if he fails to sign every off contract player... and hang him again if price is retained...
But base accusations on facts... not on fiction.
he went all out for cronk and bellamy... he identified we needed them... the next best half available was williams... he signed him... he turned out to be a dud... shit happens...
proctor is not needed... definetely not at 500k.... sims could be used up front... but the money to get him and make him a makeshift front rower could get u two proper front rowers...
logic is needed now... not panic... every tom dick and harry is linked to our club... wr dont need no more back rowers... dont hang doust if we miss proctor and sims... hang him if we dont get any decent forwards and a half....
thats all im saying