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Knight Russell Packer jailed for two years


I have no problem with packer belting some merkin

What I have a problem with is what happened after he hit the ground

Me too. I find that absolutely despicable. A lot of things are easy to say 'oh me, never' when you're not in that situation, but I would honestly never put somebody through that. When they're knocked down, they are done.

This guy could have threatened Packer with a knife and I still think stomping on his head would be too far.


I amazed that people think knocking someone out unconscious on the floor is an acceptable reaction to some "alleged" jibes?? (which have been mentioned no where except on this forum after reading too much into a FB post)

Probably a snapshot of why there is so much violence at the moment.


Is there that much violence at the moment though? (srs, I'd love to know stats if anybody has them)

I find it hard to believe that there is actually an increased number of assaults/fights in 2014 than there was in 1994, 1984 or 1954.


First Grade
Who knows what really happened? I know for one thing. If somebody made derogatory or disgusting comments about myself or my family, I wouldn't be shaking their hand and buying them a beer.

I wouldn't hit them for it either - the only time you ever hit someone is in self defense

I doubt the other person would have hit Packer unless they were extremely stupid. If they'd done that, then they could well expect a kicking.

If someone insults your family you have 2 options - you either turn the other cheek and walk away or you glass the merkins. No, that's not right. You turn the other cheek or you point out the fact that they've never even met your family, so they're merely making complete tools of themselves. A verbal deserves a verbal. Not a fist then boots to the head.


Is there that much violence at the moment though? (srs, I'd love to know stats if anybody has them)

I find it hard to believe that there is actually an increased number of assaults/fights in 2014 than there was in 1994, 1984 or 1954.

Well according the media serious assaults have sky rocketed in recent times especially in inner city Sydney and Melbourne (that could be right wing "too much crime" propaganda however)

Regardless, I can't see how anyone would think knocking someone out is acceptable unless in self defense.


Well according the media serious assaults have sky rocketed in recent times especially in inner city Sydney and Melbourne (that could be right wing "too much crime" propaganda however)

Regardless, I can't see how anyone would think knocking someone out is acceptable unless in self defense.
Even if they're telling the truth, they could mean skyrocketing since 2012. Cbf sleuthing myself though.

Agree on the second part.
Is there that much violence at the moment though? (srs, I'd love to know stats if anybody has them)

I find it hard to believe that there is actually an increased number of assaults/fights in 2014 than there was in 1994, 1984 or 1954.

My MIL's brother got king-hit and killed at a pub almost 40 years ago. Its been happening for ages and sadly will continue to happen, regardless of all the chest beating by the powers that be about how tough they're getting.


First Grade
Well according the media serious assaults have sky rocketed in recent times especially in inner city Sydney and Melbourne (that could be right wing "too much crime" propaganda however)

Regardless, I can't see how anyone would think knocking someone out is acceptable unless in self defense.

Page 3 shows a long term trend increase
13,000 in a quarter in NSW in 1995 to 22,000 in 2009

However this doesn't show post 2009 nor does it show the involvement of alcohol - merely violent crimes, sex offences and robbery


Page 3 shows a long term trend increase
13,000 in a quarter in NSW in 1995 to 22,000 in 2009

However this doesn't show post 2009 nor does it show the involvement of alcohol - merely violent crimes, sex offences and robbery
Interesting. It shows a general decreasing of assaults on licensed premises between 08-09, but that is far too tiny a sample space. Violent crimes seems to plateau since the early 00s but there is a very solid increase there. Population would also need to be take into consideration. Cheers for that.

If only our News outlets weren't so trash and would compile some stats like that.


First Grade
I did read in the SMH that incidents in Kings Cross had fallen after a heavy Police presence but that incidents had risen in the George Street precinct but I can't find any statistical data atm.

I find judging the late 90's to any other period can be a little bit misleading because during that period alcohol consumption among young people fell dramatically as ElephantJuice such as ecstacy and pot became far more commonly used, peaking in popularity around 2000 - 2002.

As the Police focused their efforts on arresting people carrying ElephantJuice using sniffer dogs etc, most young people went back to the easily accessible drug, alcohol. This period also saw the rise of the mixed drinks such as Vodka Cruisers etc as alcohol manufacturers wanted to make their drinks cool to appear to a younger market. Making drinks that essentially appeal to immature taste buds was a clever marketing move but it also disguised what the drinks are to a larger extent.

But the real elephant in the room that rarely gets mentioned when we talk about alcohol fuelled violence is steroid abuse. Today's angry young men don't look like ordinary teenagers and twenty somethings. They look like body builders. You don't get body builder physiques at twenty by lifting weights alone (although the increased levels of testosterone in normal body builders mixed with alcohol is a dangerous enough mix) you get them by ingesting steroids. Steroids increase testosterone production making already volatile people far more unstable. Add alcohol into this mix and the mental imbalance goes off the scale.

Now I'm not for a second suggesting that Mr Packer was suffering from roid rage or taking steroids, but the prevalence of steroids and their ease of access thanks to the internet barely rates a mention whenever alcohol induced violence gets discussed.

A truly pissed up person can barely swing a punch, let alone hit someone with such force they go to ground and smash their skull on the pavement. Watching two drunk people fight is like watching an episode of will they won't they. But someone juiced to the eyeballs on steroids with a few drinks in them? f**k me - I don't want to be within 100 miles of that mix thanks.


I think too many people are ill informed about steroids as well though. I agree with you that they'll make a volatile person more volatile (just like alcohol) but it's not like some switch just goes when you do even a little and you catch 'roid rage'.

I think it's also the type of people who feel the need to be juiced to their eyes are going to be inherently confrontational and once you boost the Test and reduce the inhibitions problems will occur.

This may be a left field one, but I've seen pills also make people more agressive.

It's unfair to blame alcohol imo - violent people with reduced inhibitions are.


First Grade
It makes you wonder what events led to Packer giving this Enoka Time a hiding. With his now deleted Facebook comments further inflaming the situation suggests that the merkin might have incited Packer to pursue the course of action which led to his arrest and subsequent prison time.

Who knows what really happened? I know for one thing. If somebody made derogatory or disgusting comments about myself or my family, I wouldn't be shaking their hand and buying them a beer.

You and Packer seem alike, you bloody merkin.


This sentence won't stick. It will be downgraded on appeal for sure. The only jail time Packer will see will be between now and the hearing of his appeal.

I think your right. That's why I can't understand the apologists claiming it was too harsh.

It's a shit system that allows this however.


There is 2 sides to every story.

I'm getting over the number of PC douchebags that seem to jump on the PC bandwagon to tread some untouchable moral high ground like they're Jesus. Perhaps the guy that Packer smacked was being a twat. I'm not condoning violence but sometimes some people deserve what they get. The problem with kids these days is they have zero respect.
There are absolutely no circumstances in which the actions of Russell Packer are acceptable.

Some guys might deserve a beating... and this guy could have been mouthing off to try and provoke Packer. Let's just say for a moment that he did deserve a beating (even though we have no idea at all if he provoked Packer in anyway).

If Packer had just tuned him up a bit and let him be after putting him on the ground, then this incident wouldn't have been anywhere near as bad. Although a famous athlete in the public eye should have much stronger self control then to react to some guy trying to start him in the first place, but if it was a simple as him putting a guy into his place who deserved it, then I think people could sympathise.

What is not acceptable though is the fact that he beat the crap out of this person, and then as he lay on the ground defenseless he made the decision to continue to beat him up, and then stomp on the guys head. When this guy was laying on the ground defenseless, no matter what he had done to provoke Packer (if he even did anything at all), it became attempted murder for Russell to continue to punch him in the head and then stomp on his face. What possible reason could Russell have to continue beating on, and then stomping on a guy who he has already knocked to the ground? The fight is well and truly over. He won. Trying to continue to beat on someone who is already knocked out, can only be considered attempted murder.

I guarantee you would not be showing the same sort of support for him had he not signed with the Knights. It's bias clouding your judgement wanting for his actions to be acceptable. But the fact is they are not and this guy is a disgraceful piece of shit that doesn't deserve to ever play our game again. I believe in criminals being allowed a second chance in society, but this guy doesn't deserve to ever be in the position of being a role model for young children who love our game. This guy doesn't deserve to earn the big money and enjoy the glory of being a rugby league star ever again. We should not tarnish our image any further by allowing a person like this to play our great game. Fortunately I can't see any single club wanting him to wear their jersey after these actions.
I think your right. That's why I can't understand the apologists claiming it was too harsh.

It's a shit system that allows this however.

Yeah, I don't agree with it either. I think he should serve every day of that two years.

But I reckon the appeals court will look at his maximum sentence and decide to wind that back based purely on the fact that the norm for the last few years is for people to get something closer to the minimum.

The shit part about the court system these days is that it seems to be less about the actual offense and more about the way similar offenses have been dealt with. If the average sentence is a good behaviour bond (which it is, in this case), the fact that Packers sentence is so much steeper than the average will play in his favour on appeal.


First Grade
There are absolutely no circumstances in which the actions of Russell Packer are acceptable.

Some guys might deserve a beating... and this guy could have been mouthing off to try and provoke Packer. Let's just say for a moment that he did deserve a beating (even though we have no idea at all if he provoked Packer in anyway).

If Packer had just tuned him up a bit and let him be after putting him on the ground, then this incident wouldn't have been anywhere near as bad. Although a famous athlete in the public eye should have much stronger self control then to react to some guy trying to start him in the first place, but if it was a simple as him putting a guy into his place who deserved it, then I think people could sympathise.

What is not acceptable though is the fact that he beat the crap out of this person, and then as he lay on the ground defenseless he made the decision to continue to beat him up, and then stomp on the guys head. When this guy was laying on the ground defenseless, no matter what he had done to provoke Packer (if he even did anything at all), it became attempted murder for Russell to continue to punch him in the head and then stomp on his face. What possible reason could Russell have to continue beating on, and then stomping on a guy who he has already knocked to the ground? The fight is well and truly over. He won. Trying to continue to beat on someone who is already knocked out, can only be considered attempted murder.

I guarantee you would not be showing the same sort of support for him had he not signed with the Knights. It's bias clouding your judgement wanting for his actions to be acceptable. But the fact is they are not and this guy is a disgraceful piece of shit that doesn't deserve to ever play our game again. I believe in criminals being allowed a second chance in society, but this guy doesn't deserve to ever be in the position of being a role model for young children who love our game. This guy doesn't deserve to earn the big money and enjoy the glory of being a rugby league star ever again. We should not tarnish our image any further by allowing a person like this to play our great game. Fortunately I can't see any single club wanting him to wear their jersey after these actions.



But the real elephant in the room that rarely gets mentioned when we talk about alcohol fuelled violence is steroid abuse. Today's angry young men don't look like ordinary teenagers and twenty somethings. They look like body builders. You don't get body builder physiques at twenty by lifting weights alone (although the increased levels of testosterone in normal body builders mixed with alcohol is a dangerous enough mix) you get them by ingesting steroids. Steroids increase testosterone production making already volatile people far more unstable. Add alcohol into this mix and the mental imbalance goes off the scale.

A truly pissed up person can barely swing a punch, let alone hit someone with such force they go to ground and smash their skull on the pavement. Watching two drunk people fight is like watching an episode of will they won't they. But someone juiced to the eyeballs on steroids with a few drinks in them? f**k me - I don't want to be within 100 miles of that mix thanks.

A dedicated 20yo can easily get a very good bodybuilder like(thats a broad term) physique without roids. Have you watched any NYC? imagine what some of those boys would look like with a lot less running and cardio training and more weights.
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First Grade
A dedicated 20yo can easily get a very good bodybuilder like(thats a broad term) physique without roids. Have you watched any NYC? imagine what some of those boys would look like with a lot less running and cardio training and more weights.

How many 20 year olds do you know that train full time in the way NRL U20's do? That's what you'd need to do to achieve the size some of these roid munchers get to.

The vast majority of kids with v shaped backs and enormous arms have used steroids. The engorged jaw lines and huge pimples across the shoulders are usually telltale signs as well.

I'm not saying it's not attainable, but the people that have achieved it naturally are in the minority.


First Grade
This may be a left field one, but I've seen pills also make people more agressive.

Maybe they were on Ice or Speed but not MDMA

If you hit someone while on MDMA, one, it would be the worlds most un-co punch and two, you'd spend the next 30 minutes apologising and trrying to cuddle them better :lol: