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Knight Russell Packer jailed for two years


First Grade
So it seems the solution is simple; lower the price of alcohol - by half. The world would be more safe & happier for it.

But it will never happen as we have Tony Abbott as PM, & we all know he is a Liberal right wing communist pig-dog.

Club prices bear no relation to the price of alcohol - they're more related to the price of fashion.

I have heard calls for an increase in the price of regular alcohol sales from bottle shops etc as this will be a "weapon" in their war to slow down pre loading.

You can be sure as shit the politicians will welcome the opportunity to tax people more in the name of reducing violence and we'll all pay for it.

PS Communists were left wing, not right wing. Call him a bigoted fascist - but not a Commie.

Knight Vision

First Grade
In what f**king world do you live in, that you think condemning someone for knocking someone unconscious and stomping on them is being PC?
Depends what was said or done. For example if you mentioned my family or my mother in a non complimentary way I may just give you a hiding for being a disrespectful twat. If you were up in my face and being aggressive depending on my mood I may walk away or I may decide to tear you a new one.

I dont often get into the situations mentioned above but over the course of 30 yrs partying and having an outrageously great time in life I have crossed these paths before. I usually walk away , I'm kind courteous and respectful at all times. It just so happens my fellow man may not be so inclined. If this be the case and he needs an attitude adjustment I'm at times willing to assist.

The real lesson is be kind courteous and respectful to others and there wont be a problem.


Wow youre a tough dude. Still doesnt quiet line up with trying to murder the guy when he is on the ground defenseless.

Knight Vision

First Grade
he's a lawyer so that automatically makes him a douchebag

i like this better than coward shot :D

the way the appeals system is set up benefits the defence more than the prosecution. my understanding is the defence can appeal for pretty much everything - wrong decisions, unfair punishment, things not taken into consideration etc. the prosecution on the other hand if a guilty verdict is obtained can only appeal if the sentence is manifestly weak (might not be the correct term but its something like that).

now if you take the first point i made about the defence, the sentences have been getting eroded due to appeals and piss weak magistrates so a 4 year sentence will almost no doubt be seen as "about right" when compared to other weak sentences handed out. so the odds are incredibly minimal loveridge would get any extra time (though he deserves another 6 years at least)

the guy is probably reacting to having a gorilla stomp on him. if a gorilla stomped on me i wouldnt be buying them a beer either....

the problem is people like you who are suggesting what packer did is in any way justifiable. if the guy mouthed off packer can walk away or talk shit back. he doesnt get to start belting people on the ground and stomping them. the victim may have had "zero" respect but that doesnt mean the extreme level of violence displayed was in any way justified

Wrong in so many ways. You should get out and experience the wonderful cultures of the world and perhaps read a little history. Respect is mandatory. In some countries if it is not shown you will get more than a slap or punch/stomp on the head, in some places in the world you will be dead - someone will shoot you. Like I said previously the twat may have deserved what he got. What he said may not have been acceptable. One thing is certain though, the next time he feels like mouthing off to a 120 kg man he will think twice. He may also start to show some respect to others when in public. Every man will get a hiding at some stage in his life. Looks like this guy just got his.


Lol. Man there's some tough dudes in this thread. Respect is earned. Not too many drunken f**kwits show much of it at 2.00 am.

Anyway, keep it up boys. I love reading how tough you all are. Lol again.

Knight Vision

First Grade
There are absolutely no circumstances in which the actions of Russell Packer are acceptable.

Some guys might deserve a beating... and this guy could have been mouthing off to try and provoke Packer. Let's just say for a moment that he did deserve a beating (even though we have no idea at all if he provoked Packer in anyway).

If Packer had just tuned him up a bit and let him be after putting him on the ground, then this incident wouldn't have been anywhere near as bad. Although a famous athlete in the public eye should have much stronger self control then to react to some guy trying to start him in the first place, but if it was a simple as him putting a guy into his place who deserved it, then I think people could sympathise.

What is not acceptable though is the fact that he beat the crap out of this person, and then as he lay on the ground defenseless he made the decision to continue to beat him up, and then stomp on the guys head. When this guy was laying on the ground defenseless, no matter what he had done to provoke Packer (if he even did anything at all), it became attempted murder for Russell to continue to punch him in the head and then stomp on his face. What possible reason could Russell have to continue beating on, and then stomping on a guy who he has already knocked to the ground? The fight is well and truly over. He won. Trying to continue to beat on someone who is already knocked out, can only be considered attempted murder.

I guarantee you would not be showing the same sort of support for him had he not signed with the Knights. It's bias clouding your judgement wanting for his actions to be acceptable. But the fact is they are not and this guy is a disgraceful piece of shit that doesn't deserve to ever play our game again. I believe in criminals being allowed a second chance in society, but this guy doesn't deserve to ever be in the position of being a role model for young children who love our game. This guy doesn't deserve to earn the big money and enjoy the glory of being a rugby league star ever again. We should not tarnish our image any further by allowing a person like this to play our great game. Fortunately I can't see any single club wanting him to wear their jersey after these actions.
A high school grade attempt of grandiose high ground rhetoric however the cliche driven dribble deteriorated to a transparent lack of any intellectual consideration at the highlighted ( bold) juncture. You see this is the problem with society. These are football players - homo sapiens and therefore imperfect . You and you alone are the role model for your children - not a football player, a hollywood star or any politician, not anyone other than yourself.You are the one that teaches your next generation of men and woman right from wrong , compassion, empathy , generosity, love , understanding and all the other attributes to make this world a better place.

A sad day it has become when you ask a stranger to do your job for you.

Never judge a man when you have not traveled a day in his shoes. Who knows what took place on the night in question ? Who know what may have been said. Who knows Mr Packers tortured or privileged past? In my book everyone makes mistakes. Packer is paying and will continue to pay for his mistake. Once he has done so he should be allowed to continue his life as others should.

Knight Vision

First Grade
It seems that the majority of respondents in this thread have NEVER thrown a punch in their lives. Oh the bleeding heart do-gooders!

The place is full of hypocrites.....or down and out full on lying merkins.
A disturbing trend of the times. Everyone online is Jesus. Just like most of the young people out at the bars these days try to look like they just stepped out of a music video.

Knight Vision

First Grade
Lol. Man there's some tough dudes in this thread. Respect is earned. Not too many drunken f**kwits show much of it at 2.00 am.

Anyway, keep it up boys. I love reading how tough you all are. Lol again.
Not tough dudes mate just people with traditional values of respect honor loyalty and decency , something of a rare commodity in society today.

Another poorly thought out cliche . Do you ever think for yourself ? Or just spew verbatim what you read somewhere ? Respect is a given, it is given to all living creatures. Trust is earned. If you do not respect someone at all times you have a very restricted and dangerous view on life. Like some of the tourists I see when traveling that end up in hospital.

Usain Bolt

Depends what was said or done. For example if you mentioned my family or my mother in a non complimentary way I may just give you a hiding for being a disrespectful twat. If you were up in my face and being aggressive depending on my mood I may walk away or I may decide to tear you a new one.

I dont often get into the situations mentioned above but over the course of 30 yrs partying and having an outrageously great time in life I have crossed these paths before. I usually walk away , I'm kind courteous and respectful at all times. It just so happens my fellow man may not be so inclined. If this be the case and he needs an attitude adjustment I'm at times willing to assist.

The real lesson is be kind courteous and respectful to others and there wont be a problem.

What a tough guy:lol:


A high school grade attempt of grandiose high ground rhetoric however the cliche driven dribble deteriorated to a transparent lack of any intellectual consideration at the highlighted ( bold) juncture. You see this is the problem with society. These are football players - homo sapiens and therefore imperfect . You and you alone are the role model for your children - not a football player, a hollywood star or any politician, not anyone other than yourself.You are the one that teaches your next generation of men and woman right from wrong , compassion, empathy , generosity, love , understanding and all the other attributes to make this world a better place.

A sad day it has become when you ask a stranger to do your job for you.

Never judge a man when you have not traveled a day in his shoes. Who knows what took place on the night in question ? Who know what may have been said. Who knows Mr Packers tortured or privileged past? In my book everyone makes mistakes. Packer is paying and will continue to pay for his mistake. Once he has done so he should be allowed to continue his life as others should.
Are you serious? You're trying to justify Russell Packer trying to kill someone.There's absolutely no excuse for those actions unless it's to defend yourself or a loved one. Even in those circumstances, it's still an unnecessary action to repeatedly punch a guy in the head after you have knocked him to the ground, and then stomp on his head. Although if the person had succeeded in severely hurting or killing a loved one, I could understand continuing to beat on him after he is defenseless. Which clearly wasn't the case here.

This is well and truly beyond a simple mistake. He didn't just get into a fight... he knocked someone out and then continued to beat the shit out of them as they lay on the ground defenseless, topping that off by stomping on his head for good measure. Death wasn't just a possible outcome with those actions, it was a very probably outcome. It's nothing more then dumb luck that the guy survived that attack.

People aren't perfect... but most people don't try and murder someone when they go out for a night on the piss. Those that do certainly don't deserve to be role models for young kids and earning shitloads of money.


Also I love how bagging someones mother or talking a bit of shit can be grounds for nearly killing someone. But nearly killing someone is no big deal at all, and is just some mistake that he shouldn't have to pay for at all. :lol:

I honestly hope you're just trolling in here. Because if these are genuine thoughts you are seriously disturbed. You seem to be acting as though this was only a fight where some Russell gave some guy a beating that he had been begging for. When in reality no one knows what caused the fight, we just know that when the fight was over... Russell decided to keep beating on a defenseless person and then stomp his head. Even if he did call his mother bad names... it certainly doesn't excuse attempted murder.
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Knight Vision

First Grade
Also I love how bagging someones mother or talking a bit of shit can be grounds for nearly killing someone. But nearly killing someone is no big deal at all, and is just some mistake that he shouldn't have to pay for at all. :lol:

I honestly hope you're just trolling in here. Because if these are genuine thoughts you are seriously disturbed. You seem to be acting as though this was only a fight where some Russell gave some guy a beating that he had been begging for. When in reality no one knows what caused the fight, we just know that when the fight was over... Russell decided to keep beating on a defenseless person and then stomp his head. Even if he did call his mother bad names... it certainly doesn't excuse attempted murder.
I'm not defending his actions , stomping on a defenseless person is out of line. But my whole point is the lack of respect that must of /may of lead to the assault . I've been going out for the better part of 3 decades all over the world in very different cultures and never had this happen to me....why? because I show respect. I've had some times when I've had to pull a wayward boy into line ( never overstepped the mark like Packer )but I've never had someone attack me and stomp on my head. One of 2 things have happened here 1) Packer is a lunatic 2) the boy had it coming

Knight Vision

First Grade
Also I love how bagging someones mother or talking a bit of shit can be grounds for nearly killing someone. But nearly killing someone is no big deal at all, and is just some mistake that he shouldn't have to pay for at all. :lol:

I honestly hope you're just trolling in here. Because if these are genuine thoughts you are seriously disturbed. You seem to be acting as though this was only a fight where some Russell gave some guy a beating that he had been begging for. When in reality no one knows what caused the fight, we just know that when the fight was over... Russell decided to keep beating on a defenseless person and then stomp his head. Even if he did call his mother bad names... it certainly doesn't excuse attempted murder.
Bagging someones mother could be grounds for a beating in my books. There are some things that should NEVER under any circumstances be spoken of in a negative way - EVER . It all comes down to one word RESPECT. Which as I've said before is a given. Show respect at all times to others and be humble. In my experience it is extremely rare for something like this to occur without the other person having direct input. Good things happen to good people. Bad things happen to assholes who deserve what they get.


I dont think people are judging him for being involved in a fight. Its for not stopping the fight when the guy had been knocked to the ground and the fight was over. Up until then, it was atleast a somewhat fair fight (or as fair as fighting a 120kg athlete could be). But once the guy is on the ground and defenseless, there's no reason to keep hitting him. Or stomp his head. Unless youre trying to kill him, or are a psycho.

Also, why do you assume Russell deserves any respect at all? I don't respect a man who does what he did. If he had any respect for human life, we wouldnt be having this debate.
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Bagging someones mother could be grounds for a beating in my books. There are some things that should NEVER under any circumstances be spoken of in a negative way - EVER . It all comes down to one word RESPECT. Which as I've said before is a given. Show respect at all times to others and be humble. In my experience it is extremely rare for something like this to occur without the other person having direct input. Good things happen to good people. Bad things happen to assholes who deserve what they get.

So I guess that Kelly kid who was just walking down the street and got hit in the back of the head and died was a bad person?

You go on about mindless cliches and then finish with that rubbish. What a load of f**king shit.

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