Wrong in so many ways. You should get out and experience the wonderful cultures of the world and perhaps read a little history. Respect is mandatory. In some countries if it is not shown you will get more than a slap or punch/stomp on the head, in some places in the world you will be dead - someone will shoot you. Like I said previously the twat may have deserved what he got. What he said may not have been acceptable. One thing is certain though, the next time he feels like mouthing off to a 120 kg man he will think twice. He may also start to show some respect to others when in public. Every man will get a hiding at some stage in his life. Looks like this guy just got his.
Sorry, but since when did we know for a fact that this bloke mouthed off?
I could suggest Packer was being a total and utter f**k job, this guy told him to piss off and Packer attacked him for having the gall to speak that way to him... and then i can just run with this story right? Like i dont any evidence or anything?
You've got no idea what actually happened here and nor do i. What we do know is this f**king low life knocked a man unconscious and being the total waste of sperm that he is, decided that wasnt enough, and proceeded to stomp on his head.
There is literally NOTHING that man could have said that justifies that behaviour. The fact you are trying to justify it speaks volumes of who you are as a person.