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Knights vs Bulldogs *** live spoilers


Of course the Bulldogs crowd was well behaved. When are people going to realise that's it's not the dogs fans that are causing the problem - it's an ethnic group living in the western suburbs that wear Bulldogs jerseys. As if they were ever going to travel to Newcastle.

Raiders Plight

Balmain_Boy said:
Sure he's always been biased. I've noticed it before, it's just never annoyed me all that much; the same way Harrogan hasn't annoyed me. But it's really at a new level this season. It was ridiculous. But since I follow the Tigers i'm not allowed that opinion. :roll: (not at you saab).

He got a bit carried away, Matt johns will look like a fool later in the season if the knights fall in a heap.


If the Knights can keep this up (ergo keep Johns on the paddock), I see no reason why they can't go from wooden spooners to premiers.

Incidentally, hard luck to Canterbury for what should have been the first try. Steve Clark is so petulant sometimes, he likes to think he see's everything and not be safe about it. That was definitely a try to Grimaldi.

Big Pete

Balmain Benny, your initial post straight after mine was a criticism and wasn't really warranted because Newcastle deserve all the praise they get.

In saying though it's only Round 3, at the end of Round 3 last year Canberra and Manly were leading the comp. and that is saying something considering Canberra came 2nd last.

And also agreed about Matt Johns, I didn't watch all the coverage so maybe this is why you chose to respond to my post.

One last thing on the Knights, if I hear one last thing about Thaiday taking over Minichello's Fullback spot I'm going to break down into laughter. Thaiday is a great player but he still has years to prove himself to be better than Minichello. Form is temporary, Class is permanent.

On my response to yours. It may not of been you specifically Balmain Benny but I remember Tigers fans were up in arms over the non-selection of their players in Test teams and the fact that they weren't in there was the sole reason we lost.

Sure you are the premiers, but I think it's fair to say last years comp. was very unpredictable. By the end of it, it was practically who had the form which was evidently you guys. Also on medicority I don't believe there has been a grand final contested between two teams who combined had lost 21 matches. To say the Cowboys were great grand final opposition as well would have to be a joke. It was easy to see they were flat, they got hammered in the first round, beat a off-Storm team and then went on to beat a Eels team who played as bad as they did in Round 5 against the Broncos that year.


about Thaiday taking over Minichello's Fullback spot I'm going to break down into laughter. Thaiday is a great player but he still has years to prove himself to be better than Minichello. Form is temporary, Class is permanent.

Seage is a better fullback than Thaiday. And if Seage didn't get serious leg injuries in 2004 and 2005 he'll be the starting fullback this year.

And Thaiday doesn't have years. He's 26 - 3 months older than Minichiello.


Staff member
Seage is a better fullback than Thaiday. And if Seage didn't get serious leg injuries in 2004 and 2005 he'll be the starting fullback this year.

Please, if you still think that after watching the first three rounds of this year, you're crazy. Seage is safe as houses, but he was never as good as Thaiday in attack (and I was a Seage fan). Thaiday has made the #1 his own. Seage can either settle onto the wing or resign himself to going elsewhere.


Big Pete said:
Balmain Benny, your initial post straight after mine was a criticism and wasn't really warranted because Newcastle deserve all the praise they get.

In saying though it's only Round 3, at the end of Round 3 last year Canberra and Manly were leading the comp. and that is saying something considering Canberra came 2nd last.

And also agreed about Matt Johns, I didn't watch all the coverage so maybe this is why you chose to respond to my post.

One last thing on the Knights, if I hear one last thing about Thaiday taking over Minichello's Fullback spot I'm going to break down into laughter. Thaiday is a great player but he still has years to prove himself to be better than Minichello. Form is temporary, Class is permanent.

On my response to yours. It may not of been you specifically Balmain Benny but I remember Tigers fans were up in arms over the non-selection of their players in Test teams and the fact that they weren't in there was the sole reason we lost.

Sure you are the premiers, but I think it's fair to say last years comp. was very unpredictable. By the end of it, it was practically who had the form which was evidently you guys. Also on medicority I don't believe there has been a grand final contested between two teams who combined had lost 21 matches. To say the Cowboys were great grand final opposition as well would have to be a joke. It was easy to see they were flat, they got hammered in the first round, beat a off-Storm team and then went on to beat a Eels team who played as bad as they did in Round 5 against the Broncos that year.

1) I'm not Balmain Benny, read more carefully.
2) It wasn't a criticism of you, but of the commentators. Nor was it even a response to you. Don't be so precious.
3) I don't think anyone claimed the omission of the Tigers' players was the reason for the loss. Why is this relevant to Matthew Johns biased appraisal of the Knights?
4) Once again, what has us being premiers got to do with anything even if I HAD been critical of you? Where the hell are you coming from with this?

Obviously there has been confusion. However, even if I HAD said what you thought, I don't understand why you would contiue to bring up the Tigers' premiership and the circumstances under which it was one when really, it's irrelevant.

Big Pete

Because everyone loved it when the Tigers were being praised yet when it stops and goes onto someone else then you get all upset. I think someone brought up the point is it only Tigers fans getting jealous.

It doesn't matter what your name is.

You chose a great time to say it, I'm not being precious about it, I'd rather knock the Knights then praise them.

Again I didn't know it was about Matt Johns, the post wasn't clear enough it was a simple mis-read. Also what you don't know doesn't mean it's false.

That once the spotlight came off you, you bag the other team the only way you can. It just shows how smug you are.

I'm just saying that because A) Yours a Wests supporter B) The smugness your fans have had since winning under those circumstances and C) It's a mis-read I thought you were getting jealous.

If it was about Matt Johns, then fine, I take back what I said. It just came accross as a Tigers fan getting jealous of all the Newcastle praise.


Big Pete said:
Because everyone loved it when the Tigers were being praised yet when it stops and goes onto someone else then you get all upset. I think someone brought up the point is it only Tigers fans getting jealous.

Jealous because Matthew Johns talking about what champion bloke Brian Carney and Andrew Johns are is annoying? Or the fact that Matt Johns was talking about the Knights going undefeated? You're deadset on crack. I couldn't care less WHAT the commentators say. Gould nearly creams himself over Marshall all the time, the difference is it's not nearly as folksy and quaint as Matt Johns' performance last night. It was like he was a commentator for the Newcastle local comp given the level of professionalism on show.

You chose a great time to say it, I'm not being precious about it, I'd rather knock the Knights then praise them.
Yeah, the time I chose was as Matt Johns was interviewing Carney and Johns on the sideline if my recollection serves me well. You are being precious about it. Why would it be aimed at you - it's not like there was a great deal of praise in the thread. In fact I myself said they are a premiership threat earlier on.
Again I didn't know it was about Matt Johns, the post wasn't clear enough it was a simple mis-read.
So, either don't shoot your mouth off about the Tigers or risk looking a fool. Your call.

Also what you don't know doesn't mean it's false.
No idea what this means.

That once the spotlight came off you, you bag the other team the only way you can. It just shows how smug you are.
The only way I can? What are you talking about?
I'm just saying that because A) Yours a Wests supporter B) The smugness your fans have had since winning under those circumstances and C) It's a mis-read I thought you were getting jealous.
We're smug about winning the premiership after 'luckily' hitting form at 'just' the right time. Good stuff pal. You're sure proving we got a lot of praise for last year's effort after comment B). But in future I'll try and make sure i'm being happy and not 'smug' you wanker.

If it was about Matt Johns, then fine, I take back what I said. It just came accross as a Tigers fan getting jealous of all the Newcastle praise.
For a start, only to you. Sounds like you had a vendetta pretty fired up and willing to launch. I'm so relieved you took it back though.

Lay off the drugs.


He is a QLD'er.

No he's not. He played junior League in QLD, but his first senior match was when he was 16, and that was in NSW.

How many years has he played Rugby League though?


5. He was playing League before going to union. He just wasn't with an NRL club. He was playing local league in NSW before getting signed by the Warratahs.

Please, if you still think that after watching the first three rounds of this year, you're crazy. Seage is safe as houses, but he was never as good as Thaiday in attack (and I was a Seage fan). Thaiday has made the #1 his own.

I didn't say he's better than Thaiday in attack. I said he's a better fullback. There's more to the game than attack.


Big Pete said:
Because everyone loved it when the Tigers were being praised yet when it stops and goes onto someone else then you get all upset. I think someone brought up the point is it only Tigers fans getting jealous.

It doesn't matter what your name is.

You chose a great time to say it, I'm not being precious about it, I'd rather knock the Knights then praise them.

Again I didn't know it was about Matt Johns, the post wasn't clear enough it was a simple mis-read. Also what you don't know doesn't mean it's false.

That once the spotlight came off you, you bag the other team the only way you can. It just shows how smug you are.

I'm just saying that because A) Yours a Wests supporter B) The smugness your fans have had since winning under those circumstances and C) It's a mis-read I thought you were getting jealous.

If it was about Matt Johns, then fine, I take back what I said. It just came accross as a Tigers fan getting jealous of all the Newcastle praise.
I think most Wests fans wouldve been cheering on the Knights last nite considering what the Dogs did to us the week prior, I know I was.

The Knights played brilliantly, but for M. Johns to be talking of going undefeated and grand finals in the 3rd week of a 32 week comp is ridiculous and he just went on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about his bro.

Sounds to me like you, big pete, have been simmering away all off season, you finally got it all off your chest but placed your foot in your mouth instead....another one upset at our Bradbury premiership hmmmm? :lol:

CWBush said:
Seage can either settle onto the wing or resign himself to going elsewhere.
You dont wanna let this bloke go...no idea.


innsaneink said:
Sounds to me like you, big pete, have been simmering away all off season, you finally got it all off your chest but placed your foot in your mouth instead....another one upset at our Bradbury premiership hmmmm? :lol:

Spot on ink. Sounds like he had the response all ready to go. Pathetic. As I said, near the start I said it looks like they are premiership contenders, which I hadn't though was the case.


Staff member
I didn't say he's better than Thaiday in attack. I said he's a better fullback. There's more to the game than attack.

What else does Seage have? Is good under the high ball and a good defender, but Thaiday's a better support player and a far better attacking player.


Staff member
I don't want us to sack Seage, but those saying he should be our fullback are just crazy. He may have a permanent place on our wing, but he's nowhere near the fullback Thaiday is proving to be.


What else does Seage have?

Excellent tackler.

He's okay in attack, he's nothing super, but he's not bad.

Seage at fullback and Thaiday on the wing. Dump Quinn all together.

Thaiday will go great on the wing.

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