Why does it matter what Gidley thinks? If he doesn't like it are you going to alter it to suit and then tell us?
We'll cross that bridge if and when we come to it. It didn't happen before with Mids, Brian Mcguigan or John Quayle and I don't envisage it this time around.
From my perspective the review is to ensure that he doesn't feel like we've misrepresented what he said on issues, not about giving him final cut as to be fair he's never asked for that.
Re the Titans, I didn't know that, perhaps we should propose similar.
I know they do a number of things for Armoury club members like stadium tours, dressing room access and special dinners.
Perhaps we should be like the MLB and put people's name on the seat after 5 years.
Let's put our thinking caps on and draw up a proposal for them.