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League players and the Comm/Olympic Games


fourplay, you should at least watch the game.

The athlete needed for rugby 7s and rugby league is completely different. Turner is a borderline 7s player. Hayne & Inglis are nowhere near it.

Inglis would not even be in the picture after about 2 minutes. Let alone have any part in the play.

So you think amateur 7's players are fitter than full time professional NRL players? Most forwards obviously don't have the body type but lol... You are deluded if you think a player like Hayne doesn't have the skills and fitness for 7's yet these neville nobodies apparently do. Hayne is an another level when it comes to fitness, speed, skill and strength. Every aspect of his game is better.


Hayne bludges too much as it is.

If he did the right sort of training of course he would be great at the game.

As an NRL player, no.


Piss off mate.

Ive probably attended more RWC's than you have watched on TV.

I hate the "holier than thou" attitude that the rah-rah brigade have on this LEAGUE forum.

According to you guys, Rugby is played by Gods from another planet and League is just some sad working class game that you tolerate when your not attending some Old Boys function or going for a Sunday drive in your X5.

You wan't admit it but privately you believe these 7's players would DOMINATE if they played in the NRL.
what an arrogant piece of sh*t you are... unless you've attended every RWC you havent seen more than me.

there are definitely some ex 7's players who could do well in the NRL.

guys like Jonah Lomu & Christian Cullen were given there break's through the 7's. they would have easily been good enough to play in the NRL.

i couldn't give a sh*t what you think of rah-rah's. im a Rugby Union & Rugby League fan... i watch both codes extensively.

and obviously unlike you... i can call it how i see it... without a chip on my shoulder either way.

my problems with clowns like you... you ridicule things you dont understand.


what an arrogant piece of sh*t you are... unless you've attended every RWC you havent seen more than me.

there are definitely some ex 7's players who could do well in the NRL.

guys like Jonah Lomu & Christian Cullen were given there break's through the 7's. they would have easily been good enough to play in the NRL.

i couldn't give a sh*t what you think of rah-rah's. im a Rugby Union & Rugby League fan... i watch both codes extensively.

and obviously unlike you... i can call it how i see it... without a chip on my shoulder either way.

my problems with clowns like you... you ridicule things you dont understand.

The arrogance started with you mate, when you choked on your old school tie and sprouted that I don't know anything about your private school boys club.

So you name two of the most famous and decorated Rugby players of all time as 7s players??

Let me guess heaps of Rugby players could easily make the switch to NRL and dominate, but NO League players could go the other way? Cause all rah-rahs are elite atheletes, but League players are just morons with no skill or smarts.

Youve got a MASSIVE chip on your shoulder with respect, with your total lack of respect for Rugby League players.
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Shiznit and Parra - ffs I could name about 5 Australian 7's sides that would flog anything that touched an oval all in Delhi in the past fortnight. To suggest that the Union players were fitter - :lol:

Tell me, what would the Union 7 be worth on the open maret compared to:

1 Slater
2 Hayne
3 Tequiri
4 Carney
5 Taylor
6 Thaiday
7 Farah

And the only reason Yawnion is in the olympics is because Pommy toffs are running the show. It's London, not places that have never heard of Union such as Beijing, Athens, Atlanta or Western Sydney. The host nation gets a few sports to chose. The Twickers leather patch brigade jumped in quicker than you could say "Oh no, my chauffeur is late bringing the Bentley home from Lord Cockface's garden party!"

No wonder the local didn't turn up. They got a sniff early on that no athletes were participating.
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lol... your attitude typifies why RL is such a poor sport internationally and RU is growing.
Growing? Where? It's shrinking rapidly in the country that has won the most world cups. Not even on FTA
neville nobodies in australia treat 7's as a gimmick whille RU have used 7's as a launching pad for the game overseas.

theve had tournament's in places from Delhi, Mar Del Plata, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Shanghai etc...
Yes, we can see the massive juggernaught that is Chinese Rugby Union.

its now an olympic sport... which apart from the exposure the game gets by being on the world stage... it also opens up a whole lot of olympic funding to the local RU boards to pump into the game.
Right up there with shuttlecock and synchronised swimming. They really pack 'em in, don't they. F*cking shuttlecock kits flood $2 shops every christmas, and no bastard buys 'em. When Shuttlecock gets on FTA and signs up Tim Mannah, jet me know.

RL could do with a few 'gimmicks' like this.
RL thrives on the stupid gimmicks by other codes.

If he did the right sort of training of course he would be great at the game.
What, eat 14 pies per day, break into a massive sweat lifting the Corgi out of the Volvo back seat, and marry some inbread distant relative of Queen Victoria? Yeah, he'd fit right in. But Inglis is closer. Actually, Peter Peters is closer still.

Te Kaha

First Grade
The arrogance started with you mate, when you choked on your old school tie and sprouted that I don't know anything about your private school boys club.

So you name two of the most famous and decorated Rugby players of all time as 7s players??

Let me guess heaps of Rugby players could easily make the switch to NRL and dominate, but NO League players could go the other way? Cause all rah-rahs are elite atheletes, but League players are just morons with no skill or smarts.

Youve got a MASSIVE chip on your shoulder with respect, with your total lack of respect for Rugby League players.

its YOU and you alone who has made a claim that Rugby players would dominate in the NRL immediately.. only a moroon would believe this.. Just as only a moron would believe any NRL player would do so in Rugby or Rugby 7's... Oh and Lomu and Cullen made their names in 7's long before they were considered for any Senior 15 aside team... Rugby and League are different games, just as League 7's is very differnt to Rugby 7's both sets of players are much better than the other in their respective games... Tell me, if NRL players are so much better in your opinion why did none of those who switched to Rugby in the last 15 years gone on to be the number one player in their position in the world?

And the only reason Yawnion is in the olympics is because Pommy toffs are running the show. It's London, not places that have never heard of Union such as Beijing, Athens, Atlanta or Western Sydney. The host nation gets a few sports to chose. The Twickers leather patch brigade jumped in quicker than you could say "Oh no, my chauffeur is late bringing the Bentley home from Lord Cockface's garden party!"

No wonder the local didn't turn up. They got a sniff early on that no athletes were participating.

Seriously.. you are getting dumber and dumber by the day.... Rugby 7's ISNT in the Olympics in London, it doesnt start until Rio in 2016... so your whole "argument" is is stupid as you are.

Growing? Where? It's shrinking rapidly in the country that has won the most world cups. Not even on FTA

Again you are wrong... it is growing quite well in South Africa, and its on FTA as well.
So Seth Effrika have won the most Union world cup's have they?

Where is it growing in Seth Effrika?

Have they upped their token coloured players from 2 to 3 per team?

Do you think the "growing quite well" in Seth Effrika has made up for the massive, and I mean massive drop in interest in Australia?

There are 5 million Hilter-sympathisers in Seth Effika, the vast majority of the population don't seem to give a f**k about Union. A 30 second game of "spot the non-white face" in the crowd at any Union game in SA will confirm that.


its YOU and you alone who has made a claim that Rugby players would dominate in the NRL immediately.. only a moroon would believe this.. Just as only a moron would believe any NRL player would do so in Rugby or Rugby 7's... Oh and Lomu and Cullen made their names in 7's long before they were considered for any Senior 15 aside team... Rugby and League are different games, just as League 7's is very differnt to Rugby 7's both sets of players are much better than the other in their respective games... Tell me, if NRL players are so much better in your opinion why did none of those who switched to Rugby in the last 15 years gone on to be the number one player in their position in the world?

So if a young cricketer comes through the State system and plays his first international for Australia in the Twenty20, does that mean he is a Twenty20 player, eventhough he has played the long form of the game for 90% of his life (just like Cullen and Lomu would have?)

I never made that claim that NRL players were MUCH better than anyone, tiddly winks players or otherwise.

I was disputing the claim made by all you Rah-Rah trolls that Union players are some sort of super atheletes and NRL players wouldn't be able to compete with them.

Te Kaha

First Grade
So if a young cricketer comes through the State system and plays his first international for Australia in the Twenty20, does that mean he is a Twenty20 player, eventhough he has played the long form of the game for 90% of his life (just like Cullen and Lomu would have?)

I never made that claim that NRL players were MUCH better than anyone, tiddly winks players or otherwise.

I was disputing the claim made by all you Rah-Rah trolls that Union players are some sort of super atheletes and NRL players wouldn't be able to compete with them.

Nobody has made that claim, other than YOU.. in fact the ONLY person who used "super atheletes" in a post WAS YOU...

All that has been said is that elite Rugby 7's players are fitter than NRL players and are better equiped to play Rugby 7's than NRL players... much the same as as they would be much better and fitter than other Rugby players who dont specialise in 7's...


What's all the crap about fitness? Fiji and Samoa pull players out of villages and still do well. I'm sure they aren't training around the clock. Its 7 minutes each way, surely the Nrl boys could handle that.

A couple fantasy sides (trying my best to pick players who would suit it)


1. Vatuvei
2. Marshall
3. Hohaia
4. Mannering
5. Nightingale
6. Tuiaki
7. Sau


1. Hayne
2. Slater
3. Uate
4. Jennings
5. Thurston
6. Watmough
7. Lewis


First Grade
There is no way that bunch of rabble that was sent out at the Comm Games have a better fitness level than NRL players. You do realise that a lot of those players were playing local club rugby a few weeks ago? They're not "specialist" sevens players, the majority just young rugby players that the ARU sees a future in, but can't crack Super 14, so they send them to play Sevens to get involved in the ARU system.

Have a look at this team list--

Robbie Coleman (20, NSW) - from Canberra, played in Aus under 20s
Nick Cummins (22, WA) - Super 14 player
Bernard Foley (20, NSW) - Sydney uni
Liam Gill (18, QLD) - Plays for Sunnybank in Brisbane
Pat McCabe (22, NSW) - Plays for Warringah, Sydney
Pat McCutcheon (23, NSW) - Sydney Uni
Luke Morahan (20, QLD) - University, Brisbane
Nick Phipps (21, NSW) - Sydney Uni
Brian Sefanaia (24, NSW) - Parramatta
Kimami Sitauti (19, QLD) - Souths
James Stannard (27, ACT) - Western Force fringe player
Lachie Turner (23, NSW) - Wallabies player

None of them are specialists, well maybe you could call Stannard a specialist. The rest are local club players who a few weeks ago were playing in the local club comps. Now, local club rugby..If you've ever seen a game of premier rugby, you would know the professionalism ranks well bellow the Qld Cup. I saw one of the Comm Games players playing this season at Souths Brisbane, and I can tell you, he was puffing just as hard as anyone.

I'm sure these guys had a training camp before going to Delhi, but come on, that's nothing that NRL players wouldn't go through every year in preseason, and during the week.

Do you honestly think that FULL TIME PROFESSIONAL rugby league players couldn't handle a match (with 7 minute halves) against these amateur, local club rugby players that train a few times a week all year? If so, wow...


First Grade
Nobody has made that claim, other than YOU.. in fact the ONLY person who used "super atheletes" in a post WAS YOU...

All that has been said is that elite Rugby 7's players are fitter than NRL players and are better equiped to play Rugby 7's than NRL players... much the same as as they would be much better and fitter than other Rugby players who dont specialise in 7's...

Definition of an oxymoron right there.


It is ridiculous to think an NRL players fitness wouldn't be up to a sevens game.

Not just the fitness but surley the skill levels would be superior to most sevens players.

These guys are the fittest, strongest and most skillful of all Rugby players in the world.

Te Kaha

First Grade
There is no way that bunch of rabble that was sent out at the Comm Games have a better fitness level than NRL players. You do realise that a lot of those players were playing local club rugby a few weeks ago? They're not "specialist" sevens players, the majority just young rugby players that the ARU sees a future in, but can't crack Super 14, so they send them to play Sevens to get involved in the ARU system.

And what about the team that won the gold... and has won the gold the previous 3 times that the Comm games have had 7's... the team that is yet to be defeated in the comm games??? the backbone of the team play only 7's internationally.

Definition of an oxymoron right there.
But then you have shown before your eye for rugby talent isnt that great anyway.

It is ridiculous to think an NRL players fitness wouldn't be up to a sevens game.

Not just the fitness but surley the skill levels would be superior to most sevens players.

These guys are the fittest, strongest and most skillful of all Rugby players in the world.

For f**ks sake... fitness is only one part of it... Rugby 7's is a different game to League, differnt rules, different defensive patterns, different skill sets...

In your opinion players from the NRL would dominate... but i have asked already and nobody has answered... how many NRL players who have played Rugby have dominated and were considered the best in their posiion in Rugby... simple answer is ZERO.


It is ridiculous to think an NRL players fitness wouldn't be up to a sevens game.

Not just the fitness but surley the skill levels would be superior to most sevens players.

These guys are the fittest, strongest and most skillful of all Rugby players in the world.

There are skills required in RU Sevens that are not required in RL. As for strength and fitness - Sevens fitness is different to NRL fitness. I would doubt that there is much difference in strength across professional RU and RL players.

Soccer players are the most skilled at soccer, ditto AFL players in their sport. It does not follow that soccer or AFL players would be successful in a different sport.

RU Sevens skills could, of course, be learned by RL players, but they would need to play a full season to justify selection in a national RU Sevens side. That is the way representative sport works.
Do you also believe that NRL players would dominate elite level touch footy?

Ask any touch footy player who the best they've ever seen was and they're more than likely to say Benji Marshall.

He went straight into the NRL and carved up in the World 7's whilst an NRL player.