i am filthy, no mask was made....
Anyways, the list so far.
Many many CH9 ads featuring Wally, Fatty, Sterlo, the news reader and others thanking Darren.
Statue on order for Lang Park.
Full hour TV special.
Section of Highway between Ipswich and Roma renamed Darren Lockyer Way (Part of the Warrago).
NRL and CH9 change the last game to Sunday.
Whilst Desert Qlder suggests Mal is in the same place, others say Alfie. My observation remains Qlders love Darren more than all but Wally. Even Wally is falling behind. Not having a go. Just my observation. I can find Qlders who may have a bad word about all but Darren.
I have nothing bad to say. Great player and leader. The respect he gains from his fellow players says it all.