Mr Blonde (Reservoir Dogs, really original) = slammingsam
Hahaha NO

Sorry some11, You are so ORIGINAL! So very very original. What an original name!! The way you added that extra numeral is just GENIUS... :lol:
Mr Blonde (Reservoir Dogs, really original) = slammingsam
:lol: Are you stalking Muzby? How do you know who his wife (boss) follows?Muzby - for someone who's boss is a mighty Souths fan and who sat in corporate boxes this year at Souths games, you sure do talk a lot of shit. I'd guess your boss wouldn't be to happy to find out what you get up to. Or perhaps you should pay more attention to your wife and young kid.
:? Sounds like someone has a crush on Muzby.He wants to come out of the closet...he is close...lend him some support ...The Dragqueen brethren is waiting for you Muzbegay.
:? Sounds like someone has a crush on Muzby.
I've decided to do my loling@50uff$ in private for a while.
Lol@souths isn't a movement but some fun which when it became a movement stopped being fun.
Where once we loled@souths now we lol@ourselves.
Did the irony of this statement really escape everyone? :shock:It may have come across that way but I certainly didn't mean it as a threat at all. Merely pointing out the fact he spends so much time on here wasting his life for something with no cause.
Yeah I'm with AG on this. I've posted some things in this thread that the mods have deem questionable so I'm going to give them a break and stay off this thread for a while. I might drop in to the Knights subforum every now and then but that will be about it. Most of the LOL@50uff$ stuff I post now is just rehashed stuff I've said before and it's probably getting a bit boring.
See you guys in 2012 for a whole new season of LOL@50uff$ (i.e just paying out on the team's inept performances).
Sorry but he doesn't want you tagging along Tim Taylor.yeah hopefully can you taking please the rest of these uncools peoples with you too no?![]()
Aye, fight and you may die. Run, and you'll live... at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take... OUR LOL@50UFF$!This thread is dead.
Abandon ship.
Yeah I'm with AG on this. I've posted some things in this thread that the mods have deem questionable so I'm going to give them a break and stay off this thread for a while. I might drop in to the Knights subforum every now and then but that will be about it. Most of the LOL@50uff$ stuff I post now is just rehashed stuff I've said before and it's probably getting a bit boring.
See you guys in 2012 for a whole new season of LOL@50uff$ (i.e just paying out on the team's inept performances).
Thank you but I can't take the credit.Thats very very good.