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Luke Bowden

First Grade
Mate you can say what you like about players not listening to the media or the headlines and it not affecting them...

Its just not true. At the end of the day people are human. 99% of young players these days are all on social media and would get sent and or see the news.

Mitch pearce has spoken about it at length before..

Recently mitch marsh spoke about how it affected him...

In the back of nathans mind im sure he has a burning desire to "own" the origin area and prove his doubters wrong..

Players always come out and give the old line - i dont listen or read the news and media...

Yet down the track normally when they retire or they come out of a form slump etc they will acknowledge it had an affect on them.

Not saying the luai situation is crazily disabling for the club it isnt.

But im sure guys like may and turuva and geyer who are off contract are keen to see it sorted sooner rather than later. So they know the club has money to keep them, and they get to stsy at the club they love if they perform.

Im not blaming panthers for any of this... no doubt these leaks have been luais shit management.

But the sooner this is resolved the better...

If there is one thing or one knock on the club over what has been an all time elite period... its probably that theyve let these things drag on to long.

Api, kiks, critta, spencer, luai... dyl seemed to drag out... as did marto. I get these things take time and thst they are complex. But its probs one thing i think the club could handke better.

It wouldve been ideal to have the luai situation resolved well before preseason, so there was no distractions for him and the club. 110% focus on his rehab and the club preparing for the wcc and rd1.

Instead his not training or rehabing at least with the club atm.

Yes its not the biggest problem i know. But itd be nice to get it resolved asap for everyone involved.
It’s resolved. He is leaving. I’ve just spent a minute reading another pointless post. Cheers

Luke Bowden

First Grade
Chammas gets his info from Penrith. if he's close to Jarome like you say then chances are he would've rang around, but honestly, let's look at his history. if there's any story that your club wants out, Chammas is the one writing it.

Black Money, like all management labels, would absolutely be doing the dirty somewhere. I agree with you 100%. but once again, Chammas' history tells a different story to the one you are trying to tell me. to say Penrith aren't complicit whatsoever doesn't make sense.
Your posts are so shit and very salty.

We don’t care about your theories , We really don’t care about your basket case of a club that has just made another huge mistake.

So just stop. Seriously you just sound like the classic sooky tigers supporter.


Chammas gets his info from Penrith. if he's close to Jarome like you say then chances are he would've rang around, but honestly, let's look at his history. if there's any story that your club wants out, Chammas is the one writing it.

Black Money, like all management labels, would absolutely be doing the dirty somewhere. I agree with you 100%. but once again, Chammas' history tells a different story to the one you are trying to tell me. to say Penrith aren't complicit whatsoever doesn't make sense.

Chammas might get some of his info from Penrith but that doesn't mean they tell him everything. Other journos do have exclusive stories on us. Mainly SMH and occasionally DT with Fatima K.

As @mxlegend99 has brilliantly said it makes no sense in us doing the leaking.
We wouldn't know the exact length and value early Saturday morning. Only those involved in negotiations would know. And they knew Friday night.

We get hammered all the time in the press. Most stories are molehills made into mountains. Everyone has a angle for clicks and scores to settle. All clubs have reputations to protect

You would know being a Tigers fan.
Paul Crawley and James Hooper's recent articles on Luai have been very poor. Though to be fair both of those two have knowledge vacuums.


Your posts are so shit and very salty.

We don’t care about your theories , We really don’t care about your basket case of a club that has just made another huge mistake.

So just stop. Seriously you just sound like the classic sooky tigers supporter.
I ignored you last time on the basis that I thought you didn’t possess the IQ points to have a constructive conversation.

you just proved me right. Merry Christmas.

The yak

I have no hate for Penrith. my grudge against Ivan died with his first premiership. you lay claim to the best club football team I have ever seen. I'm simply pointing out that Michael Chammas has been used as a vehicle by Penrith for years to twist the narrative in whichever way they please.

absolutely the primary driving force behind Luai leaving is money, but it is not the only force. Ivan's comments were clearly ill received given his response on Instagram, no matter which way you try to look at it. he has loved being the dominant playmaker from time to time away from Nathan, whether it be for Samoa or while Nathan was injured.

Penrith's perogative is to ensure that those desires are swept under the rug, that's why Fletcher always goes on the front foot when you lose a player of importance. if not, why say anything?

Fletcher goes on the front foot because he has a job to do. Defend his job and give fans answers.
Whether fans believe his message is up to them.

The simple fact is Luai left for more money. Money we didn't have.
Good luck to him. The rest is all noise for an early release.


Chammas might get some of his info from Penrith but that doesn't mean they tell him everything. Other journos do have exclusive stories on us. Mainly SMH and occasionally DT with Fatima K.

As @mxlegend99 has brilliantly said it makes no sense in us doing the leaking.
We wouldn't know the exact length and value early Saturday morning. Only those involved in negotiations would know. And they knew Friday night.

We get hammered all the time in the press. Most stories are molehills made into mountains. Everyone has a angle for clicks and scores to settle. All clubs have reputations to protect

You would know being a Tigers fan.
Paul Crawley and James Hooper's recent articles on Luai have been very poor. Though to be fair both of those two have knowledge vacuums.
of course mate. there’s plenty of inside info for everyone to go around. I have no doubt as you say that plenty goes to other journalists as opposed to Chammas.

in regards to Saturday morning, there is history of Chammas doing this via Penrith info. it happened with Crichton. while BME may have weighed in, I find it near impossible to believe that some form of info was not filtered down to Chammas.

agree with you on the state of journalism across the game. it’s atrocious. Penrith’s the best franchise on the continent. my whole point the entire time has only been that Penrith are brilliant publicists when they choose to be. that is it.


It’s resolved. He is leaving. I’ve just spent a minute reading another pointless post. Cheers

Same old same old from the supercoach. Man you really add alot on here dont you.

Put me on ignore than.... for someone that thinks my posts are a waste of space i found it very funny that i got a notification a while back that you are following my posts on here hahaha.

Why you following me if you think my posts are useless haha. Just to stir the pot it would seem.

I mean i genuinely think you have no knowledge of footy from half the dribble you post. Half the time if id didnt read the sig id think youre rhyno 2.0 and just on here to shit stir.

Youve proven over and over again that you dont read everyone's posts including mine in there entirety. You don't add anything when responding the majority of the time other than they are wrong and you are the all knowing.

Not sure why you are on here lol.

At least some of us come for healthy discussions. I genuinely cant remember a single time on here when youve acknowledged someone elses opinion that was different to yours without belittling them or just being a dick.

It doesnt bother me in the slightest..hence i have never blocked you. Its just a laugh... if you trully know soo much about footy as you always make out and your opinion is always right on here as you allude to all the time, why come give it to us keyboard warriors on here haha..

To me it just appears you are here to stir the pot. Rhyno style.


but we don't play petty games.”

Of course the other option may be, Penrith are actively trying to disrupt or destroy current negotiations, with who ever he has decided to go with?

You do have form, for this:

1. Your club actively engaged in encouraging the then WT’s coach to break his contract, while you were planning to sack your incumbent?

2. Ivan’s comments a month or so ago, that was designed to tell any club thinking about Luai, that he was not good enough, without Nathan at his side?

Anyway, what he decides, is what he decides.
Hopefully he is with WT’s in 25.
Merry Xmas.
Perhaps you should give silverdale a call a get him to read the post so you understand the part where luia told the club and players he is going
The club can not match the offer .So stirring anything gains nothing.He is going .As I have said many times I prefer him to go to the tigers over the bulldogs.
Blade does not need to say what part of his contract he is upset over .He will have a break be refreshed and lead us to a fourth title before becoming a tiger


Tis the season boys get into it

I can just picture you Fangs at home enjoying this

Bill Hader Popcorn GIF by Saturday Night Live


I love fletcher and would have a beer with him any day .He throws a few comments out as fishermen throws out bait.And he catches the journos and forum champions hook line and sinker
The man has built the empire from starting with our junior pipe line to current boss.Would not trade him for any of the other CEO in the business He just has one more job get that bourbon and pie contract out I am ready to sign


First Grade

Perhaps you should give silverdale a call a get him to read the post so you understand the part where luia told the club and players he is going
The club can not match the offer .So stirring anything gains nothing.He is going .As I have said many times I prefer him to go to the tigers over the bulldogs.
Blade does not need to say what part of his contract he is upset over .He will have a break be refreshed and lead us to a fourth title before becoming a tiger
I'm not stirring anything up, I read his comments, hence why I just stated some things he may not have been aware of, in that Penrith (like all clubs) do play petty games, and he said they didn't, because you have in the past. But what I stated was accurate I'm OK with that.
I hope he does come back ready to go for you.
Last edited:


but we don't play petty games.”

Of course the other option may be, Penrith are actively trying to disrupt or destroy current negotiations, with who ever he has decided to go with?

You do have form, for this:

1. Your club actively engaged in encouraging the then WT’s coach to break his contract, while you were planning to sack your incumbent?

2. Ivan’s comments a month or so ago, that was designed to tell any club thinking about Luai, that he was not good enough, without Nathan at his side?

Anyway, what he decides, is what he decides.
Hopefully he is with WT’s in 25.
Merry Xmas.
sarcasm detector.jpg

Lets get this straight, you come to the Penrith threads to flame us regarding luai or Ivan, best be knowledgeable about your assumptions first, your train wreck of a club, has finally gotten rid of that rot you call a board, who let Ivan do anything he wanted, at the time you guys were on the up, since he left, you've been in crisis mode ever since, dont preach here what you assume happened, its all opinion buddy


Staff member
I love fletcher and would have a beer with him any day .He throws a few comments out as fishermen throws out bait.And he catches the journos and forum champions hook line and sinker
The man has built the empire from starting with our junior pipe line to current boss.Would not trade him for any of the other CEO in the business He just has one more job get that bourbon and pie contract out I am ready to sign
Fletcher is obviously a very good operator, but he has said a few dumb things when he should have kept quiet.

Uncle Nick has him covered, but he has kicked his fair share of goals.

Luke Bowden

First Grade
Same old same old from the supercoach. Man you really add alot on here dont you.

Put me on ignore than.... for someone that thinks my posts are a waste of space i found it very funny that i got a notification a while back that you are following my posts on here hahaha.

Why you following me if you think my posts are useless haha. Just to stir the pot it would seem.

I mean i genuinely think you have no knowledge of footy from half the dribble you post. Half the time if id didnt read the sig id think youre rhyno 2.0 and just on here to shit stir.

Youve proven over and over again that you dont read everyone's posts including mine in there entirety. You don't add anything when responding the majority of the time other than they are wrong and you are the all knowing.

Not sure why you are on here lol.

At least some of us come for healthy discussions. I genuinely cant remember a single time on here when youve acknowledged someone elses opinion that was different to yours without belittling them or just being a dick.

It doesnt bother me in the slightest..hence i have never blocked you. Its just a laugh... if you trully know soo much about footy as you always make out and your opinion is always right on here as you allude to all the time, why come give it to us keyboard warriors on here haha..

To me it just appears you are here to stir the pot. Rhyno style.
I’m not reading this

Luke Bowden

First Grade
I ignored you last time on the basis that I thought you didn’t possess the IQ points to have a constructive conversation.

you just proved me right. Merry Christmas.
Please explain how anything you’ve said is in anyway constructive?

You’re guessing

Blade is spitting straight facts.

That’s not a “Constructive conversation” it’s not even a topic that you can have a constructive conversation about.

You’re just salty and don’t belong here. Pretty simple

Luke Bowden

First Grade
View attachment 82736

Lets get this straight, you come to the Penrith threads to flame us regarding luai or Ivan, best be knowledgeable about your assumptions first, your train wreck of a club, has finally gotten rid of that rot you call a board, who let Ivan do anything he wanted, at the time you guys were on the up, since he left, you've been in crisis mode ever since, dont preach here what you assume happened, its all opinion buddy
Correct, 100%

Luke Bowden

First Grade
Fletcher is obviously a very good operator, but he has said a few dumb things when he should have kept quiet.

Uncle Nick has him covered, but he has kicked his fair share of goals.
Fletch needs to be kept from the media. He’s a lose cannon