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Lyon or Hayne - You decide


OK Its now time to stop all this whinging -

We arnt going to get Lyon.

When Lyon left we thought the world had caved in and we would never see the like again.
We have the player - Jarryd Hayne.

Think of it this way -

You are the CEO of a football team and (not withstanding Judas latest turn) you are asked to decide on EITHER Hayne or Lyon but not both. - WHo would you choose.

I reckon Hayne.

Hayne is younger.
Hayne is Faster.
Hayne is better under the high ball.
Hayne is as equal to Lyon as a defender.
Hayne is loyal and wants to be an eel.

OK Lyon is a good footballer but time will weary him, I for one can recall when Lyon did play for us and we didnt win premierships. He is NOT Andrew Johns no matter what he or his manager thinks.

If you dont rate Hayne that much, how about Hayne, Inu and Tahu????

Look at Haynes progression over the last 3 months. 6 months ago I was saying that within 2 years he will play for Aust and there were people going - no way. Now everyone is a Hayne fan. I honestly believe that if Hayne went onto the market this year he would attract offers in the 300K range.

IMO we should all get over it. Judas is not coming but I would rather have those three players anyday. They are the players that will win us premierships not Lyon.

Lets look forward to next year not be down in the fact that we wont be getting Judas.


Lyon by a fair way IMO

But we dont have a choice, we have hayne who in his own right will be some sorta freak, so whats the point to this thread


Post Whore
Hayne has a lot of talent and will be a superstar in the future.

But Lyon is a superstar NOW. And in terms of talent, probably has it all over Hayne. AT THIS MOMENT.


The point is that we are making out Lyon to be some sort of footballing demi -God and already predicting that next year is stuffed cause the great Jamie Lyon has decided to go elsewhere.
Players come and go. Next year Jamie will not be the best player in the league.
He will be good but I think that he will be suprised that the NRL is now full of young skilful players that are faster and better than him.

Its time to stop all this boo hooing about missing out on Lyon and get on with life. Hayne is the new Lyon and we have him.


Post Whore
i don't give a sh*t about talent/ability ... lyon's a twat - "missing out" on him is the best thing that could have happened


You people who voted for Lyon are Crazy (but entitled to your opinion!!)

He hasnt played NRL since 2003 (cant count 1 game in 2004). He has never played the Brent Stewarts , the Benji Marshalls etc of the game.
Yeah he is a good player but the saints are winning over in England cause they have a lot of good players. Imagine what Benji Marshall would do on a regular basis in England.
IMO time has tended to elevate your memories of Jamie.
I reacll his last game for Parra and he was far and away the worst player on the park. Thats why BS gave it to him at full time.


parralight said:
The point is that we are making out Lyon to be some sort of footballing demi -God and already predicting that next year is stuffed cause the great Jamie Lyon has decided to go elsewhere.
Players come and go. Next year Jamie will not be the best player in the league.
He will be good but I think that he will be suprised that the NRL is now full of young skilful players that are faster and better than him.

Its time to stop all this boo hooing about missing out on Lyon and get on with life. Hayne is the new Lyon and we have him.

I dont get this really, why do we need to try to justify us not signing lyon by comparing him to a youngster who AT THE MOMENT couldnt tie lyons shoe laces. Hayne is a different style of player and at a different stage of his career its unfair to compare them

Its just hyping up hayne for a potential fall

Hayne is at parra, lyon isnt, that should be the end of this nonsense :sarcasm:


BlueNGoldBlood said:
I dont get this really, why do we need to try to justify us not signing lyon by comparing him to a youngster who AT THE MOMENT couldnt tie lyons shoe laces. Hayne is a different style of player and at a different stage of his career its unfair to compare them

Its just hyping up hayne for a potential fall

Hayne is at parra, lyon isnt, that should be the end of this nonsense :sarcasm:

Couldnt tie Jamies shoelaces ???
You arnt Jamie or George Mimis are you ? :lol: :lol:

1. I wasnt just saying Hayne I was mentioning Tahu as well who can tie Judas shoe laces and then stomp over him.
2. You seem to be perplexed by the point to this thread. As I have said -
(a) we have missed out on Judas - lets get over it.
(b) We have the stars of today (tahu) and tommorrow to more than adequately cover Judas.

I hope that clears things up for you.



strider said:
i don't give a sh*t about talent/ability

You're not on the payroll at Parramatta are you? If not, I believe there may just be a senior management position for you.


Post Whore
This myth about Lyon not having pace...Have you actually been watching him in the ESL?

I have. And I'll tell you this - he is deceptively quick.


Eelementary said:
This myth about Lyon not having pace...Have you actually been watching him in the ESL?

I have. And I'll tell you this - he is deceptively quick.

Sure but who are you comparing him to ?
When he played for Parra he was fast but wasnt the fastest going around.

We have players like Brent Stewart in the NRL that would make Lyon look like he was standing still.

You reckon that Judas is faster than Tahu ? or Hayne ? or Grothe ?

This hero worshipping of Judas is getting out of hand. Next year will show us exactly where he is and IMO he wont be the superstar everyone is predicting.


Parralight i dont think youve read my posts...

Read them again, i am agreeing with you about the fact we dont have lyon and that we should move on, but i dont agree with you about the talent wise...YET

Give hayne a few years before we judge him against Lyon

The only one crying about judas is the person who made this thread :roll:


Eelementary said:
This myth about Lyon not having pace...Have you actually been watching him in the ESL?

I have. And I'll tell you this - he is deceptively quick.

Putting it a little more accurately, "He's f#$king quick".


Post Whore
parralight said:
Sure but who are you comparing him to ?
When he played for Parra he was fast but wasnt the fastest going around.

We have players like Brent Stewart in the NRL that would make Lyon look like he was standing still.

You reckon that Judas is faster than Tahu ? or Hayne ? or Grothe ?

This hero worshipping of Judas is getting out of hand. Next year will show us exactly where he is and IMO he wont be the superstar everyone is predicting.

I don't know...Vella nearly ran down Wesser in a trial early last year. And Lyon seems to have gotten fitter and leaner.


Lyon is an amazing player, one of the top 3 centres in the world. No dispute. He is also a moron with no common sense and a very bad, duplicitous, cowardly attitude.
Hayne is a great young talent, and one of the most promising backs I have ever seen for Parra. Breaks tackles like a young David Woods.

Lets stop talking about Lyon, he would have been a great addition to the team, but we cannot give him a labotomy and turn him into a normal, sane loyal player, so lets forget him.


Ok, sorry. I will get more specific.

All I am tryin to say is lets not be too upset, or go on and on and on and on repeating ourselves, posting identical threads to what has been posted for 6 months about Jaime Lyon.

Talk about it all you want I guess. We are not forced to read it (even though I do! :p )