canberra_raiders2k2 said:if your pass attempts isnt high enough you wont make the probowl no matter how great of a season you had.
bluesbreaker said:Guess i'm in a bit of a bind then. Looks like i'll have to play 15 minute quarters for a game or two and hope to god it doesn't crash when I rack up over 100 points (this has happened to me many many times).
canberra_raiders2k2 said:yea i know about the 255 thing lol..i personally hate smashing the computer..i love the challange.
meltiger said:?????
When bored I like to play 15 min quarters on rookie level against the Steelers lol
I've been on 255-0 scorelines many times without the game crashing? Only annoying thing is the score won't go any furtherEspecially when your the 4th quarter lol
pennywisealfie said:Rookie difficulty is a joke lol. i decided to have a go of that the other day, and i just threw hail marys time and id score 85% of the time.
pennywisealfie said:i had a franchise with the raiders where i ended up signing vick and tomlinson, and we whooped so much ass, till week 5 then tomlinson would get injured for the season and 2 weeks later vick would go down for the season and id be using my back up offense every year lol
<UPtheEELS> said:I f*cken love this game. Best game ever. The one thing that sh*ts me is when playing multiplayer they see your play, any way to turn this off?