Eelementary's Tips On How To Be A Successful NFL Player ;-)
* In defense, I always select the MLB (Middle Linebacker). The reason for this is that by choosing the MLB, you can chase down the running back if they run, and you can blitz the QB (quarterback) if they decide to pass by using the gaps created by your Defensive Line.
* In offense, short routes (slants, curls, etc.) are your friends. DON'T give in to the temptation to always throw long passes - the CPU will pick up on it. Besides, in a 3rd and 2 situation, a curl (or running play) is far more effective (and likely to work) than a 90-yard screamer.
* Once you get better, learn when to crash in your D-Line and when to spread it; likewise with your Linebackers. By spreading them/crashing them in, you make your secondary defense that much more adept at stopping certain plays. To crash in your D-Line, press L1 and press down; to spread it touch press L1 and up; the same goes for Linebackers but with R1 instead.
* By using the right analogue stick, you can change the defensive player who is under your control's defensive duty - push down to make him blitz, and push up to make him drop back into coverage for the pass.
* For short gains, I suggest you pass the ball to your fullback. Don't worry about sprinting - just run towards the first down line and use the truck stick. Mosr fullbacks are strong in the game, and should be able toe asily break tackles.
* If you lightly press the pass button, you throw a lob pass; if you hold it down, you throw a bullet passes. Lobs give you more time to catch the ball, but they are also more likely to be intercepted. Bullet passes can be less accurate, but are harder to pick.