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'Major' raid on league coming


Everlovin' Antichrist said:
That backline wouldn't need forwards if it played against Union teams .
I thinks thats a very ignorant statement. The plight of the ARU doesn't reflect the strength of rugby as a whole, I mean ROgers and Tuqiri were superstars in league and have been just as good at best playing union against union teams, they have yet to tear teams to shreds despite 3 or 4 years in the system. The wallabies are't searching for the next ella, they believe they already have that in the form of Kurtley Beale (i don't neccessarily agree), what they want is a whole damn backline of league ring ins because they know its come to that point due to the ARU's gross mishandling of junior infrustructure in the past 4 or 5 years
aqua_duck said:
I thinks thats a very ignorant statement.

You're allowed to think whatever you like. Put put that backline in with the worst 6 forwards playing in the NRL and there's more talent in that side than in any Union side. Not just an ARU side.

aqua_duck said:
The plight of the ARU doesn't reflect the strength of rugby as a whole,

I didn't say it did.

But Union as a whole is limited in more ways than a B & D queen on Saturday night at the Hellfire Club. The game is 25 years out of date and Rugby League has left it for dead.

aqua_duck said:
I mean ROgers and Tuqiri were superstars in league and have been just as good at best playing union against union teams,

*That's because either side of them are, you guessed it, Union players. The last time I saw Tuquiri play he was by far the best player on the field even though he saw the ball only 1/2 a dozen times in 80 minutes.

And let's not forget, Rogers and Tuquiri were rep Wingers in League.

aqua_duck said:
they have yet to tear teams to shreds despite 3 or 4 years in the system.

* ditto

aqua_duck said:
The wallabies are't searching for the next ella, they believe they already have that in the form of Kurtley Beale (i don't neccessarily agree),

Yeah, there's an idiot in TFC who keeps barking about him.

aqua_duck said:
what they want is a whole damn backline of league ring ins because they know its come to that point due to the ARU's gross mishandling of junior infrustructure in the past 4 or 5 years

Well, they're going to suffer. They'll get stuff all out of the next RWC and with the APC draining money as well as the new Club competition, their war-chest will be gone shortly.

Then there will be a plethora of Union players wanting to play in the NRL or legging it overseas.

Misty Bee

First Grade
I'm sick of hearing about union 'raids' on League as if it's some kind of threat. It's like a raid of gnats on battleship!

Put it this way. Name the best league players of the last 10 years - post Superleague. Then name the next best 10, and soon, until you come to the best Union buy - it would be Blacklock down in the mid 30's somewhere, with Tequiri, Rogers, Sailor and Schifcofske sprinkled in the next 30.

Then, go back 2 decades (75-85), and do the same, but this time count the ex-Union players coming to League. Bang, in the top 10, sit Ray Price and Wally Lewis, with Michael O'Connor possibly in the next 10.

The point, of course, was that Union's threats are more bluff than anything. Price joining Parramatta was not a 'raid' organised by the whole code with a truckload of money and a promise of a Kangaroo Tour, it was a phone call by Terry Fearnley, offering to pay some$ to suppliment his building income.

Union's arrogance has been their constant undoing. They have failed to realise that 2 genuine superstars of their creation, Catchpole and Campese, stand alone as the players that League would have loved to have snared. Set against a backdrop of Messenger, Kearney, Price, 2xThornetts, Mossop, Bath, Brass, O'Connor, Lewis, Stuart, Fairfax et-al, and you get the true tale of which code has gained the max of cross-code pollination.

Consider also what has happened to the League men that chased the dollar, and the media beatup sport that they thought was supposed to be a greater challenge, and superior, to League.

Tequiri has done pretty well, although I wonder if there is a nagging thought as to where the challenge really lays, seeing the likes of Rooney, Lewis, Grothe, Mini, Carney, King, Vatuvei and Inglis rise in his absence

Matt Rogers got all his wishes in UNion, until the day came when he gave unfavorable comments about club union, and saw every living Wallaby line up and sink the boot in. Matt would have seen the irony between being Union's wonderkid on a good day, and simply a "marngo" on others.

Wendell got his M&M type head on every billboard in the country, but the bloke who never scored a try in Origin never got much support when he got plastered in South Africa, with even the Springboks coach crapping on about his 'league' culture, as if a bloody Impala rooter would know what League was anyway! They sure lined up to steer him away from the darker influences when it counted too. League has had it's problems, but for every bad boy there's someone there to pick you up. I'd bet heavily that the likes of Lockyer and Bennet and probably Meninga have been more prevalent in Wendy's life since his cocaine test than the likes of Jones, Dwyer, Eales etc.

Tingha Blacklock got promised the same world that the other 3 did, but it didn't involve crowds, nor probably hot showers, decent training conditions, and beer. He made the best union defences looke utterly rediculous, and decided more of a challenge lay with the defence of Souths.

Matt Giteau took the Duncan Macrae option: a Wallaby career or the less secure battle for first grade, with no guarantees. He took the latter.

Clinton Schifcofske took the Andy Farrel/Jonathon Davies option: the softer, slower code will extend my career by many years.

Ryan Cross took the Andrew Johns option: mention the Union threat, and milk it for all it's worth. Trouble was, the cow was dry, and Easts bid him adieu! It was either Perth or Les Catalans for 10th of the money.

So, with that for a recent history, Union's planned raid has all the same ingredients of Saddam Hussein's famous 'mother of all wars' quote. Watch them target Hindmarsh, SBW, Benji, Inglis and Lockyer, and come away with Nathan Merrit instead, who will be come an all time great in their code, and never allowed into the bar at City Tatts.

Perth Red

Post Whore
I hope they do keep signing RL players and sticking them in the Western Force. Then when S14 falls on its face we will have a ready made Franchise to switch over to the NRL!


Post Whore
The Wallabies can fix their line-outs and scrums all they want, but the key to their success lies in the ruck - their control of the ruck is awful, and if they don't fix it soon, they'll continue to lose.

Johns Magic

Misty Bee said:
Tingha Blacklock got promised the same world that the other 3 did, but it didn't involve crowds, nor probably hot showers, decent training conditions, and beer. He made the best union defences looke utterly rediculous, and decided more of a challenge lay with the defence of Souths.\

What a load of crap.

Blacklock couldn't even hold a spot in the Waratahs. Don't bullsh*t to prove your point, you wanker.

Hopefully Saab will be back soon to sort you out again.

Mr Saab

Misty Bee said:
Put it this way. Name the best league players of the last 10 years - post Superleague. Then name the next best 10, and soon, until you come to the best Union buy - it would be Blacklock down in the mid 30's somewhere, with Tequiri, Rogers, Sailor and Schifcofske sprinkled in the next 30.

Wendell got his M&M type head on every billboard in the country, but the bloke who never scored a try in Origin

Tingha Blacklock got promised the same world that the other 3 did, but it didn't involve crowds, nor probably hot showers, decent training conditions, and beer. He made the best union defences looke utterly rediculous, and decided more of a challenge lay with the defence of Souths.

Blacklock was better than Sailor, Lote and Rogers post 1997? Look at the biased blue come out in you. If Blacklock was a better player than those three then Sadaam Insanse will win the next nobel peace prize.

Wendell did score an origin try just for the facts...but then you are not very good with league history.

Blacklock was a head case in both codes. He made the union defences look bad? What? One chip and chase for the Waratahs and he was a superstar in union?
Blacklock had the talent, but his head was in City of the Clouds with Lando Calrissian. Having the mental application is just as important as the physical talents, but unfortunately Tingha did not have both.


Every single year League produces more talent and more young superstars than Union has in the last decade.
gaterooze said:
Every single year League produces more talent and more young superstars than Union has in the last decade.


Talk to any Union dope and it's always the same thing, "Kurtley Beale", and that's it. The junior talent in Rugby League that comes through each year is phenomenal.

Likely Lad

Why the hell would they try to steal RL backs when there forwards are embarrasingly bad?

Anyway why would you play such a pathetic game of kick to kick, where scrums and line outs are the so called highlights of the game.:oops:


ocko said:
how exactly would you go about improving the quality of the forwards though?
Teach kids nhow to scrummage and the correct tehniques of rucks and mauls at a young age. I'm my opinion Australian rugby suffers from the good old private school snobbery, hence they have access to fewer juniors. Looks through the wallabies team and the majority are private school educated, or come from a wealthy post code, especially in NSW. There needs to be better talent identification then just rocking up at the odd GPS game between joey's and kings. ALso, people may or may not agree but you just don't get tough forwards with a killer instinct from an upper class background. Look at All Black back rower Jerry Collins for example, works as a rubbish collector in the off season, can you imagine this type of bloke playing for the wallabies?

If I were the ARU, I would have set up a national academy, abit like the Aust cricket academy a long time ago. Scout players from a young age, not only from schools like Kings and Joey's but from a broader range of schools. Instead of spending all money on league converts, spread it around with junior and 2nd tier player contracts. Also a nationl club competition like the NPC should have been set up years ago.


Everlovin' Antichrist said:
*That's because either side of them are, you guessed it, Union players. The last time I saw Tuquiri play he was by far the best player on the field even though he saw the ball only 1/2 a dozen times in 80 minutes.

And let's not forget, Rogers and Tuquiri were rep Wingers in League.
Rogers has been tried at fly half, and Tuqiri in the centres so they could both get more ball, the results are on the board, both have been nothing short of disasters
aqua_duck said:
Rogers has been tried at fly half, and Tuqiri in the centres so they could both get more ball, the results are on the board, both have been nothing short of disasters

i wouldnt call them 'disasters' , rogers is the second best option at fly half in Australian Rugby union , ewen mckenzie has already said he will be the first choice fly half for the waratahs next year , thats hardly a 'disaster'.

and considering lote tuquiri has played very limited time at outside centre i would still think its too early to be making a judgement like that.

I do agree however that tuquiri's best position is still going to be the wing, its not like its that hard to get him more ball in that position, all it takes is one more pass. However they do have to keep up that tradition of p#ss boring play.
tye said:
Yep poor rugby union, how could anybody play THAT game? They throw heaps of cash at players, constantly travelling the world, quality world cups and oppoortunity's to play in world 15's. I know I would much rather play at campbelltown or penrith on a satuday night. If union keep this sort of thing up the future is very gloomy indeed!

quality of world cups? here are a few results from the 2003 world cup so you can see how stupid you sound!

11 Oct: New Zealand 70-7 Italy -- Melbourne
France 61-18 Fiji -- Brisbane
South Africa 72-6 Uruguay -- Perth
Wales 41-10 Canada -- Melbourne
England 84-6 Georgia -- Perth
Argentina 67-14 Namibia -- Gosford
Samoa 60-13 Uruguay -- Perth
New Zealand 68-6 Canada -- Melbourne
Australia 90-8 Romania -- Brisbane
Ireland 64-7 Namibia -- Sydney
Samoa 46-9 Georgia -- Perth
Argentina 50-3 Romania -- Sydney
Fiji 41-13 Japan -- Townsville
New Zealand 91-7 Tonga -- Brisbane
Australia 142-0 Namibia -- Adelaide
France 51-9 Scotland -- Sydney
South Africa 60-10 Samoa -- Brisbane
England 111-13 Uruguay -- Brisbane

thats almost 50% of all the pool games right there , even minows were smashing other minows!

and i'm sure there all clammering to be a part of a world 15 :lol: when was the last time anyone paid attention to one of these games?

BTW , playing in penrith and campbelltown on a sat night may not be glamorous but at least its good hard honest football played at a higher standard than virtually all Rugby union in this country.

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