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Manly Mafia carrying on like Pork chops.

The Colonel

Sea_Eagles_Rock said:
Yeah I heard Parra have their tickets booked for first week...

2nd place gets a second shot regardless if they lose...... seeing as Manly hasn't been in the finals for a while I'm not surprised you didn't remember that....


Mayor_Quimby said:
We would of been sitting pretty in 5th if Clarke wasn't the ref.


Mr Mayor, do you exprect us to believe, that with the rubbish that the Manly side have delivered over the last few weeks, they DESERVE to be "sitting pretty" in the top 5?

Blaming the ref for a bad call - fair enough.
Blaming the ref for costing you two points? Unlikely, but, it happens...
Blaming the ref for your position on the table? Priceless! Give us all a break.



Your team were masters of their own destiny, what about the much spoken about Brookie home ground advantage.

What about the new Eagles spirit, it seems that the Eagles are far more fragile than anyone thought if this has caused the type of response it has.

I'm not perfect, far from it, but you have to be kidding bitching about a refs decision, teams cop plenty of roughies through the course of the season but I've never seen a group of BIGGER whingers than Seas Eagles fans after yesterday.

What about the sh*t play by your team, the hair brained decisions by Mona's during the game, the bad misses by Stewart and Menzies on Ty Williams..........didn't they play as much a part on the result as the supposed refs decisions.

Mate, if supporters had a reason to blame bad luck then Newcastle supporters would be at the front of the queue, but guess what, we can't and we have to get on with it.

Stop crying and move on.


Nuffy said:
Also, if you blokes thing that Orfords the answer to your problems, you didn't see him play on Sat night, hes vastly overated in the halfback world.
LOL, are you talking about Orford or Kimmorely there :oops:


First Grade
The Colonel said:
2nd place gets a second shot regardless if they lose...... seeing as Manly hasn't been in the finals for a while I'm not surprised you didn't remember that....
Are you blind? I see it all now... You are a ref... Blind, dumb and a halfwit. Go back and read it again. I said if the table stays the same and even pointed out this fact. With Parra's form that is hardly likely.

The Colonel

Sea_Eagles_Rock said:
Are you blind? I see it all now... You are a ref... Blind, dumb and a halfwit. Go back and read it again. I said if the table stays the same and even pointed out this fact. With Parra's form that is hardly likely.

Meh, so you did. Oh well...... you got me. I'll never be able to show my face again. Shown up by a Manly fan........ :roll: wonders will never cease. Still given the amount of dribble you come up with no wonder people only read half your posts.... do you sit your chair in a bucket?

Manly fan talking about another teams form? Given the lack of your teams I'd be more worried about September than I will.


First Grade
The Colonel said:
Meh, so you did. Oh well...... you got me. I'll never be able to show my face again. Shown up by a Manly fan........ :roll: wonders will never cease. Still given the amount of dribble you come up with no wonder people only read half your posts.... do you sit your chair in a bucket?

No. But I bet you have your chair in paddock with all the BS you come up with.

Ron Jeremy

The Colonel said:
Enjoy September, I hear Fiji is really great that time of year.....

ooh ooh it's a great time of year Colonel, very warm & cloudless, i had a great time there.

Stagger eel

Staff member
Briza said:
Typical Parra scum,control your psychotic hatred Man.

this coming from a moron on like you!!...did I call Manly scum???....no!! did I bag Manly in general?????...no!!!!...did I give it to the Mafia on 2GB???...yes!!!...get ya facts right you stupid ignorant moronic turd.

Stagger eel

Staff member
Dog-E said:

Tell us what u REALLY think there, mod!!...Don't hold back, now!


well briza is the only bloke here who has an undenying hatred for Parra fans! if he can call us scum we'll dish it out twice as hard.

I must reiterate, this is not against the Manly club and I get along with most Manly supporters here as I exchange PM's with a few of them regularly.


First Grade
Sea_Eagles_Rock said:
Post some more dribble and I'll get to work.
Argue with the whole of what I posted, not one point that you got wrong anyway. Why wouldn't I see a forward pass in a try that takes the opposition to the front? I can see you're a bit slow so I'll spell it out for you. When I say I don't really notice the opposition much, I mean I couldn't tell you who was making their tackles/runs/errors/breaks.

Like I thought, you got nothin.


First Grade
Why can't we whinge? It's the day after some sh*te decisions cost us a game. There are people on saying 'Manly are whingers, get over it' but they'll still point out some incident 10 years ago that might have cost a finals birth. Seriously, why wouldn't you have a whinge about Clarke, he had a shocker. I'm sure most fans have a moan about refs decisions the day after a game, why can't we?

Stagger eel

Staff member
Onan the barbarian said:
Why can't we whinge? It's the day after some sh*te decisions cost us a game. There are people on saying 'Manly are whingers, get over it' but they'll still point out some incident 10 years ago that might have cost a finals birth. Seriously, why wouldn't you have a whinge about Clarke, he had a shocker. I'm sure most fans have a moan about refs decisions the day after a game, why can't we?

see what the threads originally about! fans can whinge all they want they pay good money to support their club with tickets, membership fees and merchandise, I don't have a problem with it.
lotti said:
Dessie is a descent coach, it was Parra that let Witt go remember? Ron with that try Hicks wasn't onside when the whistle blew time on so he couldn't tackle Bowman.

If a kicker wants to stand there & watch his kick thats his problem .He should have turned around &got back in position,he did have 25 mtrs head start on the cowboys so its entirely his own fault.As soon as the ball is kicked the team kicking off can race back &restart play . Stop your bitching &accept that manly were outsmarted in the last 2 mins


First Grade
Give it a rest. The fact that the Manly players didn't know what was going on shows how often that happens.

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