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Manly/Storm fight


Go tell a copper that "he said something mean so i punched him" and ask who the instigator is. NRL works the same way.


First Grade
ABC Radio was talking of one player kicking/using his shin on a player on the ground at one point, which I never saw on the video. Going to be some people in serious trouble I think.


I love how people take "hes not the instigator" as "Hes completely innocent" Blair threw uppercuts. Nobody is that blind to think hes innocent.


Go tell a copper that "he said something mean so i punched him" and ask who the instigator is. NRL works the same way.
I didn't hear what Blair said.

Blair chased after Stewart, started niggling him and then pushed him backwards which resulted in Stewart throwing a punch.

Blair shouldn't have been anywhere near Stewart. He started running off the field and should have kept running.

Blair was the instigator.


First Grade
Blair and G Stewart a week each.

Storm a serious fine for players off the field coming on during the melée.

Lussick 1-2 weeks, couldn't really see anything else clearly. But with all the camera angles there'll probably be another few players missing time.


First Grade
I didn't hear what Blair said.

Blair chased after Stewart, started niggling him and then pushed him backwards which resulted in Stewart throwing a punch.

Blair shouldn't have been anywhere near Stewart. He started running off the field and should have kept running.

Blair was the instigator.

Both will probably cop the same punishment. The real question is what other players will be in trouble.



The ref blows the penalty at 0.07. By 0.10 Kissick is being held up by Hinchcliffe and Smith, and Blair and Widdop have come in. Blair is laying in punches. Kite, who is marker, hasnt even seen the need to retaliate yet. Watmough has, who seems to be trying to pull Kissick away. Slater steps over to stop Kite, two other Storm players have come over to attack Kissick. So there is Smith, Hinchcliffe, Widdop and 2 others holding him up for Blair who is laying into him. 6 on 1 (excluding Watmough).

Only then does Glenn Stuart get involved, coming around the back to try and drag Hinchcliffe off Kissick. Brett Stewart, Foran and Matai then get involved. By 0.14, Proctor is trying to drag Watmough away. Lyon appears around the back behind where Smith was, and a number of heads go down into the middle, then Glenn Stewart looks to start punching someone who emerges to be Blair. The group breaks into 2, one group with Lyon, Slater and others begin to release each other. Stewart and Blair have each other in a clinch. PLayers from both sides try to pull them apart. They eventually do, and the instant release sees Lyon and Blair topple over.

The replay shows Blair's cheap shot, before Watmough reacts by trying to grab Blairs head around Widdop.

The touchie reacts to Stewart running in - hence his sin bin. He is reluctant to go. Oddly, Blair and Smith are there as well. Stewart walks off. Then Blair is binned, then sprints after Stewart, catches him, and starts pushing into him. Stewart is trying to walk off. A trainer sees what is happening (as does a suit of camera), Stewart looks toward the trainer and Blair gives him a shove while he is looking away. Stewart then reacts. That'ss when the Manly players come in, but there are plenty of Storm players and benchies. The trainer then tries to pull Watmough back. If he's a Storm trainer - might he be in trouble too?

Definitely Blair is the instigator. Twice.

FMD you dribble shit.


First Grade
Some of you guys need glasses. B Stewarts grabbed at him with an open hand to pull him away. Absolute tossers....

As for the mellee, nobody will have much to worry about except blair and G. Stewart. Can't see what Watmough's involvement is. Everybody else in there has a clean record on both sides.



The ref blows the penalty at 0.07. kissick takes a swipe at Hinchcliffe before he gets up & then carries on and interferes with Hinchcliffes play the ball, is already primed & when Hinchcliffe shoves back is all in. By 0.10 Kissick is being held back (up?) by Hinchcliffe and Smith, and Blair and Widdop have come in. Blair is laying in punches. Kite, who is marker, hasnt even seen the need to retaliate yet. Watmough has, who seems to be trying to pull Kissick away. Slater steps over to stop Kite, two other Storm players have come over to (attack Kissick???). separate players - no puches thrown! So there is Smith, Hinchcliffe, Widdop and 2 others trying to stop the scuffle (holding him up???) for Blair who is laying into him. 6 on 1 are you for real??? (excluding Watmough).

Only then does Glenn Stuart get involved, coming around the back to try and drag Hinchcliffe off Kissick yeah, "to get Hinchcliffe off Kissock" but the Storm players are holding him up so Blair can lay into him? - open the other eye.... Brett Stewart, Foran and Matai then get involved. By 0.14, Proctor is trying to drag Watmough away. Lyon appears around the back behind where Smith was, and a number of heads go down into the middle, then Glenn Stewart looks to start punching someone who emerges to be Blair. The group breaks into 2, one group with Lyon, Slater and others begin to release each other. Stewart and Blair have each other in a clinch. PLayers from both sides try to pull them apart. They eventually do, and the instant release sees Lyon and Blair topple over.

The replay shows Blair's cheap shot, before Watmough reacts by trying to grab Blairs head around Widdop.

The touchie reacts to Stewart running in - hence his sin bin. He is reluctant to go. Oddly (because they were called bu the ref?), Blair and Smith are there as well. Stewart walks off. Then Blair is binned, then sprints after Stewart, catches him, and starts pushing into him. Stewart is trying to walk off. A trainer sees what is happening (as does a suit of camera), Stewart looks toward the trainer and Blair gives him a shove while he is looking away Stewart already had his his shove in there & imo was looking back to see who was watching. Stewart then??? reacts. That'ss when the Manly players come in, but there are plenty of Storm players and benchies after the fact.... The trainer then tries to pull Watmough back. If he's a Storm trainer - might he be in trouble too?

Definitely Blair is the instigator. Twice. Kissick was the instigator first & Stewart 2nd
Blair is in trouble (& not excusing him either btw) & so are Stewart & co. But isn't it amazing that people can watch the same footage and see things differently... how any of us see it means jack though.
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But isn't it amazing that people can watch the same footage and see things differently
True. In your case you've managed to completely ignore Hinchcliffe elbowing Lussick in the face, as well as Blair chasing after Stewart and pushing him.

Country Bronco

I don't really care about who started the fight or who threw the best punch. I see fights at footy nearly every weekend and the occasional all in so I'm not too disturbed by seeing this. Its a part of the game. There's likely suspensions coming for those involved, Blair and Stewart are obvious ones as are Hinchcliffe and Lussick. The four other manly players that attacked Blair were B Stewart, K Foran, D Lussick and A Watmough. These players may incur suspensions as well. I don't know how the judiciary act on these incidents so I'm not going to allude to length of suspensions.

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