"Bringing the game into disrepute" is such a load of crap. Everyone loves this stuff - from the fans who write 25 pages of forum chat, to the media who sell a few more papers out of it, to the NRL administrators who pretend they think this behaviour is outrageous but know the end result will be higher ratings and game attendance.
I fully condone this kind of behaviour in a rugby league match. It's good for the game. It's entertainment, pure and simple. Mums aren't going to stop their kids playing footy because of some fisticuffs - they're more likely to stop their kids playing footy after seeing David Williams carried off in a stretcher with a neck injury. But as always, the vocal minority of small minded moral crusaders will be baying for "justice".
Regarding the actual incident(s), I am bisaed towards Manly so cannot really comment. Everyone was fired up and hot-headed, the crowd was going apeshit, and there is alot of history between the 2 teams. Footy players do dumb things in that environment, and we saw that from both sides last night. My biggest concern is the loss of players for the finals, but rules are rules, and both teams are just going to have to suck it up.
Good times.