All good, except Stewart was about the 10th man in. The third man in technically was Smith, who didnt throw punches. The third aggressor was Blair.
Stewart was originally binned because he was the one that raced in from some distance and threw punches, and I think the report was for exactly that.
And it's funny that f*cktards like you havent tried proving me wrong, just dribbling some stupid abuse like normal.
Yes, I saw Blair on the ground and what the Manly players did - everyone saw. I also saw what Blair did to instigate it - He made multiple choices to do stuff that made it worse, from his thuggery on Lissick, to running to catch up with GS, to instigate the fight - to sledge him and push him when he should have been keeping his distance and walking up the tunnel. But dont let those facts transverse the tin foil hat that guards your brain you dense f*cktard.
I guess it has diverted you from complaining about premierships being stripped unfairly just because you broke the nasty old salary cap.