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Mark Tuafua


K-Man said:
No Seu Seu is not that much of a big call. Other than potential, there's really no reason for him being in the team right now.

To be honest, he's just not doing anything. He has made 2 dummy half runs in 2 matches, and that's his strength (it's not like he's putting players through gaps either).

Sure he's a little terrier in defence, but he gives away 2 penalties a game as well.

If he was being a genuine impact player I would be happy, but Kidley is the one targetting the tired forwards from dummy half at this stage.

I just don't think our best 17 includes him right now.

One of those runs was a try against the Bulldogs.


Pika said:
One of those runs was a try against the Bulldogs.

No it wasn't, I said he made 2 runs in the last 2 games, doesn't include the Bulldogs game.

Look I rate him, but I think if he's only going to play 15 minutes it's not worth having him there. I expect him to at least come on and cause some havoc around the rucks, take 4 or 5 darts at the line etc, but since the Dogs match he has just been passing from dummy half and tackling really.


Alright, With Thaiday been out i'll change the team.

1. Kurt Gidley
2. James McManus
3. Paul Franze/Brad Tighe
4. Adam MacDougall
5. Akuila Uate
6. Jarrod Mullen
7. Andrew Johns
8. Josh Perry
9. Danny Buderus
10. Mark Taufua
11. Steve Simpson
12. Cory Patterson
13. Daniel Abraham

14. Daniel Tolar
15. Clint Newton/Kade Snowden
16. Adam Woolnough/Matt White/Mitchell Sargent
17. Adam Woolnough/Matt White/Mitchell Sargent

No utility on the bench? I think we'll need a lot of power and impact off the bench hence four forwards all of which can play front and backrow - incredibly handy if you ask me.

Patto and Abes can cover any injury in the backs, might just require a reshuffle which is possible due to Kidley and Mad dog versatility.

If we want Bedsy to rest and Kidley to 'rove' Move Mad Dog back to FB and Patto to centres.

If we're playing a side like the Bulldogs or Broncos in the finals (touch wood again) we can have for example Sargent, Tolar, and Woolnough rotating with Perry and Taufua to have ample amounts of front row power with the simple instruction to rip in for their 15-20 minute stints.

Etc etc. Such a good team if you ask me. I just hope we do get it on the field sometime this year.


I agree with RABK. Dont think we need a little man for interchange considering that Bedsy can play 80mins easy and I want him to, and we have Abes or Patto covering any backs positions. Its good to have players who can play more then one position.

If I had to choose a team I would choose the same team but on the bench I would have

14. Daniel Tolar
15. Newton
16. Sargent
17. White

18. Brown

If we need interchange impact then I say Brown over Seu Seu.
Agree Yosh, Seu Seu has a lot of wrinkles to get out of his game b4 his worthy of being a week in week out first grader.


Nup, don't really rate him and don't see a spot for him in my team. Gave a reason for no utility.


Red and Blue Knight said:
Nup, don't really rate him and don't see a spot for him in my team. Gave a reason for no utility.

Polglase was one of the better players for us in the first two rounds (the only two games we did win).

Why not give him the centre spot over Franze? I think he has proved himself alot more than Franze has so far...


Staff member
christopherjon said:
Polglase was one of the better players for us in the first two rounds (the only two games we did win).

Why not give him the centre spot over Franze? I think he has proved himself alot more than Franze has so far...
The last thing we need is another lightweight centre. Polglase has ticker, but gets smashed from pillar to post. Franze is a solid boy, and has a lot of strength to him.


CJ - do you post for the sole reason of stirring sh*t? You're one of the most self indulgent and arrogant posters i've ever seen.

News flash buddy - what you post is your opinion and not fact. You might want to start posting as such.


Red and Blue Knight said:
CJ - do you post for the sole reason of stirring sh*t? You're one of the most self indulgent and arrogant posters i've ever seen.

News flash buddy - what you post is your opinion and not fact. You might want to start posting as such.

Um...since when did we start name-calling buddy? But I don't see what I posted that cause you such stress mate.

Is it the fact that you have just made up your mind about me whenever I comment?

I'm not having a go mate, I want a real answer... would you like me to word my posts differently or what?

I am starting to get frustrated that I post some decent points and people still call me names...I don't come to a footy forum to hear that.


Staff member
christopherjon said:
Um...since when did we start name-calling buddy? But I don't see what I posted that cause you such stress mate.

Is it the fact that you have just made up your mind about me whenever I comment?

I'm not having a go mate, I want a real answer... would you like me to word my posts differently or what?

I am starting to get frustrated that I post some decent points and people still call me names...I don't come to a footy forum to hear that.
Offended by randoms on the internet calling you names? :lol:

Grow a thicker skin, ffs. If you're gonna continue to pull stats and "facts" out of your arse, you can expect to be continually called out for it. If you can't handle criticism on the internet, then you're not going to last long out in the REAL world.


geez guys

lay off the kid

he does post some interesting points

often cant back them up

but none of us are perfect



christopherjon said:
Um...since when did we start name-calling buddy? But I don't see what I posted that cause you such stress mate.

If i don't like someone i'll tell them. I'm not calling you a freckle faced fart machine, i'm stating my opinion of your posting personality. I don't know you personally hence the opinion of you isn't perosnal, just based on you as a poster.

christopherjon said:
Is it the fact that you have just made up your mind about me whenever I comment?

I must admit i've seen your recent biffs with numerous posters and i can understand their frustration and indifferences with you. I don't make up my mind about anyone, i treat each post on it's merits, not on it's poster.

christopherjon said:
I'm not having a go mate, I want a real answer... would you like me to word my posts differently or what?

Basically IMO you come across as if you believe everything you post to be fact, perhaps you are just wording your posts this way without knowin it. But things like 'this player was the best on park' and 'we shouldn't select this guy because he is rubbish' and 'why drop this player, he is better then that player' appear that way. Whilst we're all guilty of it you seem to be a frequent offender.

You don't have to tone down your opinion but need to try and see other peoples opinions and post objectively, not arrogantly. Adding in a 'IMO' will always help too. ;-)

christopherjon said:
I am starting to get frustrated that I post some decent points and people still call me names...I don't come to a footy forum to hear that.

I'm sure you're a top bloke just as passionate as the rest of us. Once again it's nothing personal but whilst debate makes a forum, respect holds a forum together.


CJ has original thoughts and posts them.
I often disagree with him, but he gets me thinking, and i like that.


Red and Blue Knight said:
If i don't like someone i'll tell them. I'm not calling you a freckle faced fart machine, i'm stating my opinion of your posting personality. I don't know you personally hence the opinion of you isn't perosnal, just based on you as a poster.

I must admit i've seen your recent biffs with numerous posters and i can understand their frustration and indifferences with you. I don't make up my mind about anyone, i treat each post on it's merits, not on it's poster.

Basically IMO you come across as if you believe everything you post to be fact, perhaps you are just wording your posts this way without knowin it. But things like 'this player was the best on park' and 'we shouldn't select this guy because he is rubbish' and 'why drop this player, he is better then that player' appear that way. Whilst we're all guilty of it you seem to be a frequent offender.

You don't have to tone down your opinion but need to try and see other peoples opinions and post objectively, not arrogantly. Adding in a 'IMO' will always help too. ;-)

I'm sure you're a top bloke just as passionate as the rest of us. Once again it's nothing personal but whilst debate makes a forum, respect holds a forum together.

OK, I think I can understand where your coming from now. Of course it is always my opinion, but the wording of my posts could take some lookin into. I never try to put forward the idea that my ideas are better than anyone elses...

I have been guilty in the past of posting what I considered to be fact but was not the whole picture (I never started to study stats until a couple of months ago). But I usually research before posting stats now...which I why I thought my posting had improved lately...but it sometimes seems like people keep bringing that up...

At least tell me exactly what it is that p*** you off rather than critizise me... I would rather know the exact details...


Frederick said:
Offended by randoms on the internet calling you names? :lol:

Grow a thicker skin, ffs. If you're gonna continue to pull stats and "facts" out of your arse, you can expect to be continually called out for it. If you can't handle criticism on the internet, then you're not going to last long out in the REAL world.

Is it so wrong that I would rather know the details of the problem rather than be critisized every time I post? At least I care about your guys' opinions on my posts too...


Red and Blue Knight said:
I did tell you, read again.

I know, I was talking about in the future if you (or anyone else) has a problem with my post tell me rather than critisize me...