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Massive News: SMH: Runaway Lyon says he's keen to rejoin Parramatta

The Colonel

Suitman said:
Obviously HJ has never made a mistake in his life...........:roll:


Maybe he did, but he just happened to show an amount of remorse and wanted to make amends.... ;-)


Post Whore
Hollywood Jesus said:

Why is he all of a sudden some naive kid with good intentions who was led astray? Please, when I was that age I was in charge of my life and making responsible decisions. How many people have shown maturity by the time they hit 20, let alone in their mid-20s like he is now?

Load of crap, pure and simple. He has done absolutely nothing to show that he is any way trying to make amends let alone admit he has made a mistake. He has done nothing to show that he wants to come back for any other reason apart from the fact that circumstances suit him now.

Biggest load of crap ever. Show me one piece of evidence, one quote, that shows he is remorseful, admits his mistakes, and wants to make amends.


Strider also made 3 other valid points but it's funny you only quoted the one that suited you.



Post Whore
The Colonel said:
Maybe he did, but he just happened to show an amount of remorse and wanted to make amends.... ;-)

And maybe he still will. ;-)
Some here are judging him before the fact, and not knowing the facts.


fish eel

Suitman said:
Strider also made 3 other valid points but it's funny you only quoted the one that suited you.


I just think its funny that strider made valid points.
More than just stick figures that man!


Hollywood Jesus said:

Biggest load of crap ever. Show me one piece of evidence, one quote, that shows he is remorseful, admits his mistakes, and wants to make amends.


Maybe Jamie has learnt that not everything has to be played out in the media.

Maybe Jamie has approached the club (as has been reported) and has expressed his remorse and admitted his mistakes.

Maybe this is why the players have come out publicly (in the form of Hindmarsh) and said they would welcome him back.

Maybe this is all a big story that we have all fallen for.

Lets wait and see shall we....


Post Whore
fish eel said:
I just think its funny that strider made valid points.
More than just stick figures that man!

mmm - i think you boys r kidding yourselves - there's nothing more to me than stick figures :lol:

but here's another little thing that has popped into the space between my ears :D ....

lets say he does come back - but never says anything meaningful about what happens and doesn't appear to really feel he did anything wrong .... do people still want him then? - or only if he confesses his sins?

I think there are ppl here who want him solely because he is a good player - and fair enough, their goal is to see us win alot more regardless

I also think ppl think more goes on behind the scenes than really does .... I really don't think jamie lyon is overly deep - just a fairly carefree type guy who wants a simple life and to have fun - which is good for him, I'm not judging him by that, its a good thing .... I think IF he does come back (and I still don't think he will - its just a salary boosting exercise at the moment) nothing deep and meaningful will happen - he'll probably just be another player going about the usual training etc - I don't see any big fuss going on or any earth shattering meetings between players, management, etc etc


I personally don't want him to talk about the past. I want him and the team to have moved on from it. We can all speculate about his reasonings, and probably do a good job of it, but it is not going to achieve anything. What's done is done...time to move on.


Let Manly have him so he can dud-out like the rest of our players that go there, i wouldn't have him back at the club if he played for free but with that said, i'm not as forgiving as some people.
Suitman said:
And maybe he still will. ;-)
Some here are judging him before the fact, and not knowing the facts.


Exactly, and here are the facts:

1) I am the greatest thing to ever happen to the universe
2) I don't make mistakes, and if I do, the universe re-arranges itself to ensure it was in fact the correct thing to do
3) So there :D

But seriously, strider was right. From all available evidence, nothing has changed and he is still a wanker. Forgive and forget, people are saying? Poor old Prodigal Son wants to return home?

roflmao, if Jamie wants back so bad, wants to make amends for his shafting of this great Club, he can come back crawling on his hands and knees begging for forgiveness. Maybe then we can talk, but anyone who is willing to roll out the red carpet before a serious grovelling really needs to think about what they want this Club to stand for - soulless victory or integrity.

I'll take the latter any day, thanks.


Staff member
bottom line is, we dont know what he has said to the club or the senior players, so we can only speculate

Ron Jeremy

Hollywood Jesus said:
Exactly, and here are the facts:

1) I am the greatest thing to ever happen to the universe
2) I don't make mistakes, and if I do, the universe re-arranges itself to ensure it was in fact the correct thing to do
3) So there :D

But seriously, strider was right. From all available evidence, nothing has changed and he is still a wanker. Forgive and forget, people are saying? Poor old Prodigal Son wants to return home?

roflmao, if Jamie wants back so bad, wants to make amends for his shafting of this great Club, he can come back crawling on his hands and knees begging for forgiveness. Maybe then we can talk, but anyone who is willing to roll out the red carpet before a serious grovelling really needs to think about what they want this Club to stand for - soulless victory or integrity.

I'll take the latter any day, thanks.

Sorry Jesus but i disagree. Everyone makes mistakes in life and grudges ( even though they're fun to hold) should not take place in a professional organisation like the Parramatta football club.

If Jamie Lyon did approach the club? then he would've displayed his remorse, this doesn't have to be publicised..and i'm sure Dennis & Hagan are keeping their cards close to their chest on this one.

I'd run down Oxford st in the nude and take one for the team if it meant a premiership. If getting Lyon means wining a premiership then any reasonable Parramatta fan would have to take it, if you don't want him back and it means no premiership for quiet a few more years? then i guess those are happy mediocrity.

PS stop making drunken calls to me through the game;-) i've been working heaps hence the reason why i haven't been able to make it.


First Grade
striderdo people still want him then? - or only if he confesses his sins?[/quote said:
Thou shalt not breach a legally binding contract? .. Sorry :lol:, but what is there to confess? We all know he walked out of the club, apart from speaking exclusively to RLW in a 2 page interview to explain the situation in every little detail then there isn't much more that can be said. I'd rather everyone moved on than dwell on the past.

Hollywood Jesus said:
roflmao, if Jamie wants back so bad, wants to make amends for his shafting of this great Club, he can come back crawling on his hands and knees begging for forgiveness. Maybe then we can talk, but anyone who is willing to roll out the red carpet before a serious grovelling really needs to think about what they want this Club to stand for - soulless victory or integrity.

:lol: You're an absolute crack up mate.


Post Whore
Hollywood Jesus said:
Exactly, and here are the facts:

1) I am the greatest thing to ever happen to the universe
2) I don't make mistakes, and if I do, the universe re-arranges itself to ensure it was in fact the correct thing to do
3) So there :D

But seriously, strider was right. From all available evidence, nothing has changed and he is still a wanker. Forgive and forget, people are saying? Poor old Prodigal Son wants to return home?

roflmao, if Jamie wants back so bad, wants to make amends for his shafting of this great Club, he can come back crawling on his hands and knees begging for forgiveness. Maybe then we can talk, but anyone who is willing to roll out the red carpet before a serious grovelling really needs to think about what they want this Club to stand for - soulless victory or integrity.

I'll take the latter any day, thanks.

You have now answered my thoughts.
You don't really believe anything of what you are saying........you are just trying to wind people up.

Glad you are enjoying your little charade.



i cant believe theres 16 pages on pure speculation...

unless eela or the colnel or someone with some inside info comes out (who have credibility)..

then its all gossip and people are getting worked up over nothing...


Post Whore
ParraDude_Jay said:
Thou shalt not breach a legally binding contract? .. Sorry :lol:, but what is there to confess? We all know he walked out of the club, apart from speaking exclusively to RLW in a 2 page interview to explain the situation in every little detail then there isn't much more that can be said. I'd rather everyone moved on than dwell on the past.

well the whole confessing sins thing was kinda figuratively speaking - thought u'd pick up on that


Staff member
jayman said:
i cant believe theres 16 pages on pure speculation...

unless eela or the colnel or someone with some inside info comes out (who have credibility)..

then its all gossip and people are getting worked up over nothing...

its a forum, you get that
Look, I am 100% absolutely serious about what I am saying. If anyone thinks Jamie doesn't owe the fans (above everyone else) a serious apology before he pulls on OUR jersey again then they need their head read. Seriously, people are willing to overlook the fact he deserted us in our time of needs because he was a selfish little brat because he is a good footballer? What has our society become if these are our priorities?

Yes, Ron, everyone makes mistakes. But real men actually own up to them. I have already said it - when Jamie comes out and is clean about why he ran like a dog and asks publically for forgiveness and proves he is looking to make amends, then we can talk turkey. Until then, he has not proved that he is doing it for anything other than selfish reasons.

But yes, Suity, I'm also having fun. I always like to have fun. A good argument is as stimulating as........well, you know ;)

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