It is clear they have used the structures the defensive coach has implemented. It os absolutely clear techniques are diffetent. May have taken some time to adjust.
Centres have also done a great job. There has been stabilty there for weeks now. Sione to the middle suits the side as well. Klemmer and Glasby make a difference as well.
Yes effort is there but you can't tell me players did not try or were not prepared to defend the past 3 yrs. Woolf has done an amazing job building our defence from a pile of rubble.
As I said, you're not wrong - it just can't be understated how much the speed and enthusiasm we're playing with has turned us around in all aspects of play - and that's come through our captain first and foremost. I can absolutely say we're playing with a lot more purpose and effort than in previous seasons, and I think it's understandable given the positions we were in too with the roster and other factors. Just last night I think of plays like the 2 stripped balls, Ramien's all-effort into touch tackle on their winger, Watsons desperate try after taking the quick tap, Dan standing up to the Burgii... it's all effort plays that we just couldn't make prior to this year. I mean there's a lot that has gone into transforming us through the course of the year -
- our better defence
- Pearces incredible form
- no second year syndrome for Kalyn
- Klemmer being the making of Dan Saifiti - which we all hoped would be the case
- Klemmer in general
- Hunt and Lee being revelations in their own right
- Ramen noodles
... and probably heaps more. Being 1-5 after 6 rounds though, most of this meant nothing until Pearce grabbed the club by the scruff of the neck, and everyone began to follow him. A very, very large factor of how well a team defends is it's attitude and effort. I think there's a lot of people to thank for a lot of things this year, but Mitchell Pearce is number one with a bullet for me.