I was more talking about the 18 replays when everyone knows the outcome before even the first, or at a pinch, when it's clear as day after 1 replay. But they go ahead and do it the other 17 times anyway.
In reverse, how much less special would our favourite 1997 moment have been had after Darren Albert planted the ball and leapt 8ft in the air to celebrate, if the ref put his hands up and called on the bunker to make sure there was no obstruction and that he didn't bobble the ball instead of planting it. Okay, maybe one or two replays would get to the same conclusion as is written in history now, but from someone who was there and has watched it hundreds of times since, the lead up, the try, and the celebrations flowed in one glorious continuous motion that would have been, I believe, a little less enjoyable if there was a 30sec pause on it all. A pause that would lose a bit of the momentum of the celebrations.
I get the bunker and the reason for it, and I'm all for it, but I do feel on a lot of occasions 1 or 2 replays is all that's needed instead of a dozen or more.