Well it got brought up earlier in the thread.
And that the attitude here (it was dangerous, which obviously it was, could cause serious damage, which thankfully for Thurston it didnt) somehow doesnt apply for a similar sort of incident (in that it was heavy contact to the head, but a shoulder rather than an elbow) seems, well, wrong to me anyway.
lol, Brisbane had nothing to do with it, Te'o just happens to be th emost recent example. Same attitude towards Pritchards incidents (especially the one he put on last year which somehow escaped suspension because of a low grading), Dwyer on JWH in the semi in 2010, hell right back to Karmicahel Hunt and his hit on Anasta on 2008 or so where he broke his nose with his shoulder whilst not looking at where he was going to impact yet escaped suspension.
I might not like Brisbane but my thoughts on the shoulder charge have nothing to do with them as a club.