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Matthew Johns sex scandal in 2002


Wow, lots of nice pretty fonts & colours in your txt. Thats wonderful.
AS for women making up a large part of socitety, f**king WOW!!! WOWWWW!! Well done on that watershed though einstein.

Very sure. Thanks for asking. I have an adequate relationship with the women & men I choose to.

I disagree. In the current hysterical environment that is female appeasement driven, I think he has been treated very fairly by all of his commercial interests.

He isn't a scape goat. He is a victim of poor marketing research & analysis done by the NRL over the last 20 years that has now shaped our current games rules & standards as priority number 1 to appease & placate women.
No, I call her a lying scheming nymphomaniac whore. My claim is supported by close to 100 witnesses who have made statements that corroborate completely. If 1 statement differed in timeline or any minor thing, charges would have been laid.
well right now this little gold digging kunnt would be fielding offers left & right & centre for her complete story. & who do you reckon wil pay the most? Thats right, f**king womens magazines!!! IA sk you this you naive twat, how long before Clare bear gets herself a manager, now that she will need to negotiate the deal with the magazine? or , does she already have 1?
you know nothing about me or my mental state or my forum persona & theatre, so stop pretending you do you smarmy little gen Y twat.
:lol: you are an absolute douche and I am so glad I know nothing about you or your lack of mental stability.


my two cents...

look i think on the whole, this whole thing is a pile of crap and that people should mind their own business when it comes to other people's sex lives. if the sex was consensual, then that's all that should matter to us. thus, matty johns has been treated unfairly. some of the stuff that has been said again him and others has been outrageous.

however, the following should also be kept in mind:

1.) matty johns had such a successful media career because of public opinion. people liked the bloke, thought he was funny, etc. thus, when public opinion comes back to bite him on the arse, it mitigates his ability to complain. basically, if ya live by the sword, you can't complain too much when ya die by it.

2.) as someone else said in one of these threads before, the ability of players to earn a living out of the game is based largely on the contributions of stakeholders like media companies, sponsors, fans, etc. many of whom, rightly or wrongly, find this sort of thing distasteful. you have to live in the world as it is, not the world as you would like it to be.

3.) there are certainly some boofhead in the game and some very dodgy areas in the culture of the game, and any opportunity to clean these up is welcome.


Ah, I love how the original complainant's story has perceived zero credibility but her workmate has instant 100% credibility.

How very simplistic of you. All the workmates side of the story has done is added even more credence to MJ's version of events. People formed their opinions on just that, it was also the little thing of the NZ police force being more than satisfied that there was no criminal act committed. Remember that?

Now those points may be insignificant to you, but for most people with any semblance of a brain they show that with what the police found, what the players said and what her workmate said provides a sh*tload more credibility than what the girl or 4C has said. She did have some credibility, in fact plenty in the general public from what i heard, but that went down to near zero after the findings of the past day and it's clear for all to see why the police found no evidence to suggest anything legal occurred.

There were obviously more workers who saw how "Clare" acted the day after so i wouldn't be surprised one bit if one or more of them come out as well. Lets hope they do because if so it'll help clear MJ's and others name without a shadow of a doubt (well for the vast majority anyway) and it'll also make the moral crusaders of this situation look like even bigger twats than they already do. It's a win both ways.
So ?? cant you work it out.

What MAUN says is rubbish.

People who sided with "claire" are still doing so and people who sided with ''Matt" are still doing so. The co-workers story has had minimal impact.

Actually thats pretty much what I was getting at. If you believe Johns' story, Tania Boyd supports your argument so you choose to believe her. If you believe "Clare", you will dismiss what she says.


A former colleague of "Clare", Tania Boyd, came forward last night on Channel 9 to claim "Clare" had actually been bragging about the incident the following day and showed no remorse. "She was bragging about it to the staff, and quite openly saying how she had sex with several players. There was no trauma whatsoever. I'm disgusted that a woman can all of a sudden change her story from having a great time to then turning it into a terrible crime," she said.

What a suprise i cant belive mathew johns lost his job over this. The girl deserves a bullet.
Yeah I read that. Doesn't surprise me in the slightest. These Riccarton girls can be naughty. She probably changed her mind after everyone she told her she was a lil too naughty.


Staff member
*high five* You, me and Shorty, the three evil wenches of LU. :roll:
Meanwhile many other females on this board have become suddenly silent. Hrrmm. Disappointing.

Amen. I have no idea what's going on anymore and it's doing my head in!
Proud of it:D
Calling every single woman involved in a scandal a sl*t, whore, hoebag, trollop, wench whatever...just isn't my style.
There is one issue here.
Filthy f**king lying scheming gold digging lazy whores. From Ferguson right through tio kiwi Clare.
its time the game got rid of females from the focus of Rugby league. f**k the trouble making gutter trash.
LOL God, what a joke you are.
Not to get in another slanging match, but do you think the reason the many other females on the board have suddenly become quiet have done so because they realized they were most likely wrong given the new evidence that has come to light?
Well maybe.
Or maybe they're just not getting involved because feminazi or other equally as descriptive words are used just because they're not taking the side of Matthew Johns and calling the woman involved some sort of derogatory name.

I'm not on either side here - But I hardly think it's appropriate to be calling this woman every name under the sun (this was before even the show had aired) and putting majority of the blame on her for 'ruining rugby league'.
And, you can count on like one f**king hand the people that are actually the only ones arguing against completely judging the girl here.

If it turns out that she consented to all of it and is just regretful then fine.
It still does not mean that every single woman that files for this is the same, people were already generalising when they'd barely heard anything...

Now, the latest news at hand in this saga is definitely interesting and yes it possibly does change people's view of the girl.
But I'd honestly like to hear from the other footballers.


Staff member
Hooray! Someone's getting it... :D

Are you f**king kidding me?

You have constantly been implying that all the other stuff is irrelevant, and the only topic up for discussion is League's image... FMD lol, I don't even know if you're serious in this post or what?

My apologies if this is not your intention but I'm sure anyone else reading your posts has picked up on this..
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First Grade
You realise Reefy is trolling you?

He also has a lot more experience than the vast majority here when it comes to group sex, making his input all the more valuable.


Are you f**king kidding me?

You have constantly been implying that all the other stuff is irrelevant, and the only topic up for discussion is League's image... FMD lol, I don't even know if you're serious in this post or what?

My apologies if this is not your intention but I'm sure anyone else reading your posts has picked up on this..
What are you talking about?

I've been saying it's not all about Matthew Johns, and we need to get past the personality aspect and reactions, and the legaue needs to look at the underlying issue (which includes, and massively effects leagues PR and image).

This was actually the gist of the entire footy show discussions on it last night, beside the one bit where Gus spoke about how Johns has been handling it.

Finally, Timmah looked like he had realised that there is an issue to be discussed separately beyond Johns, and beyond the Christchurch girl, and the consent and blah blah blah. That's what my comment to him you've quoted was about...

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