So, I ask all those people who were all "oh, the poor girl, Matty Johns is a scumbag and deserves everything he gets", what do you think now? Now we have a former workmate of this NZ woman saying she bragged about having sex with these players for several days after the event before changing her story. Why did she change her story? Perhaps because all of a sudden she was like "oh f**k, Matty Johns was there that night, I can make some money out of all of this!!"
You know the more I think about it the more I ponder what I would've done and how I would've reacted if I were Matt Johns over the past week... and I just can't see myself sucking it up like he has and showing and admitting any blame whatsoever apart from infidelity to my wife.
To be honest if I were Matty I would go down swinging. He's lost everything, why not tell it like is and really put some serious questions to this woman? Don't prance around the issue: come right out and say she's an absolute liar and she's only making a big deal out of this because of who I am. Where was she over the last 7 years? Why should I have justify myself to any of you people when I haven't committed a crime? Why is Brett Stewart back in the NRL even though he actually faces real criminal charges? I've done nothing wrong and I refuse to apologise. What are you going to do about it? Hang me out to dry? Sack me? You've done it anyway.
Bring this girl in and I'll do an interview with her together. She can say whatever she wants and ask me any question she likes, and I can do the same. Then we will say who walks away with more credibility.
I know he can't do any of those things if he wants to salvage his career down the track, but gee you'd be tempted to say what you really think and tear her story to pieces. How many more of these ex work colleagues are out there with stories to tell about the bragging and lack or pain and remorse she actually showed at the time? I'd say plenty!
I'm glad I'm not famous that's for sure. Some of the stuff that I'm sure plenty of people in the world have done would be pretty embarrassing if the other party came forward later and said "oh no I didn't really want that to happen. I may have consented at the time, but I in hindsight I don't consent at all. These are all the things that we did and I'm not happy about them anymore..." That would be a terrifying situation for many many people, quite possibly including some of the people who are so happy to be shouting their mouths off about it at the moment.